Another dead Kennedy

>Another dead Kennedy
Also, is self-quarantine only for us plebs? What were they doing out canoeing in the Chesapeake bay?

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how do you die canoeing? flip upside down and can't get out? Dragged to hell by fellow dead kennedy family members?

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I really really really like this image

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Wonder if they had some dirt on the Clintons

Faked their death just like the rest of their kiked family. They all probably retired underground and are fucking goy kids all day.

>Dragged to hell by fellow dead kennedy family members?

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In 2004, 98 people died across the United States while canoeing and kayaking. That number has consistently increased in the years since, peaking in 2015 with 139 fatalities related to canoeing and kayaking.


They were canoeing in the ocean, that's just stupid.

Yeah; usually happens in more shallow areas where the canoe gets wedged into a rock or low hanging tree and can’t be rotated, you can’t just swim down and out if it’s super shallow.

Maeve’s husband, David McKean, shared the tragic news that the pair had been presumed dead. “It is clear that Maeve and Gideon have passed away. It's best we leave this case unsolved and just move on with our lives. I'll get my kids a new mom” he wrote in an emotional Facebook message.

The same way this nigger died.

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They went to stay with JFK jr until all this corona virus and rescuing the children is done.

fuck mossad

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Guaranteed that onions-cuck of a husband had a hand in it... I mean, look at the faggot.

They legit killed em. No one is considered dead after going missing just for a few days, especially if they havent found the bodies or the boat itself.
My very alcoholic neighbor disappeared after going to the bar in his motorboat and they actively looked for him for 2 weeks, only to find he survived a crash and froze to death on land. Everyone knew he was a fuckin alcoholic but still most ppl thought he had a good chance to be alive. Imagine forsaking your own child after barely a day of searching with nothing found...

If I were a Kennedy I wouldn't do anything remotely dangerous. Not worth the risk with their track record.

point noted
sons look terrified
daugher has nose ring
mom look clueless

It's not even warm outside. Why would they be canoeing in a bay at this time of year?

In 100 years 100% of all current Kennedy's will be dead. What does this mean?

Get rammed by a uso, or a big turtle.

you being a pussy is not a valid explanation for somebody else's behaviour. please try again


(((They))) want to remove the entire family for going against the reserve

>Also, is self-quarantine only for us plebs? What were they doing out canoeing in the Chesapeake bay?

They are so far removed from reality that they've convinced themselves they are protected by their wealth. "It's a middle class problem. The best doctors in the world are just a phone call away for us."

Nil Desperandum

What kind of retard goes out into open water without life jackets? I wear life jackets with my gf in calm as fuck lake waters.

I was thinking along the same lines.
If they crashed there would likely be debry. Modern canoes don't sink. Very strange they would be marked dead in 2 days.
It's not hard to map out the currents and check for debris....

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lol it was a woman. they die if it rains too hard ffs

quarantine doesn't mean staying indoors it means staying on your property

this, with them being Kennedys I'd look and see whether he takes the maid or the secretary as his date to the funeral.

>be a slighty autistic weeb that whips out a sword on a subway
>local news puts you on air because your retarded shit
>becomes a internet meme
>use internet fame to "train" some jail bait on an island in the middle of a lake
>due to his own lack of real life experience gets himself killed by cap sizing and drowning

Just remember, No matter how many movies/cartoons/shows/online videos you watch that you learn the basics of something from. It does not mean shit in the real world without practicing those skills alot in real life. In some cases that is just not how reality works.

bets that he had the swords and the trench coat on when he went in?

faked their death just like JFK jr

Usually due to cold temperatures. If you have a life jacket on, then hypothermia is the big problem. If not wearing a life jacket, then the cold water soaks your clothes at the same time the cold acts on the body and pulls you under to drown. Where I live they're occasionally finding bodies in lakes over 100 years dead.

If there was foul play; it'd be very hard to prove.

Those two boys look terrified and the father has a pedosmile. Guess the mother couldn't take it anymore.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They probably had very little experience and were woefully underprepared. Same shit as when hikers go missing.

I feel bad for the children who had no choice in the matter.

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Numerals confirm penis

>Hey there's a world-wide pandemic going on
>Let's go canoeing!

The fuck?

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oh come on, this was sad. That guy deserved to live into old age for smiting subway niggers.

KYS pedo


being out in the middle of nowhere with no human interaction is just as safe as being at home.

I'm sorry you missed out on teenage love.

It's not accidents, the Mossad is hunting them.


No you idiot, their being hunted by the Mossad

Wait wait wait. This faggot actually died in a canoe accident?

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>30 year old man
>16 year old girl
>just teenage love bro

He gonna hero'd himself isn't he?

Btfo. Real qt horsegirl faggot.

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(((They))) got him.
(((They))) Fear the samurai.



This makes sense. He looks like a very formidable enemy.

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>Wait wait wait. This faggot actually died in a canoe accident?

Yes he did die from the canoe accident while he was trying to retrieve his sword from underwater current.

I honestly didn't think he was that old. I thought he was like 20-21 or something. Disregard my initial rebuke.

>chasing a ball that went into the river so you took your kayak with your kid and drowned

That’s the whitest way to die

yep. he was convinced a 16 year old girl that he was an actual samurai and he could teach her how to be one as well. When they went out for "super secret training" in a kayak to a island a gust of wind capsized the boat. the girl was able to safely swim to shore. Kenny on the other hand struggled to stay afloat for a few seconds before yelling "no" as he sunk below. at least according to the witness report of the girl.

That is extremely unlikely.

Its the most goyish thing imaginable. Upper class WASPs and WASCs have a laughable, but simultaneously sad, lack of self-awareness.

Add another one to the dead Kennedy tally

Teacher of mine died in a kayaking incident (was suicide but the official story was an accident), and they didn’t declare for a month.

What the fuck is going on down there...

>Upper class have a laughable, but simultaneously sad, lack of self-awareness

fixed that for you.


C'mon leaf isn't French your second language?

>how do you die canoeing?
The story is they went to chase a ball that went into the ocean with 30 mph winds and 2-3 foot waves ... in a canoe. And they got swept further and further out. A witness was on a pier and said they saw the paddlers "struggling" as they just disappeared into the distance. Their bodies have not been found. The Coast Guard has called off the search. Official cause of death is "suicide" (ok, maybe not yet, but I'm totally sure it will be).