/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements

What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))

>But what really is National Socialism?

Would you like to know more? Check out the pastebin & learn the truth!

Security first! Follow this guide to stop your ISP from spying on your browser traffic, & to view blocked sites.

These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- BRAND NEW VIDEO: bitchute.com/video/266QQeZTEN43/

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Other urls found in this thread:


why did hitler steal an asian symbol and try to pass it off as his own?

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Schones Geburtstag Mein Fuhrer!

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kein mehrheit für die mitleid!

New Video Message Series from James Mason (Author of SIEGE) and in this episode he talks about Christianity, How we live in the age of Satan, Feds and their tricks and how modern NS followers are the apostles of their time.


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Also tip on hosting for Project White for anyone involved in that. Just use Epik Hosting, they already host other NS websites iirc and they also host Gab too and it's CEO Rob Monster said he won't take you down for saying mean shit whatsoever.
this should solve your guy's hosting issues and make it where Antifa can't do shit in terms of mass reporting. This also goes for anyone in this thread looking to start their own website. Just use Epik Hosting.

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That where we're planning on moving. We're just taking this time to really modernize the website :)

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You need to leave this board /quickly/ DO IT NOW
Stop hesitating. Your movement is being undermined by funposting.

Nice. Even though Epik has WhoIs protection, you should look into using Anonymize as well just so they can't just trace it to Epik. anonymize.com/ couldn't hurt for the extra protection.

Hitler stole the symbol from a H.P. Blavatsky's beta orbiters.

We saw that listed on Epik's website and were checking it out. We were also looking into njal.la/

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Pls OP keep doing this threads!
You are making the Führer stolz!
SiG Heil!

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Nice, yeah can't wait to see you guys restart your stuff back up. I'm in the middle of a website myself. Though I can't talk about the project until it launches though. Which is expected to be around Early September. What I can say is that an aspect of it will be selling books considering Amazon is now banning any and all NS books even recently banned every edition of Mein Kampf except the normalfag translation that's purposefully mistranslated and filled with annotations. Thankfully these books like Mein Kampf or Henry Ford's books on Jews and alike were mainly written nearly 100 years ago and are public domain. Down the line if it's proven successful we'll expand books to sell including Rockwell's. Sadly I can't print and sell Dr. Pierce's books like The Turner Diaries because Will Williams holds the ownership on that and he's known for suing people who even provide the shit for free because he's a greedy boomer cunt. Anyways when the project launches everyone here will be the first to know.

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Checked and saved

Can't wait to see it!

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Saved and will re-post elsewhere


Will do


Nice image

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>not degenerate

Gab is a jewish glownigger site, explain yourself

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>Gab is a jewish glownigger site, explain yourself
may be but it's the only place that won't instaban you so it's better than nothing.

It's better than getting called a glowing namefaggot here.

>only place
You’re here

sieg heil

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user long ago there was a culture here that created a system of booby traps for newfags, kike shill, glowniggers and journalists to be exposed with. Some oldfags are still here trying to enforce that lost culture. Pic related.

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True but you also need a platform where groups and organizations can make announcements and give updates on shit that will still be up by the next day.

Nazi fags, The Jews Trump card every single fucking time.

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Sure are, summerfag.

Nat Soc goy!

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Sieg Heil!

Checked. Fair point.

You know, NMR is a National Socialist organization, right?

>oldfag wants to namefag
You may be some ancient imageboard oldfag, but not a Yas Forumsack

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Both of those groups on the top are NS. Especially the NRM who are outright open about it.

No true Yas Forumsack fantasies are common in socialist LARPing threads, seldom true. There is one and only one question which determines your worth.

Is National Socialism an ironic ideology?

It’s only ironic if you’re a newfag. National Socialism is the most honest and best ideology.

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Based German

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Finish this song.

But do you recall
The most famous fanous facist of all?

Adolf the angry nazi
Had a really small mustache
And if you ever saw it
You would even say sieg heil

All of the other nations
Used to tax and fine duecthland
They never let poor adolf
Join the league of jew nations

To the pissed off aryans
Hitler came to say
Germans with your arms so high
Wont you gas these jews tonight

Then the all aryans loved him
As they shouted out sieg heil
Adolf the angry nazi
You'll go down in history

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SIEGE Audiobook for anyone interested.


I also linked James Mason's new video series for anyone interested here

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Oof. Here's your sign.

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