Forn Sidr

People want to go back. Why are you stopping them? Would you rather have a white pagan country or a brown Christian country. This is not a hypothetical question. It’s happening, and you need to make your choice

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Other urls found in this thread: ape/

Switzerland won’t let me in unless I put a $ million on deposit.

If I could I’d be there.

I wish I could go back to Europe. I am tired of the suburbs and the urbs. I want the mountains and streams

Go fuck yourself you stupid kike. Countries used to be white and Christian. Then you cunts got them to abandon Christianity. Now those countries are turning black and you want to blame Christianity . Fuck off you piece of trash.

There's more black Christians than European whites of all denominations. You toe-suckers want to invite them all in because "We're all one in Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef", which is precisely how the browning began.

Every major (((refugee resettlement))) NGO is Christian.

You don't believe in the pagan gods though. It's like a hobby to you. You don't truly believe as a Christian does. Neopaganism is role-play. It's a game.

How do you know that? There is so much to learn and to love about them. I believe in them, and they believe in me

Can't blame them, they were Christian or come from a post-post-Christian society.
For Christianity - pagan gods are non-existent... we have quotes from ancients putting Christians in the same boat with atheists.

America is based - still holds onto God but it's too bad you don't believe in death and unfettered Capitalism (which is enabled by the condition named before) is kind of horrible.

I chose white pagan. Or white Christian, or white atheist. Anything, as long as it's white. Skydaddies don't matter, only genetics does.

Every Christian is an atheist with window dressing. You don't actually believe in talking bushes and genocidal desert demons that are actually happy men on clouds. That's why there's 2389754923875 denominations. You pick what you like from the buffet and run with it knowing it's bullshit.

>America is based
America will be majority non-white in 30 years. All because of the 1965 Immigration Act which Christians and Jews penned and passed.

Based and blue pilled

O fuck off you stupid cunt. I live in Africa. There are no black Christians. They are all animists and ancestor worshipers with a flavor of Christianity to make them acceptable to RC and protestant missionaries.

This. Only the old Gods which we have so wrongfully abandoned can save us now. We must complete what was started in the 1930’s

>how do you know that
Come on nigger. You are an atheist with pretend lore. Atheists mock Christians for believing in "a man in the sky," but pagans have no high theology- that's what pagans allegedly believe. You literally expect me to believe that you actually think a Marvel superhero is fucking swans and granting wishes. Come on.

No. It's just an affectation to you. You don't believe and we both know it.

Depends on the type of pagans you are speaking about. Traditionalist ones that actually believe in their gods are not only really great when it comes to values but if you are speaking about the ones who follow it ironically like satanists theres no way in hell i'd want that. I do have to say, as a christian, the contemporary way christianity is held is not respectable in the slightest and usually is used as a means for peoples individual personal gain. TLDR: id much rather be a christian under traditionalist pagan rule than a christian under contemporary christian rule.

Anything is a step up from atheism. Anything.

What a sheltered little cunt you are. Have you ever been in jail or war? Step out of your comfort zone and you'll u quickly realize how wrong you are.

>There are no black Christians.
Your fanfiction is in no way reflective of reality. The largest Christian denomination on the planet, the Catholic Church, fully endorses and accepts black Christians.

Roman Catholic Church. I rest my case.

It’s so weird how Christians believe in a sky man but mock pagans for believing there are skymen. Their truth is proved through archetypes. Every culture before the Great Jew God chained them believed in pantheons, all very similar. 1 God makes itself known to us by the use of many Gods. This why all ‘pagan’ faiths overlap. You worship what your ancestors worship because it brings you closer to them. Christianity forbids this. Christians will do anything so as long as they arrive in their little paradise after death

Yes, the largest church organization on the planet and definitely predates whatever particular ice cream flavor of Jew-worship you elect to pretend to believe in.

Why are you getting so mad? You are mad becuase whites are reclaiming what they are

>It’s so weird how Christians believe in a sky man but mock pagans for believing there are skymen.
Because they actually think their skyman is real, based solely on a conflicting series of books written by Iron Age Jews.

