Bens latest cartoon

Bens latest cartoon

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would have been more fun with Kushner but checked anyway impressive digits

wtf I love mandatory vaccinations now

Have any of you retards actually read what ID2020 is about?
It's a lot more reasonable, private and secure than the current form of ID we use today.
Case in point: my employer currently knows my name, date of birth, address and personal email. There is no way of preventing that data from being shared with third parties or leaked in a data hack.
With ID2020 this wouldn't be the case, as my ID would be kept by me at all times and with the help of encryption and block chain technology, it would only be shared and viewable on platforms authorised by me.
So, say my employer needs my name and date of birth, he would need to have an ID2020-specific platform installed on his machine to be able to view that data upon my authorisation. If someone tried hacking into it or if he tried to share that info with someone without my consent all the malicious party would see is encrypted gibberish.
It really is a genius concept that will make everyone's data more private while also keeping them more reliable and forgery proof.

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Wish granted, show up to your local train station, they'll get you to the nearest Identification facility for your QR tattoo.

Why are you posting the photoshopped one? Post the original.

are you an idiot, after he unlocks it with your approval over block chain he can just screenshot all your info and spread it to anyone!

spooky digits.

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Nice digits

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this. anyone who talks about microchipping is a mass hysteria faggot spreading disinfo. nothing about id2020 involves anything like that. plus it's only meant for poor people in india and africa who dont even have a drivers license/social security number/birth certificate

This pasta again.

based ben garrison, nice post numbers, although I must constructively criticize that the character looks more like warren buffet than bill gates.

quad 8's
how will gates cope?
probably fly back to his island and kill more kids

What is biometrics and liveness detection again?

I don't want anything to do with the friends of epstein and Rockefeller.
And you better fucking reply to my post and say they are good people, you better fucking reply, it's gonna be hilarious

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what's his name again lads?

Fuck off Bill

Mark of the Beast nigga, stop trying to rationalise this Satanic shit and just get on such a Biblical level that normies reel.

Is that supposed to be Bill Gates? Terrible drawing.

gates looks terrible in real life so it's accurate

I thought it was Dick Cheney.

should have been the blue chackmark

Bill D John Rocgatesfeller is an horrible personage

As much shit we've gave this man, God bless him. He is a spartan in the fight.

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I will make you eat curb.

replying for cool digits

we really did a number on Ben, didn't we?

lol you're a dumbfuck. the employer sees that it's valid. the actual data is only visible to the government, like it currently is. read up on how PFS (perfect forward security works). estonia has this sort of national ID system, too. you use it for voting, healthcare, etc. unlock the chip on your card reader with biometrics and password. it's like a Trezor wallet. best part? if you are the victim *somehow* of identity theft, you can be issued a new key pairing from the central authority and your old one can get instantly revoked.


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This is the most bluepilled post I have ever seen in my life. And of course, naturally it comes from the emasculated, castrated, neutered britcuck.

>not the jews: ben garrison edition
Lel, what a deluded boomer he is.

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Hey Andrew, don't you have some kids to be fucking?

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>Ben "Quadruple K Mafia" Garrison
Can anyone stop him?

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lol in any nation worth anything, you have a national ID number and tax number, among other things. they already exist. a system like id2020 will prevent this info from being duplicated or sold. it just removes links from the chain, essentially eliminates identity theft, and streamlines your access to government services. hmm... idiot french... just like the idiot leaf earlier... sad all your good genes got steamrolled by the Ubermensch.

>t. Hey guys, how great is this new dystopian thing?
Yep, it's a bong.

Is that really how low the bar is now?

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You dont need to tattoo QR codes onto the foreheads of the population you dumb fuck

Are you ciafags really getting paid to try and shill id2020 as good here?

It must still be backwarda day. Estonia has the most technologically advanced government in the world.

Are you paid disability on account of being mentally handicapped?

I hope you bongs drown.

Get the fuck out you boot licking turbokike.

5G mixed into this stuff is Alex Jones tier disinfo mixed to this authoritarian power grab to make it look wonky. Similar to how that pizza thing was mixed to child trafficking.

>0.02 shekels have been deposited in your bank account


Ben's a schizo.

but i thought Yas Forums liked nazis?

im sure the bureaucracy wont abuse this like they did SS numbers

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Yeah man, isn't it great that the ruling class pedophiles will be able to track your every movement even more easily than now? That'll guarantee no effective organisation against tyranny can ever succeed again - isn't that wonderful? Since this other dystopian shit exists that removes your privacy, why not just go all in?

I really, really want to kick your teeth in.

they already have your phone and GPS you fucking retard. a fictional microchip in your hand would need to be within a foot of sensors. fucking moron

Ajajajaja Happy Bday Enrique

fuck off you literal sheep, sounds like you just love a nice big authoritarian govt to look after you and what you are allowed to say and do.

Lets hope Ben gets covid.
He could join R Pauls karma club
and draw different.

The "pizza thing" was correct though lmao. Was never actually debunked, the media just spun that as a narrative.

you dont prove a negative you stable genius
the burden of proof is on you who pull shit out of your asshole

I can't leave my had behind at home you fucking shill maggot. And the sensor can be read at longer ranges than that using a variety of techniques.

Lurk more newfag. I really can't even be bothered reposting the evidence for the 2000th time. You choose to be a kike-living bootlicker that's on you.

yeah dude im sure the alien tech can pick up your 666 satanic microchip from miles away with the black hawks following you 24/7

No one wants your bullshit, oh and of course, governments have a good track record of being fair an d unbiased when it comes to having large amounts of data on people and it wont get exploited. Whats next? an implant to monitor your thoughts for wrongthink?

>asked to prove something
>cant prove anything
lmfao how fucking sad

Everything you said is probably correct. It is probably a very robust platform that will allow you to keep your data private from hackers.

...and glowniggers absolutely have a backdoor into it and WILL be able to track your every move.