Second Wave Expected to Kill 28% World Population

The facts so far regarding corona:
>so far more dangerous than any other pandemic in recorded human history
>16.2% actual death rate (hidden by Jews)
>no known cure and attacks again after remission
>stays in body forever
>death count is much higher than recorded, there is evidence that the entire population of Wuhan is dead
>healthy young people are not safer than others and have a 72% chance of suffering permanent brain damage from this virus
>only possible way to resolve the issue is at least 6 years of lockdown, martial law and mandatory vaccines
>social distancing should be at least 8m and needs to implemented within households and within families.
>there is a growing body of evidence that a vegan diet may also be the best approach to resisting corona since cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans
This is literally the end times and retards on this board still believe this is the common flu.

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Other urls found in this thread:

look at those nipples. dude is definitely gay, get those puppies tweaked on the regular.

Stop being retarded.

the end is near

>WaIT AnoThEr TOO weeKS!!

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>these are the FACTS about the virus, and I am the only one who knows about them or is reporting on them


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You need to go back faggot

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>death count is much higher than recorded, there is evidence that the entire population of Wuhan is dead


Bs faggot, kys

I like 28 percent, high enough to be a true civilizational happening but low enough to be believable.

See you at the end of April user!

Attached: flu-peak-activity-updated.jpg (582x349, 24.11K)

Why the fuck would I go to that shithole?

Just think, in a few days .1% of Americans will have the coronavirus! It's like 1 whole person from your high school being sick! End times are upon us, end times

Lmao imagine taking the time to post all this bullshit

>there is a growing body of evidence that a vegan diet may also be the best approach to resisting corona since cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans

you can suck a nigger dick for not quoting 1 study

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>there is evidence that the entire population of Wuhan is dead


Range ban for all Australians.

Nice bear n' bull DESU

get if true

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oh shit.

>there is evidence that the entire population of Wuhan is dead
Wut. Stop talking out of your ass like a nigger.

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With these digits I can't believe anything you say.

I've been working retail and we've been staying open during all of this. Ive been surrounded by coofers. Nothing has happened. I feel fine.

This is LITERALLY the flu. This is so overblown it's incredible.

Ignore panic shills. Notice OP's source (and his grasp of the concept of a wave).

nice source faggot

Choke to death on bat cocks, Chang.

You would know ya pooftah

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>there is a growing body of evidence that a vegan diet may also be the best approach to resisting corona since cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans
Fuck you, fuck australia and fuck your kiwis and all that spider shit.

oh shit

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I hate that unfunny bald manlet junky faggot so much. Hey Joe, why don't you stop injecting HGH and testosterone for a few months and we'll see how manly you are


fucking nothing burger. just used to take away peoples rights. possibly a test run

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Faggot shit post, disinfo

>death count is much higher than recorded, there is evidence that the entire population of Wuhan is dead

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I don't know who you are even shilling for at this point.

>>there is a growing body of evidence that a vegan diet may also be the best approach to resisting corona since cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans
are bugs still on the menu, kike?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x340, 82.6K)

>trust me bro

>there is a growing body of evidence that a vegan diet may also be the best approach to resisting corona since cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans.

You nearly had me.

Fake and extremely gay.

Doomer faggot

based retard


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>saturated fat is bad
>species literally evolved on some greens, nuts & berries and anything it can hunt and eat.

Kys didnt believe it and that sealed the deal.

>since cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans
no, just bug people
the rest of us were raised on that

That's all bullshit, but you're right about it not being the common flu. It's more like a very uncommon flu.

youre just making up numbers you fuck

Stop being a fucking retard

nice peer review source faggot


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Hydroxychloroquine. Fuck you and all of corrupt pharma who were BTFO by a 60 year old malaria drug. You've lost ALL TRUST.


Shut up faggot

a flaggot calls a leaf a redditor


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>no source
>1 post by this ID


>end times
This is what the kikes wants you to believe to nothing and stay confined.

This is what need to be done if you want to stop this 5G viral pneumonia:

People are waking up to this 5G experiment on humans.

It’s not a Chinese virus but a radiation sickness induced by the highest electrification the earth/humans ever experienced.

The lie lays behind the 5G deadly effects on humans.

I thought it will be a good thread when we can discuss the potential outcome of the virus for economy and global politics but unfortunately its another homoerotic fanfic

>there is evidence that the entire population of Wuhan is dead

fuck off dumb schizo

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Auschwitz needed 6 ovens to cremate 1.5 million bodies
Wuhan needs 40 ovens
Do the math

somewhere in this planet an underpaid bunch of nerdy people are working non stop to find a cure for this virus. Hold on tight people and send positive energy to these people...

You should be reported to authorities for spreading fake news and panic. In places like Russia you’d get several years in prison

You do realise that entire Italian cities have been wiped out? The media is hugely downplaying this event and telling us not to worry.

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K, keep me posted

its kinda neat living through another happening. we finally fucking got one. and once this is over we're heading right into the second great depression. we live in such exciting times.

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>cholesterol and saturated fat are pure poison to humans
kill yourself retard, the brain is made of saturated fat and cholesterol

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Uh oh

This. The gyno is strong in Toe Rogaine.

Fake news. This is the common flu dresses up as some special virus. kys faggot.

Airborn brain-eating Sars-Ebola-Aids confirmed.

Is this true? Is the sickness caused by 5g? How come it only effects some people? This is crazy. What do we do to stop it, just destroy 5g towers? I have 5g tower on my property. I live on a big piece of land and leased part of it to AT&T. Should I go destroy the tower? I need answers!!!

newfag zoomer, respect your elders you little bitch.