Are we invading Venezuela Anons?
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Only when we tell you, mutt.
>hears venezuela got a package of masks from China
nice vpn
still upset about that?
I dont 15 soldier is enough
This will be a kino war.
i left venezuela 2 years ago
15 soldiers are enough
I love how America pretends to be a democracy that "spreads democracy". What a fucking LARP. The whole world is waking up the LIE that is America. If America attacks Venezuela then America is done. America will have proven is serves nothing but the KIKE and the PETRO DOLLAR which keeps the KIKE and Israel in power over America. Honestly I wish Putin would just step up and NUKE our Navy out of existence. America should be asking "Are we the baddies"? The answer is YES.
U got it. Venezuela oil all about stealing resources for the jew overlords
I can't wait until the Muzzies figure out how to do chemistry so they can swallow chemicals and throw them up in your open air markets thus mixing them and nerve gas you kikes.
Let's see. We sent tanks for "relief" the same day we indicted Maduro. Then we launch a full scale war on drug cartels and tack on trafficking charges to Maduro. Now where do you guys think the Chinks are shipping their bulk fentanyl and other drugs and how do you think they make it to the United States?
We are at war. This is a weapon. You are all locked down to prevent any large scale mass casualty even as retaliation. With no sporting events, schools, concerts or other large gatherings. The chinks or cartels will have to resort to attacking hospitals... Or a "hospital ship". Do you see it yet?
Sorry dude you're the most gayest country in the world now. We've won. It's just time. Religion is dying. Normal jews are hating orthodox. We've almost destroyed you.
THIS is the fucking truth! Finally someone says it.
Based & Kissinger pilled
He should light the oil fields on fire like Hussein did and blame the Americans for Invading. Or dump some major chemical in the oil causing a chain reaction destroying its fossil fuel composition. Fuck America. Fuck the Jews. Fuck the petro dollar. Destroy the oil before you let the KIKES get their filthy rat claws on it.
it makes total sense from a geopolitical standpoint
right now the US are being attacked in 4 fronts:
1 - DNC relentlessly destroying the american identity and internal stability for years now; they're only intensifying their attacks with the crisis
2 - Virus released by China with help/coverup from UN, EU and DNC to avoid Trump's reelection
3 - Russia and Saudi Arabia dumping oil price to destroy shale
4 - Debt bubble crisis that was way overdue; the chink flu just sped things up
if they invade Venezuela and put their hands on the largest oil reserve in the world (
Yeah. Didn't you see season 2 glownigger soft propaganda show called "Jack Ryan"? In season 1, they killed Soleimani, no wait, "Suleiman", that's it. In season 2, they secretly mess around in Venezuela to overthrow the president. Krasinski is pretty decent, even if he spends half the show looking like a kid that dropped his icecream. It features The Bunk (not in that character, obviously) too - well worth a watch, plus you get to catch up on the latest CIA plans before they play out.
Nice digits boyos. Sometimes you gotta look at everything from 40,000ft
>Do you see it yet?
What are you going on about? It makes ZERO sense. Are you saying the cartels are shipping through Venezuela? If so, that is a huge stretch you fucking psyoping glownigger. Seriously this is what you are going with? Venezuela is a narco state? BWUHahahahaha. We all know the CIA and Mossad are the ONLY narco states in the world. They use our military bases to get past customes. They have been doing that shit since the 50s mate. Same with guns, but in the opposite direction. The kikes and their shabbos goy masons have pulling bank shipping guns for drugs for a long time. Now you want us to believe you found Jesus and want to clean up Venezeula? Goddman that is some weak sauce. Why would a country up to it's eyeballs in oil need to sell or move drugs? The only reason is because the Jews and their evil goy puppets are running sanctions on a country that democratically elected a real ECONOMIC SOCIALIST, not some Cultural Marxist puppet pushing gay marriage, tranny 6 year olds and nigger culture. A real SOCIALIST taking Jewish property away from the exploiters of its people. Jews don't cotton to giving up what they rightfully stole as the colonizers they are. Financial Colonizers I should say. You faggot come here to test if your fucking dumb ideas will stick. Uhhh I hate to remind aren't talking to Boomers here.
