
Trump literally assassinated a major political figure and nobody gives a fuck.

Can you imagine the outrage if some forgein country drone striked one of our well known governmental higher ups? They would get wiped off the map. But no, because it's an iranian guy nobody cares. Fuck this gay earth!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Awww you mad that your subversive general got killed and there's no coup in Iran? Netanyahu will die soon and you can't stop it.


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3 years down, almost 5 to go of watching histrionic liberals reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about everything because:
>orange man bad
>orange man make me mad
>Time for my dilation again
>That's better
Your screeching and seething have been an endless source of entertainment you pathetic cunts.

You should wipe this thread off the catalogue, it sucks and you are a bad poster.
0/10 would drone


Owners of the Blood Rings are part of the 300?
Find the other rings, Anons.

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Fuck sand niggers


go away commie piece of shit.

>might makes right

Literally no one gives a fuck about Iran

Obama did the same thing except to Americans

Fuck you, sandnigger, go back to your litter box nation.


You niggers wouldnt know a good president if you saw one. Trump is blatantly doing very little and ignoring advice of the CDC and any experts under his command. He squandered the oppurtunity to enact the Defense Production Act early. All he did was close our borders with China and then act like he was at fucking messiah for doing so. Trump is the equivilant of supporting someone who is mentally retarded just because they are a NatSoc. Kys nigger.q

wasn't one of them like a 16 year old american?

No one is going to miss Soleimani, OP. He wasn't a good person.

"but hurr durr his daughter blah blah blah". Do you also feel anything for the offspring of cattkes, deers, or any animal that has died to feed you?

Iran deserves a nuclear bomb that covers their entire territory in nuclear fallout.

The dude was a fucking terrorist Fuck you

His policies are killing niggers and trannies, which is all I really care about.

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If you think that image is disturbing, I suggest you don’t look at how chinks treat doggerinos or how mexican cartels decapitate their enemies.

>No one is going to miss Soleimani, OP. He wasn't a good person.

Ok everyone answer me this. Why is Soleimani less deserving of respect/empathy than western whores like Kim Kardashian? It's people like that who should not be tolerated, not statesmen.

Our other choice is Biden who would probably do the same thing plus put a black woman in our supreme court and die and leave us with his black woman VP. Our government is completely rotten.

Gee wow, you must have a very complex worldview. Go down to home depot and buy a rope to hang yourself from.

>Why is Soleimani less deserving of respect/empathy than western whores like Kim Kardashian?

Kim Kardashian isn't a military leader, doesn't promote deaths or injuries to innocent people, isn't complacent with a government that restricts liberties...
Are you seriously having empathy for Soleimani?

How much are you being paid for this thread?
Fuck, you don't deserve your Social Security Number.

Yeah except them who died on his birthday.
He's old and would've corona'ed anyway'


What's a matter, too BASED for you?

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SSN means we are enslaved to jew government to pay taxes into SS pool we will never benefit from. Going off the grid makes more sense.

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Why are you so angry?

>restricts liberties
Classic liberal talking point. Im assume what you mean by that is not allowing homosexuals to have the freedom to have sex in public. Wow so terrible

do people forget about the CIA dude who got shot down right after. both countries were purging some turncoats and didn't seem to mind


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He did it for kikes and anything done for kikes = virtuous in this shit nation.

orange man bad, except when he does what schlomo wants

we should be thankful schlomo is super smart and looks out for regular people

His policies are gassing kikes mentally, which is all I care about.

You mean trump himself piloted the drone? The president is just there to take the blame, the decisions are made by other people.

I’m all for gunning down the kardashians. Didn’t butters do it on an episode of South Park?

>His policies are killing niggers and trannies
Except their not. He's always bragging about 'muh black unemployment', and I don't recall him doing anything to help kill trannies.

might is right, retard.

this is what you should do to your enemies. now go wipe the sand out of your vagina.

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Okay, you found a way to go around my argument.
Your citizenship. Revoke it yourself. Burn your documents. You do not deserve it.

