How does one raise a daughter in the west without her turning into a slut?

How does one raise a daughter in the west without her turning into a slut?

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Honour killings.

Lock her in your basedment like that one Austrian guy

Implement traditional islamic values within the household.

do you have a daughter? Or why are you asking this

What exactly would be the problem if she were

Slutting is genetic trait

You can’t prevent it

Just pray she’s low T and doesn’t get fat

how would you stay away?

>Keep her away from Social Media
>Make her take religion seriously
>slut shame other girls constantly around her

if my daughter was fat and ugly I really wouldn't care if she was getting dicked down. If she was a hot lil slut I would mind. maybe these controlling ideas stem from wanting to fuck your daughter

if that worked Arab girls wouldn't be so slutty

That's just compassion

If dick is hard for her to get you want her to experience it for her happiness

If dick is easy for her to get you don't want her to waste herself on a nignog

My sister said told me a wives tale about having a daughter means you're being punished

Face beatings

1,2, & 6 are fuckable. 5 is probably a tranny.

Just don't let her watch tv.

go the princess route. sucks too though

That's probably where the acid and honor killings come in desu

I call the one on the far left

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t. Never met a muslim or catholic girl before

>maybe these controlling ideas stem from wanting to fuck your daughter
well duh

I’ll take the 1 on the left. Most of these girls in pic too ugly to get dick anyways they just wanted to be accepted by peers. Maybe forced social isolation for women? That and taking away their right to vote, work, divorce and abort.
Plus kill nigs and jews.
World peace

No TVs and no iphones.

Easily done. Do the opposite of 90% of the population. This board requires an iq above 105 to post.

yeah dude, being strict and killing her ability to make friends will never backfire and make her rebel by turning into a total slut. its almost like raising kids the way you wish your parents would have raised you is a vicious cycle.

raise your children in the countryside. not just good for females but males too. and i don't just mean a small-scale version of an urban zone in a flyover state, i mean it should take you over an hour to drive to the nearest supermarket.

social distancing

Convince her she is a boy at the age of 6 or 7.

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Women shouldn’t leave their fathers household until a suitable man takes her from it. Why do women need friends? Women hate eachother it’s not even real friendship.

you retard
no one watched tv anymore

Don’t give her access to the internet and only provide her with some burner phone that can only make texts and calls while actually teaching her about the world rather than letting her be exposed to kike propaganda.

I can't think of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Think about it rationally


Built for BBC.

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Don't raise her in the West.

You must marry her off immediately.
Women with even a year of independence turn into turbo-sluts and ruin their ability to pair bond.

Whats the problem in living in shit?

Passing on my genetic imprint is an end in and of itself you Jew.

fuck her right in the pussy.

Women are social by default. They don’t have FRIENDS, but do require ALLIES. Women without any “friends” are always psycho whores.

And live in a Russian village.

Because otherwise all her friends will be jew-influenced.

i love how Yas Forums larps like they're in the 1700s whenever the topic of family comes up.



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1 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 4

>hits pipe

>lol anonette wtf is that phone?
>are your parents religious psychos or something?
>she’s sooooooo weird
>I bet they like don’t let her bathe without praying forgiveness or something

God, I wish that were me (the white girl taking BBC).

Just have a good relationship with her and she'll look for a guy that reminds her of dad. It's not rocket science. If you have a bad relationship with your daughter, she'll look for whatever would piss you off; a nigger.

you lads know what to do

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Rape her, she'll be so emotionally distant from boys she'll be bullied instead of dicked.
This will probably backfire in the long run so I don't recommend it

Why are daughterfags always jealous pedophiles?

I’m just saying. Guys who prefer sons are always alpha as fuck and build legacies.

Guys who fuss over daughters are always simps who want to commit incest.

You're probably a loser my dude.
These guys are right in keeping their daughters from being cum rags.

I wanna smack around those two chubby ones with muh dick

With integrity and leadership you weak minded fool.

>Who cares what roasties think?

I'd like the two in the left.

Come on trips

>raising a daughter in the west
There's your problem.

