Bill Gates says public gatherings will not happen unless everybody gets vaccinated.


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Bill gates will die before 2020 is over.


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Bill Gates should should the fuck up and admit him and his pals' plan did not work.

>the new Soros
Shit we have to look forward to his kooky ass for the next 20-30 years, don’t we? Fuck

Die already you old fuck. I can't believe two years ago I thought he seemed like a 'nice guy'


billie isnt our leader and he needs to shut his fucking mouth. He has ZERO authority.

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No he doesn't. He knows.
Time to thank that sperging sperg!
Thanks Bill, I was wrong!

witnessed. put me in da cap.

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After you Bill. What was that Bill? You won't take your own vaccine? You wouldn't give it to your own children? Well fuck you Bill, practice what you preach or get the fuck out.

Sounds like the sort of thing that would make people coof in politicians faces.

>bill gates once again running his mouth about shit outside of his expertise

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You first, Bill.

>nostradamus hasn´t posted on Yas Forums
put them in the cap

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I’ve never seen a non Jew shill a scam so fucking hard.


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Twitter fag changes it to
>Will not come back AT ALL
MAY not come back at all, not to mention the clip being taken totally out of context
Nice try schizo fag

we had quite a few public gatherings in the first half of March, how come all of those people aren't dead by now?

yes, I know.
You into lifeboating?
Great thread going on here --->
Come one, come all! welcome!

So, take the literal revelations mark of the beast, or starve to death?

I'll take death over the chip.


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Bill gates should shut the fuck up. Retarded fuckin nerd.

You won't have to take any stupid chip. Just cut the crap. Bill loves you and no, he will not make you take vaccine.

>Bill loves you

no, he's a shitstain on the planet.

Absolutely fucking witnessed!

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I used to like him. Now i wish that pie was a knife.

>Bill Gates says
LOL. why didn`t KILL someone this motherfucker yet ?

Good I hope he gets raped to death by a pack of feral niggers.

Bill Gates bought Dos and then turned around and obtained money from IBM for it and hired people to develop it further
Like most rich elite success fags, he was merely a middle man with money

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show flag chinkike

I’ll keep posting it in every one of these threads, ON WHAT AUTHORITY DOES BILL GATES PRESUME HE SPEAKS WITH

om mani padme hum,
you don`t fucking SAY, faggot.

for what purpose fatmutt?
try to make me.

Who voted this cunt to become king of the world again? trying to shill his mark of the beast as if he wont provoke literally millions into violence

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Bill Gates is a goyim and not Jewish. So therefore I don't buy most of this boogeyman talk about him. Sure he is a faggot, but he is not this sinister guy that so many of you make him out to be. Sure, I am skeptical of vaccines and ID shit. But from a certain intellectual perspective, it actually makes sense.

If Hitler and the Nazis were in control of the world, I would get vaccinated and ID chipped if they told me. Because I know they are benevolent rulers who are looking out for the best interests of the Volk. I think most people here do not so much have an issue with the concept of vaccines itself, but rather the degenerate rulers in charge who are ordering these things.

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You first, Bill.

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He also way under paid the guy for it, and the poor guy was desperate for money so he did
And shut the fuck up that info is not just for you, it's for any lurkers in the thread
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were literally just middle men with money
Normies don't know that, they think they're geniuses and so their opinions are really "smart" and should be listened to
Get the fuck away from me you nazi

>execute order 66

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I thought so too man, I thought so too.
He is actually pretty based. For such sperg
When you, if you ever change your mind I might start to have some boat themed threads here if jannies let me.
See you there if, when etc etc

I used windows Vista. I'm not letting that dork put a microchip in my arm.

Idk why he even has as much motivational power that he does.
He needs to fuck off

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>Would accept the mark of the beast if it had nazi wrapping
the mask slips

this audacity, really...
BUT IT WÖRKS, de people be afffraid

Based and checked.


Why would you? Don't you wanna live?

fuck they are pushing hard for more control.
using this "virus crisis" to enact their pet projects.

OH, okay. Not even THE enlightend ONE could learn more from you, thank you for your hatred.

>fuck they are pushing hard for more control.
Not true. There is no more control to push to.

>using this "virus crisis" to enact their pet projects.
Not true, but kinda true.

>Would accept the mark of the beast if it had nazi wrapping


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Since when does this pencil neck computer geek have any authority? Why is he even relevant?

those numbers don't lie

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>He is actually pretty based.

no, he's not.

he wants to enslave the entire world, and the backdoors he built into windows have allowed the dems and hillary access to all government computer services, and they are using that to screw over americans, and steal shit on a massive scale.

$10 says that most dem donations were stolen from americans through banking and transaction hacking.

Just wait two (?) more weeks, bro!
>Bill is love! Bill is life!


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Bill Sperging out again. Hopefully someone will off the cunt.

Can somebody stop this piece of shit?

Why are you so upset? Having a bad day? Does someone have cranky pants?
Just pull yourself up by your boot straps and buck up champ.

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I actually still use it.

How could one go about killing this evil nigger faggot in minecraft?

Not gonna try to be insufferable cunt here. I just am.

Somebody has gone through awful lot of trouble and effort to give you guys more than enough to do during this happening.
>Fucking floor is full of breadcrumbs!

Your call, but why not get fuckd like never before when there is once in a lifetime opportunity. Once in history!
Paid professionals are more than eager to help you if need arises!

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Checked. Also there will never be a vaccine.

I'm sorry, I keep forgetting: When exactly did we elect Bill Gates President?

God i hate the tech industry

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>there will never be a vaccine

look at the sissified reaction of that faggot. Never made a webm in my life but had to make this one.

Bill Gates is probably the only billionaire who is actually doing something useful with his money.

>thinking any of us are governed by “elected” officials

That would be tragic. I codemn in the strongest possible terms any attempt to harm our kindly benefactor Bill Gates.

It did work though. Everyone is locked down & crying out for a "cure". Normies will be begging for the chip after a few months of this.

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>aspiring to digitally chip earths whole population
>mandatory vaccine goy
>doing something useful with his money

I know, user. I know.

Yeah what that motherfucker is actually trying to say is those days are gone. ‘Corona’ means a common cold type virus. As I have been telling you for weeks this exact type of virus was always taught to be the most likely natural disaster type end to the human species all during the Cold War/20th century.

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