Trump might allow churches to meet on Easter Sunday

Did Yas Forums catch when Trump said he was considering letting churches meet next Sunday? Dare I say /ourguy/? Covid and Satanists btfo:

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Dumbass he wants more dead

At least itll be christians and republicans

kys fgt

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atheists btfo. stay home forever or get your jebus.

You're stupid af lmfao

Can christniggers not just stay in there fucking home and read their bible? Christcucks think the power of their sky daddy will protect them from a global pandemic.

>kills his own voter base

4d chess

Israelis need to be systematically killed

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Let them go
Let them all get it
Mostly its entitled morons we would be better off without
>muh religious freedumb

Sorry sweety im a wyatt man
I just believe in one less tooth fairy than these morons

Nice manlet in front

So many angry Israelis today

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Surely the governors who have willfully destroyed their economies would claim states rights and ignore this

>he wants more dead
Covid is a hoax senpai. Smh what a dummy

Silence thy ignorant tongue

So many faggot cucks who think their sky daddy is real
Go to church
Take your mamaw
And your kids
And your neighbors kids

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Good. Let the boomer remover do its work.

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Thats how i know i make you nazi dicksuckers mad is when your only retort is to call me a kike hahaha
Sorry buddies
Not a kike
Hate them too
Slightly less
Than i hate you

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You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Netanyahoo should have been hung by his balls already

It hurts you more when you realize white men hate you doesnt it

I agree even last fucking kike should be burned alive but that includes you dumb fuckers that worship a dead jew. You all have a jewish worldview. Here if I have to put it in christnigger speak for you does your bible not say to pray in your closet have a personal relationship with god? Why do you retards need to go spreading the virus.
I guess but still me not wanting them to catch the virus makes me a kike now.

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Stay home you stupid fucking nigger
hail satan

My church is planning on doing an Easter service regardless of what they're told to do.

Imagine anything other than sucking Orange Jew dick would be going on here.

In all honesty, most people were probably going to go to church anyway.

>worship a dead jew
Must have not got the memo that Jesus resurrected on the third day. Why are you so angry? We don't pray on the streets baka.

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Good. More dead christfags is a good thing. Abrahamic religions are what opened the door for postmodernism because they can't address or model reality, only assert that reality itself is wrong because they say so. They don't even understand their own religion.

Jesus Christ will punish the uppish that ignore medicine given to us.
Pray in your homes, anons.
Your jewish president doesn't love you, white american.

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Thank God man I've been an agnostic my whole life despite being a confirmed catholic my whole life. I want God more than ever rn. You want to be a pussy keep your ass at home.

Why are there only 2 echoes on that meme. Man you Israeli shills are stupid.

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Just like they have during every other plague. And just like every other time it won't work, they will all get infected because they're insane and unhygienic, and they will start screeching about end times and the puishment of their non-existent invisible sky daddy.

Expecting christians to behave rationally or understand anything whatsoever is foolish.


because you dumb niggers are going to end up spreading the disease and killing off more Whites. Unlike you fucking animals I actually give a shit about my race even if so many of them are brainless retards that worship a kike on a spike.
Take your meds schizo I saved that shit years ago. But yes I must be a kike because I shared a meme that has been posted 1000s of times here. Honestly you are so fucking stupid that it blows my mind you are supposedly on the same side as me when it comes to fighting the rat.

sorry I meant for

>one out of context, paraphrased Bible quote dictates the entire doctrine of prayer
Norm was right, athiests are the worst kind of people.

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Is it True you guys will need to pay back the Trumpbux?

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He wasn't, that was added later. The resurrection story is a combination of three unrelated and much older myths. Jesus was thrown in Gehenna, a garbage-burning pit outside the city, for three days before he was retrieved and embalmed.

Learn the actual bible instead of the lies the jews taught Constantine in their war against the truth contained in aryan christianity.

.26 IFR, kill yourself

Evangelicals are just chomping at the bit for their Rapture bullshit. They're destroying the entire world for their Jesus lust. Fuck them.

Jesus taught ancient vedic Luciferianism and if you knew a damn thing about history or anthropology you wouldn't be a Christian. The jews corrupted his teachings at the Council of Niceae to create a religion that bred slaves that were proud of their slavery.

cool, is he going to let my job open up again so that I don't fucking starve?

This mentality is the whole reason why Italy, Spain, and Iran got hit so hard.

I think kikes christfags and mudslimes are the worst kinds of people.
why would a jew even attack your sky daddy? You faggots are always sucking jew cock? They love stupid christians as they are their biggest supporters? Tell me how does your religion help fight against the jew?

4 months in and it doesn't seem nearly as contagious as the flu.

Should be fine to set up a drive-in movie style event, where everyone stays in their cars and watches.

Why are the vast majority of cases in blue state urban retard shitholes?

Based. Literally the second coming of Christ.

Everybody should be turning to God now. Those who aren't are implicitly threatening the lives of everyone else. CV = God screaming at us.

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Based! So many Christcucks will die!

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the lockdown and grinding the jewish economy to a halt isn't good for israel you fucking mongoloid

Aryan as fuck

This, fuck Christcucks. Especially Catholics.

only a braindead leftist degenerate could have created such a vulgar image

You don't have to be an atheist to realize all the abrahamic religions are evil insanity full of lies. In fact that realization and learning about aryan christianity, the fact that Satan=Saturn, and the fact that Lucifer is not the devil but our own potential to commune with "god" is part of what breaks people out of atheism.

If you Christians were less insane you wouldn't create so many atheists in response. You are not privy to the absolute truth, nor any part of it, even to the most infinitesimal degree.

All atheists need to research the Denisovans, read A Critique of Pure Reason and Thus Spake Zarathustra, then research vedicism and look up a man named Robert Sepehr. Not necessarily in any particular order. And it's just the start.

All christians should just off themselves. Suicide is only a sin because a pope didn't like that corpses can't pay taxes.

>gift from heaven

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That's hilarious and desperate. Tired.of losing, Satan?

Revelation 2:9, KJV: "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."