Violence, or at least the threat of violence, is the way. Remind all women that they are property and we will not continue to have any problems

>Guys who prefer sons
Sounds gay to me

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haha faggot you like dudes


Projection or straw man?
Place your bets, boys.

>what exactly would the problem be if she were
Of course it’s a leaf



If your friend is more concerned with your phone than with you then they aren’t much of a friend.

Join an active church that's around 60-70% obedient to scripture. Too loose (think of how almost every girl calls themselves Catholic) and they'll be in the same boat as atheists, too strick (think Jean-skirts to g-strings Pentecostals) and they'll rebel. This isn't a guarantee but it's most likely to succeed.

Nothing gay about hanging with some bros.


>not raising a turbo whore and enjoying some prime side pussy
beta as fuck

Me as the friendzoned nerdy white boy in the back

If you want a child so you can control them, you shouldn't have a child.

At some point their decisions are going to be their own.

However you can minimize this by doing just a few things, if it's not subtle your child will rebel.

1. Any time nigger culture comes on ANYTIME. Do not overreact. Overreacting will cause curiousness in your child.
You act like it's boring or unimportant.
Don't be like "those fucking niggers" instead in the most nonchalant way possible state "let's put on some good music."

By acting like you don't care it never draws attention to the media in question.

2. Never ever tell your daughter who she can or can not date. Guaranteed she will fuck that person or someone like them the moment she gets a chance. Women are naturally antagonistic.
Instead using subtle acts you can curve this behavior from the get go.

For instance when my wife and I are watching movies and the children (I have two kids a female and male) and my wife says something along the lines of I like the way x or y person looks.

I'll agree, once again without a care in the world almost.
Wife: "He has a really good beard."
Me: "Yeah it makes his face look handsome."

This positive enforcement from both parents (and the parents getting along (important)) dwells deep into the child's mind.
If you're a positive parent, if you're a father who is loving to both his woman and his children. Your kids will reciprocate this good vibe on whatever subject you were talking about.

Kids are a reflection of you.
If your kid ends up being a good for nothing slut or fat fuck. It's your parenting that didn't instill those values.
However remember, you're not there to control them. Every once in a while no matter how hard you try by statistical probability you just have a bad kid.


You can’t prevent a woman from fucking around. Literally all she needs is 5 minutes alone with a perceived alpha. Women DO NOT think the way men do. If nobody knows what they’re doing, it didn’t happen in their minds.

I’ve shaken hands with clueless dummies whose daughters I took from behind with my fingers jammed up their noses not even 24 hours prior.

Make Patriarchy Great Again.

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Why would you stop at 98? Like what the actual fuck is wrong with you? At what point in your life did things go wrong?

you sexin them brooda

Flag checks out

Lefty roll please all others sage

How does one raise a son in the west without him turning into a fuckboy?

Fine. Anal it is


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my roll

haha retard 99 and 00 are gets how fuckin new are you
now go sex dudes

This man knows what he's talking about. Seconded.

We have a saying that goes "in time of war every hole is a trench"

why do u care who your daughter fucks?


Did you forget women are not men? Going against the group is entirely against their hardwiring

Right? Natural selection favors dads who don't hold their daughters back from breeding.

nice lucky you my man


christ nooooo reroll


Half the worlds underage porno comes from Russia

When will you understand that women don’t have friends? They have ALLIES. Social allies are EVERYTHING to women.

Unironically through Jesus and Christianity.

>step one
Become the example of an ideal father
>step two
Make sure mother is on board with being an ideal mother
>step 3
If either one of you gives into degenerative habits and lifestyles, practice steps 1 and 2 again
>step 4
By the time you both have children, you should have a solid, unbreakable relationship with each other. Don't break each other's trust. Don't abuse each other. Forgive each other on a daily basis
>step 5
Have kids, and through your strong familial bond, come to a compromise and understanding that provides your child with a secure and loving environment that empowers their curiosity and learning stages
>step 6
Good nutrition. Fuck manufactured crap that is on sale. