Imagine you father two beautiful white sons and they grow up to look like this

>imagine you father two beautiful white sons and they grow up to look like this
some day....

>Imagine having this kind of bro tier connection to your boys even when they're in their 30's

Attached: 1586009995803.jpg (1200x899, 217.77K)

I'd prefer straight sons

Shave your body together and take roids? I bet he also fucks them.

OP is a confirmed faggot.

Thanks to your people planting the seed of degeneracy into the western world

A rare family in the modern world.

Greased up faggots

why would i want my children taking steroids

Steroid junkies

this is seriously gay

this shit is quite gay


Seething Murican.
I look similar but never put steroid shit inside my body.
Only supplements, pre workout sometimes..

>I look similar
I bet you think you do lmao.

You fucking faggot


Semen has testosterone in it, user.

Seething manlets, fatoids and lanklet skinny fats. Fucking embarrassing.

Someone is jelly.

Muscle wise, i do not look Nordic lol....

This isnt that difficult, op. Bang a broad, she has a child. Do that a few times and raise them to lift weight.

whoops the kike forgot his vpn.
>a strong white nuclear family? probably fuck eachother
just because you kikes fuck children ritually doesnt mean the rest of us do.


haha fag

Oy vey, end of his shift man forgot....

>incels lose it: the thread


Mission impossible for many

You look like a beta faggot I bet. You be mirin n sheit faggot

>plg Yas Forumsfag cope

Imagine, not everyone on this board is a fucking beta looser.

Smol pp though. Literally have to take the blue pill to fuk. Can only marry asians or beaners because of competition and tight vagg.

t. fatty dyel

imagine LOL

Not gonna lie this is pretty gay

Why not soccer or some shit

Homo erotic stormfags gonna take over the world.

Cope. His girlfriend is 6'

Attached: images (8).jpg (739x415, 36.97K)

Buffdudes are pretty cool. All the haters are noodle armed 56ers.



His partner definitely has a dick.

I want 3 slender qt trap bois so there's always a selection

>t. noob lifters that still hold onto the delusion t hey can look like this naturally

Attached: 1534735573172.png (1418x2231, 1.84M)

Steroid abuse
*t perfect male (me)

Attached: 5DC86D61-9CFC-41AE-BF53-5AD4A9D40823.jpg (1125x2436, 2.23M)

Wrong pic but fuck it. Not literally though because that’s just sick.

that's pretty gay

Are you ever aware how pre Steroids bodybuilders looked like?


Kek. The old guy might be natty, the ones on the left and right sure as fuck are not.

roids have been around since the 30's, user. Yes, Reg Park and Steve Reeves did roids.

Guy in the middle is a right twat

>right twat
stop trying to sound like a limey, it's embarrasing.

Most body builders are gay. Promise

Manlets are the master race tall fag get with the times your heart will go out in two years

i wanna make passionate love with his sons while the dad watches and gives his sons tips on how to be a good lover

Lol Jewish cope


Attached: john_y_smith2.gif (500x560, 254.45K)

post penis

havent you got a mirror to go worship yourself in front of? you fucking homo

>being strong, fit and good looking is gay and umanly
this is the mind of a Yas Forumscel


I wasn't talking about them in particular, and their use of roids is debatable since only Germany had advanced roids by the 30s.
Pic related looked big and he 100% never used roids.

Attached: eugen-sandow.jpg (288x389, 22.18K)

He's funny as fuck. The other two are vain faggots.

>their use of roids is debatable since only Germany had advanced roids by the 30s.
Park and Reeves were active in the late 50's through the 60's; they did roids and debating it is both futile and stupid.
Sandow, on the other hand, is a really good example of what is naturally attainable in regards to the combination of brawn and leanness.


That’s achievable natty tho. I don’t think any one would debate that. Left and right in OP’s pic have arms and shoulders you can’t get natty

stfu kincel

Those guys are clearly on steroids. Point who, who cares?

>I'd look like that too if I took them
Lol no you wouldn't you don't have the drive

Yes, I meant to say that athletes in the 30s and 40s were not exactly fully versed on steroids use.
Anyways, "looking big" is 100% possible without steroids...if your body allows it. Manlets need to find peace with their genes and stop pretending they are big because they consume industrially made protein superdoses each day.

I concur, well put. How are you Argentines doing right now? Handling the crisis?

The point is he is using a drug to artificially enhance himself all respect is lost after that

thread topic changed

>Here, the mysterious Archie Vanderpool performs a pretty unusual feat of supporting strength… With his back against a stone wall, Archie braced his legs against a car driven at full throttle for 52 seconds. — The tires were worn to ribbons!

Attached: archie_vanderpool2.gif (520x294, 159.97K)

>he is using a drug to artificially enhance himself all respect is lost after that

By who? You? Lol

Pretty much this. They have really good advice. I wish this much info was around when I started lifting.

Man, if this isn't what life is about then idk what is.