Fuck of you KIKE WINGMAN. Nobody buys your bullshit here.
When you get too many Jews in one spot they run out of people to exploit and all the rhetorical energy consumes itself in one pathetic neurotic schitzo breakdown. The Jew, Jews Itself.
Could you seethe any harder? If you kill yourself now it won't be as bad as when we have to do it.
yes, and the elected president will take his seat, and the U.S. will be given venezuelan gold
Invasion? Nah we don't give a fuck about them that much. We're just going to kill their niggers fucking up the country since they won't do it themselves.
It even wasn't real. Today they announced there was no order of 3M masks that got stolen. The senator of Berlin is just a moron and our press hates Trump.
It's funny because three weeks ago there was this headline "Trump tries to steal vaccine" and they even had an "unnamed source in the interior ministry" who confirmed the report, and it turned out to be completely fictitious.
All the time
Actually stealing South America's oil will just prove to the entire continent that they indeed should ally with Brazil and Russia in a new Brics confederation of trade partnerships and if they are smarth they combined will put trade sanctions on America and Israel and any KIKE ally that tries to stop them. All South America should cut America off in trade and develop a trade dollar of their own based off of Venezuela oil. All they need is China as a customer. Even Japan might do. Both need oil. This is why the KIKES want to use our military and our tax dollars to kill innocent people for Jewish controlled oil companies can keep control over the petro dollar which is the backbone of Jewish banking power. All of Jewish construction. What have we been told about our own energy independence???? We have it. What need we to kill innocent people of a nation? For what? Energy we already have? The world will see America as the bad guy and no amount of Jewish Pilpul will ever change this. With Iran they might have some gripe due to Hezbola being maybe funded by Iran. And there is a nuke concern. But deep down, the KIKES just don't want China and Russia and the Brics to have their own Petro-currency. This is why they want Iran's oil for themselves and this is why they want Venezuela's oil. Nobody gives a fuck if Venezuela is socialist. Half of America is now pure socialist. And the Jews pushed that reality on us with cultural marxism. Now they want us to fight the socialists???? When are you fucking turds going to wake up? You are being played non-stop. Can't you feel the cognitive dissonance? Socialism in America, but only for niggers against whites over race....never niggers against Jews over money....but no socialism in Venezuela because muh Russia??? Forget about it.
A nigger and his Kikey buttboy...yeah...I'll pass. Just like I pass on 99.9% off all KIKE tv.
I mean, he's not wrong
Your reply is about as weak as it gets glownigger. Debate my points or GTFO.
hello, based department?
Faggot, the entire hemisphere already belongs to us. Most of the time it isn't worth fucking with though. I mean, we're talking about Spain's retarded cousins.
>seethe can't even get our board culture correct. This is the best you glowing faggots can do? I welcome you death will give me a chance to pull out my illegally banned bump stock. Let the bodies hit the floor.
We don't need their fucking oil. We have too much fucking oil. The scarcity is a jew marketing campaign that was shot to hell with 5 dollar barrels.
Oy vey!
CIA pilled. Too bad everybody knows about you. Seriously think you are going to push a democracy into the shitter just because you think you can? Good luck. People are sick and fucking tired of taking Jewish bullshit anymore. Go ahead and take out a few SA porch monkeys. And guess what? More will take his place. Make a martyr out of Venezuela's leaders. Do it faggots. Watch it used against you forever. America is a bullshit FAKE democracy. And the entire world sees it.
Awww...chinky glownigger has his feeling hurt. BWUHhahahahahaha. Fuck off traitor.
Just keep using the word glownigger and sprinkle the word kike a few more times and you might fool a newfag with your buzzword salad. Do you want to know how I know you're either a faggot or a woman (or a faggot that thinks they're a woman)?
Not the U.S
>> Wrong kind of boots
>> That is US navy does not use those kind of Black hawks
>> 1980's BDUs
All Jew media is fiction. Please wake up.
why are you larping as an evil villain on Yas Forums you weirdo
They are training expensively in case of losing their budgets to more essential services.