Lol Ethiopians were the first non Jew Christians

Move to Montana or Idaho.

a brown Christian country

>Traditionalist ones that actually believe in their gods are not only really great when it comes to values
Depends on which gods you are talking about.

What if some of your ancestors were Christian?
>n-no you must go further back
Well if you believe evolution actually happened then your ancestors were single-celled organisms and sponges and who knows what else.

Attached: all from one.png (1617x398, 42.24K)

I am actually moving to Montana soon lol. Closest thing to Europe their is. Beautiful place

We have to go back brothers

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Pagans seek to free their ancestors from the Jewish lie of Christianity

Good thing I’m not Greek

Which ancestors?

Attached: 1585166644506.png (440x330, 96.39K)

I guess I mainly am thinking of celtic paganism

Which way white paramecium?

The human ones anywhere in between the 10th century to the 15th century

Also Christians are against evolution until they debate a pagan

Idiot. Painting is from Norway when we were a devout CHRISTIAN nation, while now with rampant atheism and neo-paganism we are being overrun by third wold invaders and you stupid atheist apes and pagan perverts are even paying for it and begging them to come here and rape our women. Besides, the pic you stole from me, just as bisexual old washed up satanist and boomer Varg, took this painting of a Christian mother and her daughter and tried to portray it as pagans. Pathetic pagan losers.

Attached: [Christian] Mother and Daughter by Hans Dahl (1849-1937).jpg (831x624, 116.1K)

Having a church does not make a Christian you stupid cunt.

Yes, you definitely sound Christian alright. Swearing, easy to anger, but most of all patently incorrect about everything.

No I am mad that stupid cunts like you are trying to mislead white people into believing that they are better off as pagans.

many ethiopians are juden, they wandered off a looong time ago and ended up there.

israel desperately shills overdrive online etc see ie wikipedia to label them as non jews and instead something like beta israel

then again who can blame them lol

If you want paganism, go to Africa or the nearest gay bar.

Attached: Gay Pagans 5.jpg (926x1280, 281.18K)

I posted it becuase it has nature in it and it’s a beautiful painting. Has a strong pagan spirit to it despite being made under Christian times. I don’t hate everything Christian. I know it might be hard to understand, but I love most everything from any time period. It’s from my study of each time period that I’ve arrived at paganism. I used to be catholic

A Christian shouldn’t anger this easily. Turn the other cheek hashieb

I think the main point is the governmental level of rules and whether they stem from christianity or paganism. If its from christianity it seems more or less that rules are reinterpreted way too much and people can stick to a value system cause of "feelings". If the government were to be centered around paganism it wouldnt be reinterpreted as much. That does depend though what type of paganism you are talking about

Lmaooooo so
-Ethiopians are jews
-modern Jews aren’t real Jews
-whites are a secret tribe of Jews
-whites are the real chosen people
-whites didn’t do anything bad tho that was the fake jews

Get a grip

Give me one example of real evolution. Not micro evolution. Real evolution where a fish (example) changes into a land mammal. And don't post theories, give concrete proof.

>There's more black Christians than European whites of all denominations.
You are deluded. Christians are the largest and most nationalist group among whites. Pic. Use empirical data instead of your lies and delusions pagan psycho. You atheist apes and pagan psychos are to the left of Jews, more globohomo than the Jews, how is that even possible?

Attached: Christians are nationalists.png (638x718, 331.77K)

Looks like Greece to me

Who said I believed in it. I was pointing out your hypocrisy.

This is of course, just your opinion. The fact of the matter is all the negative things you're seeing happen in modern Western society is a product of Christianity, and that fact is objective whether you'll acknowledge it or not. This hyper-atomized individualist anti-racist anti-white identity globalist pro-race mixing "tolerant" hyper liberalism came from somewhere. You all just elect to believe it appeared one day from the deep, rather than it being the inevitable philosophical car crash that awaited this flawed theology from day one. What's more, it's always been this way.

Example: Christians like to gloat about the Franks defeating the Muslims in 722, but contemporary opinion of Christians at that time is that they shouldn't resist the Muslims invaders at all because they were afraid of going to Hell for defending themselves.

