ITT we discuss the pothead problem, and what we're going to do about it. Research has conclusively proven, time and time again, that marijuana use makes people stupid, impulsive and hostile. EG:
The pothead scourge must end. These subhumans cannot be allowed to fester in our society any longer. Their habits are enabled by our ruling class. We must stop the enabling.
Weed has changed my life. Made me realize that life is finite, and I haven't got much time left.
Logan Edwards
I used to pick up half finished marijuana joints from the ground here. Thanks to coronachan people are hanging out outside less so they're not dropping as much marijuana's. I still go looking for them though.
Samuel Thomas
One bottle of FORTY 1mL doses of 10mg THC/10mg CBD is fucking $29.99 up here
It is, by fucking far, the cheapest form of treatment for many, many people. You seem like a stupid.
Camden Perez
Weed is for faggots.
Grayson Lee
Stupid and impulsive I can give you but I guarantee not a single pothead has said let’s go rob a bank after smoking
Nathaniel Turner
Can confirm
Kevin Phillips
I beat the shit out of stoned individuals, they can't fight back & it incurs massive long lasting psychological damage.
Jose Harris
25 bucks for an 8th that will last me literally 2-3 weeks that I roll little spliffs with some rolling tobacco. Much healthier than the drinking culture that pervades American society
Brody Butler
Yes, all the under-aged kids here especially should stay away from it.
But in terms of pot smokers being subhumans, I actually have skills that are worth large amounts of value. Do you?
Ayden Edwards
Alexander Morris
Lmao yeah ok, at my wrestling and boxing gym a ton of dudes like to smoke after workouts. Weed is tea on steroids, and an enabler. If you smoke weed on a couch, you’ll stay in the couch, if you smoke week on a hike, you will continue the journey. Don’t be ridiculous
Matthew Bennett
Everyone has skills worth money retard your weed usage just makes you worth less. It is a vice the same as drinking and tobacco. Overall it lowers your worth.
Please help. I literally can’t stop. I turn into an agitated drag queen faggot bitch without weed. And it fucks up my stomach. Help me defeat the herbal Jew
Carter Gutierrez
you're a fucking faggot if u dont smoke weed
Leo Lopez
treat it how they do in those "backward" southeast asian countries
weed is for faggots. nicotine is for producers. sobriety is for kings
Luis Wood
idk mates i like weed in moderation
Blake Young
Or you could workout like a regular human
Joseph Reed
Alcoholism kills way more people so why begin with pot instead? This is a serious question and I'll be surprised if I get a good answer.
Well, I don't care if it's a drug or not. I wouldn't hire people who smoke this shit ever. They tell you it's "chill" to smoke pot, but the fact is you can't rely on potheads.
Jayden James
Fighting fags are weak as hell
>Making weight
That weed is for the pain of constantly getting punched in the face
Ian Lee
Potheads are like spoiled children. I have spent the last year trying to start a business with one who smokes all god damn day and bitches about every fucking thing. He has an ego the size of Texas and has to piss on everything to claim it as his territory. I recently said fuck it and told him to fuck off forever and walked out. I will probably loose money when its all said and done but it is worth it so I don't have to hear the same old shitty indie music playlist play one more time. Fuck stoners.
Aaron Bell
Weed probably wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for "stoners"
Jaxon Young
I've been stoned for 12 years straight. I'm an essential worker that drives a Range Rover. Seethe, boomer cunt.
Chase Moore
And niggers
Jack Baker
Show me someone who stood working with a pothead for longer than 6 months.
Daniel Long
James I’m sorry!!!!
Hunter Gutierrez
Both can be addressed simultaneously. Really no reason to think it's an "either/or" situation.
Lincoln Bennett
A comparison does not justify. There is always a worse and more dangerous drug by your logic you could do heroin or meth and say ‘but mah alcohol kills more’
DUDE!! A rover? always been my dream!! That's fucking sick as hell man....Let me pick your brain....How did you manage to get such a sick ride? 80 hours a week? Just got the in with the right guys? super high iq? that's fucking badd asss as fuck I am going get me a range soon as hell too.
let's be friends when this shit is all over, youll know it's me when you see that rolex ridin with the RANGE baby.
Jayden Bennett
Gen X faggot. The pothead in the story was a fucking Millennial. Weed is the retards drug.
Jaxon Turner
Anyone has the old stoner comics that we used to post on Yas Forums? I wonder if someone has those still saved
Joshua Williams
drug addicts become insecure (because of the self-destruction). They develop Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I know exactly what you're describing, these losers spend 10 hours per day talking about how everyone else in the world is a bad person and how they are the only "good" persons. Meanwhile these people get their family into drugs, never engage with their community, or volunteer, or donate.
Aaron Taylor
Teens these days don't know drugs. They need to try BASE as I remember it from 1989-- Not that 'weed' shit, is that even a drug?
Aaron Bennett
What if you just like, mind your own business dude.
Im just trying to have a good time man.
Chase Anderson
based people who use vehicles as status are usually braindead hicks
Adam Cruz
Thank You. I think I needed to hear this.
Jackson Richardson
Imagine being such an insecure faggot you care what other people do in private that doesn’t effect you.
Grayson Turner
My pothead father has ruined my life, and its ruining his now too (for the second or third time). Potheads are dumb nigger scum.
Brandon Nguyen
Weed cured my depression
Connor Thompson
I finally quit that shit thanks to Chinkviru-19. Never felt better.
Parker Evans
I get you're just being a sarcastic asshole, but Idc desu. I drive one of the cars of my dreams working in the career of my dreams. I'm considered essential currently and have prospects in my line of work to be able to retire early. Even with this economy. All this while stoned. What have you straight-edge cucks been doing with your lives?
Jonathan Jenkins
He would be fine if you being born didn't ruin his life first
Colton Johnson
shut up faggot. you are connected with everyone around you. I've seen wigger faggots like you get their 13 year old brother into weed. not cool, you silly queer.
Matthew Moore
keep that mindset. I don't want you to reproduce.
Gavin Smith
Wrong it was already ruined beforehand
Ryder Richardson
How about fix the clown world and people wouldn't have to smoke weed to feel okay. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
Cameron Hernandez
> that marijuana use makes people stupid, impulsive and hostile.
Yup especially hostile they go 5 mins without their fix and get mad
Jacob Long
there is no greater joy than getting real high and posting fake ass conspiracy theories and fake cures to the Qtards on this board i like to call it alan posting
Who the fuck can't afford weed? Buy an ounce every month for $240 and make brownies and bam, feel good medicine for a month. How the fuck is $10 a day to feel good not a smart investment? You have to be pretty poor and unfocused to begin with for a fucking "weed addiction" to ruin your life.
Aaron Flores
That's funny, when I used to live in Canada I would save up all my roaches and drop a thick load on them. Then when they dried I would drop them outside
Henry Allen
Quentin comics? Google them Yas Forums will have to google him
Liam Turner
Daily reminder that weed is good, but, if you can't go a day without smoking it, you need to go see the head shrinker.