If i'm a white Mexican who do I kill in a race war
If i'm a white Mexican who do I kill in a race war
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Black Mexicans.
>white Mexican
So you're from the USA?
you gotta try to kill whites cus at the end of the day you're a spic
but you can do the honorable thing and serve the whites
A los prietos y restaurar el sistema de castas.
FUCK /thread
born and raised in mexico just caucasian
you literally kys
All white diaspora should move to a white country.
We need unity.
can i just procreate with your blue eyed blonde daughter and make my children marry a true white
Blacks and whoever else you don’t like
you kill yourself obviously.
Other Mexicans and then yourself
>ooga booga where the white senoritas at?
The only correct answer. Pic related
I've heard you have more whites in Mexico than in Spain, bro. Are you blond/blue eyed, celtic, Anglo/German diaspora, or just kinda white Spaniard?
mormon faggot? daddy have a bunch of mommies?
if you're truelly white you should serve the whites and national passport doesnt matter
Just white skin, i mean i guess i'm considered tall here because the average height in mexico is 5'4
Yourself OP.
most white mexicans are spaniard, though finding blue eyes, celts, etc isn't completely impossible
mexicans, and then yourself when there are none left
Honestly this OP:
But since you're a White MEXICAN and you just labeled yourself as that, you should be in charge (and other pure white Mexicans) of the lower caste white Mexicans like Castizos and harnizos. Then you can form alliances with whites as well and have a subgroup to command.
Castizos arent white user, but castizo people are european in all sense of the word; something like indio octoroons (1/8) with no real place amongst the slum rat mestizos like Brayans and Maykols. America should belong to the high caste mutts, as it was always intended.
Thanks man. Honestly I didn't see your flag originally. What's gonna happen is that when the baloon goes up, illegals and chicanos will flee to Mexico en masse. I don't expect an over-arching race war to happen in Mexico but I've never been there.
Every illegal nigger you can find, godspeed carnalito.
How the fuck haven’t the Spaniards bleached the goblina whores into near whiteness and normal height yet? Are the Indio girls that ugly?
That what I was thinking. I read Jalisco is full of white people (that look like pic) and that you have a lot German-speaking Mennonites, too.
Fuck, sounds like a manlet paradise (fit for gnomes like me). Maybe I can find a girlfriend easier there, then.
Nah man, i'm talking pasty white i'm not a fucking mutt
I see you don't know what it is to be white.
yourself first
chinks or niggers.
or both
No, America belongs to WASPs.
Relax Sancho
You're still a culutred mutt luke the rest of em
There will never, ever, ever, be a race war, at least not in Mexico.
Negro detected, prepare pinche kalimba
>If i'm a white Mexican who do I kill in a race war
Let your heart guide you.
>If i'm a white Mexican who do I kill in a race war
actually, i changed my mind, the jews
>Pasty white
>I'm not a fucking mutt
>not getting the concept of one eight versus one fourth
You might be pasty white in the outside, but the mixing lottery got you real badly.
>If i'm a white Mexican who do I kill in a race war
You are with us guero
Why not? The Spaniard upper-class must have a tight grip on the Aztec underclass, then?
Start with the CHOLO niggers, PLEASE
best post and /thread
Dios mío
Been a while since I see these types