This passive beta cuckolded ideology carries through today with the "Let's invite everybody in, damn the consequences" mentality of your average Christian libcuck, shilling for a mass-invasion of foreigners. They're indoctrinated and have their blinders on. Most of your type has already parsed it as follows:
>"If I invite millions of brown people into my lands, the Jewish god will give me happy yum yum treats for it when I die."
and failing that
>"If I invite in millions of brown people into my lands and they kill me, that's Jewish god's will and I'm a martyr! I'll get happy yum yum treats for it when I die!"

Your ideology is directly opposed to ethnonationalism at its core.

"christians are nationalists"

yeah sure, ask KrF and what their views on immigration and shitslam

So now you try to nitpick instead of argue. I rest my case. As for the "swearing", let God judge me.
> easy to anger,
No, just tired of your bullshit.

I can see from your stupid comment that you have not even read and understood the Bible once. You have no clue what you are talking about, atheist ape. Tell me more about how life spontaneously self created from dead matter, a rock, without any divine intervention whatsoever. Give me the statistical hypothesis testing and probability, atheist ape.

Attached: We'll deconstruct nationalist brainwashing as we did Christian - Dawkins.png (459x520, 343.64K)

Tell that to Jesus when he chased your kind from the Temple you stupid cunt.

This is the typical 8cuck Christian post. Both factually incorrect and misdirects into an entirely different topic altogether while not actually saying or disproving anything.

>Recent data reveals that for the first time, Africa is now home to the most number of Christians in the world. Latin America held that title previously.
>An infographic provided by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary shows that more than 631 million Christians currently reside in Africa and they make up 45 percent of the population.
>Latin America is, meanwhile, estimated to have 601 million Christians. Though a smaller number compared to Africa, they make up the majority of the continent at 92 percent.
>According to CBS News, Zambia is the African nation with the highest percentage of Christian residents, with around 95.5 percent of the people living there following the religion.
>Following not too far behind Zambia on the list of African nations with the highest percentage of Christian residents is the Republic of Seychelles, where 94.7 percent hold Christian beliefs.
>Third is Rwanda.
>Last year, a study conducted by the center revealed that more than 582 million Christians were living in Africa. Only the continent of Latin America managed to outrank Africa in terms of number of Christian residents in 2017. Back then, Latin America was home to 591 million Christians.

The majority of Christians aren't white and are left-wing.

Oh yeah I’m jew now forgot

Our government is shit, but the one thing it did well was this lockdown for the entire weekend.

The cucktians are seething. Some of them will go to the local church anyway, and the cops will keep silent, some will also participate. I'm thinking of calling the city authorities tomorrow and getting them all arrested. Should I do it?

I'm already member of Forn Sidr, I'm not stopping anyone but actively enticing people I meet to return to the old gods.
People outside the Nordics who put themselves forth as Asatrú should be fucking hanged though, nothing is quite as cringe inducing.
Except Christianiggers

You never made a case. You got angry and typed gibberish, and I laughed.

Stop trying to sugarcoat it you kike. Countries were Christian, and fine, for hundreds of years. Since they abandoned Christianity is when their problems started.

>Has a strong pagan spirit to it
No, pagan Norway was a land filled with war and conflict. No girl would ever go alone like that in the mountain. She would have been abducted and/or raped. The peacefulness and harmony you see is a very distinct Christian marker.

Name ONE thing in the painting you find to have a strong pagan spirit to it.

Attached: Dahl_The_last_rays_of_the_sun.jpg (1404x831, 472.47K)

TL:DR. Just your opinion. See

Boomer Christianity is fake Christianity just as boomer liberalism/conservatism is not liberal nor conservative. How come you didn't know, boomer?

Attached: Buskapen flyttes, 1869 by Anders Askevold (1834-1900).jpg (3000x1881, 1.1M)

> ape/
It appears the 8cuck cult leader is back.

Prove your Jewish god exists with objective evidence. No, quotes from Iron Age Jew books do not count as evidence.

No, you are a pharisee.

>worship Jews or else you're Jews
We're done here, kek