This Happening Sucks

I don't want this happening anymore.

Fuck you guys for convincing me that the happening was going to be cool. Instead it's just a slow dragging death show until you suffocate.

Fuck you.

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Youre a shortsighted weakling shinji

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It's not ending any time soon. Download a shit load of games/books/anime/movies/fap material and get comfy. Spanish Flu lasted 3 years.

There are many types of happenings, some are better than others.

This isn't a happening. Yas Forums thinks it's a happening, but they don't even realize that they're suppressing a real Happening: 5 million dead Boomers. THAT would be a real happening. This is nothing.

>Youre a shortsighted weakling shinji

then how about YOU get in the fucking robot, you lazy good for nothing spectator?

fuck yall

Im too busy porking my daughterwife and bringing about the end of humanity for muh dik to care about robots. Grow up.

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>to care about robots.

then why bring up a evangelion reference?

it's a show thats literally about robots.

also, boomers are useless, pic related, it explains it all.

have fun being hunted by NPC gangstalkers!

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No shit. I bet cult followers reach a similar realisation.

Youre just like your mother shinji

I feel the same way.

I wanted to go to the dentist. My teeth are in pain. And I have to wait now for lockdown to end

>Youre just like your mother shinji

why, because I left as well?

sorry, I just got tired of giving your Jewish girlfriend $600 every month to live in your basement.

this is just a distraction from the real happening... it hasn't even started

Flossing prevents dental visits and floss is a dollar.

The best kind of happening is one where you can really feel the fragility of your own mortality and this one is driving the ones who thought they were in control up the fucking walls with terror. 10 out of 10 would happen again.

No. Its because your ass looks great in a skirt. Get in the skirt shinji.

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Its just beginning bro. This is a really long 1st act.

happening larpers are so cringeworthy

What happening, dumbfuck?
Nothing ever happens.

sorry, but even your ID says you're kind of a dumbfuck.

>No. Its because your ass looks great in a skirt. Get in the skirt shinji.

damn, you gay.

have you filled up that jewelry box your jewish GF's son got her for christmas yet?

This. Wait for wave 2, that shits gonna be comfy


Normies ruining it for everyone is all that’s happening from this habbening

This. Act II is another great depression, act III is civil unrest and if we're lucky we'll get a civil war in act IV and a ward war in act V


Shut the fuck up nerd.

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>Act III
Politicians are aware of this, cabin fever is a larger threat to re-election than the virus itself

btw, your daughter is dead, she was replaced by a mossad art student. because she's your favorite.

they want your money.

This: I live on the water, have a pool, a game room (pool table etc), tons of booze, hot professional wife, I’m off but gettin paid as I always do when I’m off (school 1/2 the year and paid year round), got weed for the summer, got toyz, got several hobbies and lotsa projects to do, got no reason to leave the house...let it roll.


Happening are all fun and games until they actually happen.

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>I don't want this happening anymore.
it's not even a happening yet

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>evangelion is a show about robots
You obviously didn’t understand the show you retarded normatron

I told other anons, I would hope for a giant meteor or ayyy invasion. At least we could fight, again is a fucking invisible treat. At least chinese virus is more real than climate change cause by human waste.


the worse is yet to come

You guys are gonna get a rude awakening. We've barely started. I bet you believe the official numbers and statistics. Fucking retards.

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Everyone had to complain about Trump starting WW3, but what would you prefer: this bullshit or an epic battle?

this isn't better, fuck all you fucking pacifists

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that's been true for several decades now.

Ah yes a vírus that despite having low chance of killing doesn't even have to kill you, just use you against you.

The more kino shit happens after. Leave behind something fucked up for the archaeologists to find

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there's nothing to understand you anime retard. It's a show about horny sad teenagers who turn into robots

are you gonna cry? piss your pants maybe? shit and cum? you’re too deep in this happening. there’s no escape and it’s wonderful

Grandpa Undertaker is beating the ass of some kid that doubted satan's power on Wrestlemania 36. There's no greater happening than that.

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maybe if you fucking cunts would build a robot that wasn’t an unholy abomination between man and machine, then maybe Id get in the damn thing

have your balls even dropped?

based wrestlemania bro
did you just see KO fucking bomb dive on rollins

you have to be 18 to post here, kiddo

you should take your own advice, m8

The happening is not the virus. The happening is the quickness which which governments used an overhyped disease to steal our rights and put the world under a permanent police state.

>two weeks
>two months
>two waves
Get bent you insufferable faggots. Funny how your happening posting died off once the lockdowns were announced. Almost like you assholes glow and were pushing panic to distract everyone from the seizure of our freedoms.

heh, taste of your own medicine, pal

The real happening will begin soon. Please be seated.

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what a pussy! this is fun.

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I did. Life is good.

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We got monkey paw'd. Nobody asked for a virus happening. Everyone else wanted WW3, Alien invasion, Daemonic incursion, giant floodings, Jesus appearing, or a Supervolcanic eruption.

Instead, we got the most boring happening possible, a fucking virus outbreak, wherein we can't even see the threat.

i'm hoping so, so far it's just been politicians restricting freedoms and acquiring expanding powers over the people, while the people dob each other and praise big daddy government.

It'll be over in two weeks.

Yeah this happening sucks ass its so slow and if I see another X corp wants to say we are blah blah Im going to snap

That Taker match was some REAL candy-ass shit but I did like the Metallica song playing over the American Badass persona. Who's rona?

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I'll just say I am privy to some information that will blow every user's mind. I'm probably the only person on Earth who knows.

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I just want to go back to work to be honest but the way the economy is god knows what will happen in the coming months. Political street brawls will be on the rise more and more

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It’s the homopocalypse

Sit at home and watch your soaps while “hero” nurses save the day.

It’s gay as fuck

It is pretty gay now I have to work from home my job is even harder and a shit load of layoffs so its like work even harder

probably because you're the only one with access to your anus, where that information is most likely sourced.

Yeah, this happening isn't fun at all. I'm depressed as fuck.

>much waves
Seriously hate that argument doomers sit on
>what are 1st wave antibodies
The numbers that have it are nowhere close to reported due to flying under the radar, future waves won’t mean dick

Just give it time, 3/4 of the year remains and that is plenty of time for the world to get fucked up. Just 4 months ago the concern was the Virginia Spring, now many people are stuck in their homes on account of a virus they had never heard of a few months ago and is of questionable lethality. The economic impacts are going to be global and shattering. Who knows how people will act once they are set loose outside again? Come what may, I look forward to the bounties Corona promises us, manifest in the uncertain shape of things to come. Despite the other dangers it presents, more confusion means it will be harder for the jew to encompass us in his chains. The failures of so many different governmental systems to effectively contain the outbreak will not be forgotten for some time.

Same here

>Fuck you guys for convincing me that the happening was going to be cool
lmao stick to youtube/facebook until you're a big boy

Maybe you are right. We will see soon. :3

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good man

make your own happening

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