It's about freaking time we had another war in our hemisphere. No time difference, plenty of beaner 'terps, easy flights to Caribbean R&R, no fucking sand in everydamnthing.
>the entire hemisphere already belongs to us.
There is no you and me concerning what America controls or doesn't. There is only Globalist Jews and their banking power. There is no "US". There is only THEM. That is your first mistake. Your second is believing a million US soldiers can control a continent of jungle niggers who have take the art of guerilla warfare to the next level of endurance. Nothing could be easier than shipping down 10k AR-15s to resistance fighters in SoAm to repel the Jew and his American thugs.
You have reached Full Retard.
US is over. US is the cancer of mother earth.
U mad?
Srs, what a cringefag
In your dreams Mohansmad
Venezuela will be much better off with a female, social justice oriented El Presidente
Just point out how I use the words glownigger and kike and avoid debating on the facts and you might fool a few newfags on this board with your pointing out my buzzword salad by using the very same buzzword salad. Wow..this is how they teach you to psyop in CIA camp?
"I know you are but what am I"? This is the level of your rhetorical prowess? And to think, you faggots you to throw over countries with newspaper articles. Fucking hell. How the mighty have fallen. Now you are LARPing on a Mongolian Goat Head Polo forum. And that last bit you wrote. Just so fucking precious. It is like a little kitten taking a swipe. Debate me like a man, nigger or GTFO!!!!
If we go there to rescue their asses it should be explained we are going there to STAY. If the people complain about that condition, then no dice and good fucking luck. Strategically, Venezuela is advantageously positioned and would be invaluable from a global perspective.
Based USA, doing the job we could've done.
the right thing Trump should do is to let the Us oil industry die. slowly
lots of cancerous elements in that industry with a lot of power in DC
but realistically, that will never happen
that money controls both parties
they don't fucking care what will happen to the US, to the american people or to the american society
as far they're concerned China could politically control the US and replace the US entire population by spics and chinks so long as they could keep the gibs from the government to bail their ass out when they bankrupt
Russia won't do shit if the US invades Venezuela, they won't send their troops thousands and thousands of miles away to fight a war in another continent. it won't happen
the two only things Trump needs to start this war is making sure he gets Brazil on his side which will happen because Bolsonaro and Trump share similar political platforms and they will also need a false flag good enough to validate the war
for Brazil it's a good deal too because they can get a part of the oil revenue and possibly some US military tech and trade deals, but it all depend how they negotiate, they have a chance to improve their country in a big way
being the corrupt shithole they have always been they will probably fuck up though
Venezuela has the largest oil deposit in the world and is still a fucking rebelling shithole.
Look at the Saudis. They live on fucking sand and oil, that's it, and they're prospering. Venezuela on the other hand has all these other exploitable resources and a vast beautiful nature, but nope.
You choose to starve.
You deserve to be bleached by America.
That's Super Villain to you faggot. And because I am right you psyoping propagandists don't know how to handle me. Democracy is dead faggots and the Jew killed it. How long you going to keep living on a dead meme? American is no bastion of freedom or democracy. It is a craven shithole run by Jews for money and revenge against white Christians....for being white Christians.
No joke, despite knowing that the American democracy is a lie, I still think that Venezuela could've been better under a kiked democracy than under a dictatorship from that lunatic fuck called Maduro. Did you know that he implanted social score in Venezuela?
It makes me sad seeing these poor Venezuelans trying to speak broken Portuguese just to get some slice of bread.
It's time
1) wrong uniform
2) absolutely no chance a US invasion starts with a helicopter insertion of 15 Soldiers
3) even if they are what's with the Venezuelan Soldiers just standing there staring at them
Could be Maduro faking invasion to keep control
Faggot confirmed.
That's Super Villain to you faggot. And because I am right you psyoping propagandists don't know how to handle me. Democracy is dead faggots and the Jew killed it. How long you going to keep living on a dead meme? American is no bastion of freedom or democracy. It is a craven shithole run by Jews for money and revenge against white Christians....for being white Christians.