Video will be taken down soon like that last one I posted.
Look at what there doing while we are all quarantined!!!
Installing 5g in our schools without our consent!
Video will be taken down soon like that last one I posted.
Look at what there doing while we are all quarantined!!!
Installing 5g in our schools without our consent!
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself
Matthew 10:28: And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Interesting theory you have user. TL DR?
Could I get a summary rundown without watching vid?
They are targeting the Bohr effect and suffocating you.
burn all 5g towers in minecraft
Kill yourself
why do they keep muting her saying 5g is she afraid it might harm someone to hear it?
We have had 5G here up and running for 3 and a half years now, and there are barely any covid cases.
This. All minecraft 5g mods are simply there to take away from you, not to give to you
Right you fucking moron, because there are 5G towers in bumfuck nowhere and people are catching the chink-flu there. How stupid are you?
you asperguing about it doesn't make it less true, jew minion
i showed this to my wifes 8 year old son and he got so scared he jumped out the second story window. now he gotta go to the hospital. thanks a lot
EVERYTHING that's happening can be explained through a biblical perspective. Death is a guarantee and only Jesus has the power to save you from death. Does that mean let evil happen? NO! fight tooth and nail too the bitter end. Catholics are NOT Christians.
Romans 10:9-10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
More importantly then what it does say is what it doesnt say.
"If thou shalt go to church, read the bible, do good things" Jesus did all the work. If you had to add too his work what he did was in vain. This isnt a license to not do good. But doing good does not get you to heaven. Believe in Jesus alone and you shall be saved.
Also, we've had confirmed cases in the informal settlements and those 100% don't have 5g, the 5g meme is a heap of shit
>Catholics are not Christians.
Stopped reading right there.
Hope the flame of hell consume all you heretics.
this fucking bullshit again jesus christ get fucked retard
Do you honestly put trust in a book written by sand niggers 2000 years ago? These people believed in superstitions that ever toddlers won't believe today. One in a million religions but yours is right because a book that is filled with contradictions and fanfic tier stories.
isn't the anti-5G propaganda just because western oligarchs are butthurt that 5G was developed by the chinese?
would like some of that 5G juice down here on the southern coast, still using a 10meg dsl line & afrihost capped account. its really expensive
Silece non believer.
Me and Jesus have a very special relationship he is real and is cooming soon.
>covid = 5 letter word
>19 = G is the 19th letter in the alphabet
>comet atlas is also known as C-19 or comet 19
5G it is but it is not what everyone thinks. Its much much worse.
He doesn't believe this. user you are not going to make it.
Skitzos being skitzos with sudo science
kill yourself retard
preach brother
More evil and persecution has happened by Catholics against other Christians then any other sect
Funny how even in disbelief you can take his name in vain. THINK.
The only people that believe the bible contradicts itself are people who havent actually read it. Where does it contradict? KJV only
5G poses real danger to us all. Show me how im wrong.
>I don't understand radiation or inverse square law: the conspiracy theory
>G is the 19th letter of the alphabet
oh wow you cracked the code goyim we really should stop hiding super secret things in cute easily decipherable namesakes huh
>imagine being this dumb
>devotion to a man made institution that places itself in between Man and God and peddles spirituality as a commodity
>not an unforgivable sin
Wormwood is coming at the end of this month and things won't start to get better until it leaves the solar system. Until then take precautions and pray.
This is a jewish trick to strawman any criticism of negative effects of radiation in our environment as a way to cause normalfags to be disgusted by any questioning. It's "covid isn't real" tier garbage to distract from real debate.
Do not let yourself fall for it. Don't stop questioning the effects of radiation or government control. Don't be a giant jewish faggot like OP.
imagine being this fucking stupid
jewtube algorithm won't detect it
5g is in the same bands as normal cell phones; it's not ionized radiation. If you're really this dumb you should be super pissed at the SUN.
are you saying cell phone radiation is harmless?
cryptofkr expempted palm beach too.
some pigs are more equal than others.
It already exists in nature; the sun floods all bands all the way into the xrays. Cellphones are nothing.
take your meds schitzo
No, it's creating a fully 3d real-time tracking and surveillance system using the radio antennas.
All these idiots spreading all this bullshit about 5g causing cancer are just trying to distract from the real issue.
it's concentrated in cellphones and radio towers
exposure and concentration makes a difference
acids exists in nature would you still have a drink of concentrated hydrocholric acid?
Kike shills
Well we can agree on that it for sure will create better location tracker just by the nature of more towers needed.
Nice summary. Saved.
Search for "gematria" dumb dumb. Hiding codes to signal allies (and just for general amusement) in public messages has been a thing forever. Hell, even e-celebs from Yas Forums use dogwhistles & memes - the elites have just been doing that for millennia.
Lol saging this brainlets thread
Please please kill yourself please
here's some gematria for you, schizo
good luck figuring it out kid...... heh......
Take your meds already.
Are you out of medication?
Latent diseases can be activated with the correct electro magnetic frequency. Apparently 50hz activates Epstein-Barr and 95% of people carry the disease. It is 5g.
go kill yourself faggot