Of course not. Who truly cares about gays?
Iran also restricts the internet services, user. Also, Iran allies themselves with Russia. Another liberty-taking country. You can't use Yas Forums there.

Do you really want to support such a place?

This sand-nigger was a hundred times more based than Trump ever was.

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Self defense mother fucker. You should stay in your caves.

I literally can't tell if the people in this thread are baiting or are legitimately retarded

>equating Americans with outlanders

He makes trannies seethe contributing to their already ludicrously high suicide rate.

The elites willed it, and so it happened

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US ambassador got literally raped and burnt alive by an angry mob in Libya and noone gives a shit.

Soleimani was fucking around in Baghdad leading a siege on the US embassy. If he stayed in Iran he would've been safe

>Italian poster

I already know what is his skin tone. Very, very dark.

>because it's an iranian guy nobody cares


>Trump literally assassinated a major political figure and nobody gives a fuck.

American government is infested with jews, and Trump does what they say.

op is a faggot this guy was iranian and died in iraq if he would have stayed in iran he wouldnt of become bbq

Deaths are all from urban areas from people with pre-existing problems. Gays, trannies and niggers and other degenerates are being purged by coronachan's feet.

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Drone striked? I really hate Americans.
Shakespeare used those same letters, have some respect.

He was a brown moron that got baited and drone striked by a reality TV star.

No, I will keep being neet. Is more comfy to watch tryhard wagies like you scream.

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>Bombs the shit out of some raghead big-shot on his own turf.
>Nobody does anything about it because they're all too scared shitless of Trump lobbing missiles at them next

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>dude does stupid shit for years
>wins drone strike
sounds about right actually

We are reaching critical butthurt levels here guys...from here to the election is now totally uncharted territory. How much more seething can they handle before mass suiciding?

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>literal hue calling an italian dark
fucking lmao


>implying that guy isn't a libyan

We never had a mass immigration of Africans along with 'cultural mixing' and havoc wrecked by africans that never saw a half-working country.

>Fuck this gay earth!
Who gives a fuck? He's a sandnigger.

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it was an act of war against a country they aren't at war with. The next time America gets hit with a sneak attack like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 it will be fair to point out that they fight just as dirty

>Despotic currynigger from rapekidsistan gets killed to death

>No fucks given

How it should be.



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OP is an Iranian

Iranians just make them ladyboys.

Soleimani was given up by the Iranian clerics.

The theocracy WANTED to get rid of the dangerous general. Soleimani was the second most powerful figure in government and was gaining popularity (by his media campaigns). This fed his megalomania and militarism. He was inflaming things in all the Middle East, including Iran.

The clerics knew it was a matter of time till a coup was initiated so they made a deal with the Americans. The US knew exactly when and where to strike, with the minimum of collateral damage. The US got a high-value target, the Iranian clerics got rid of a threat with no blowback. Soleimani's factions in Iran and nearby states were rounded up and neutralized.

Remember, the Iranians did a favour for Reagan with the hostage crisis release. Fuck Jimmy Carter.

The US did Iran a favour by ridding a popular dangerous pest and absorbing the blame. Fuck Soleimani.

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>They would get wiped off the map.
No they would not.

The narrative from /sg/tards is that he was going to be the one true sandniggerino hitler to "defeat israel" because they think real life is videogames which is why you have that one canadian who unironically converted to shiite islam.

Citizens in other countries aren’t patriotic like Americans are. Iranians do not give a shit about who is in their government.

The niggers going to work are not getting killed in black on black gang violence, it's like a soft form of eugenics for the black community.
Trannies are usually hard left so are seething at orangeman everyday - possibly pushing them closer to becoming a percentage.
Great work all round for emperor orange.

>Kim Kardashian isn't a military leader, doesn't promote deaths or injuries to innocent people, isn't complacent with a government that restricts liberties

Lol, and what about Trump? I don't give a single fuck about the dead Iranian, but OP is right that the world is full of shit.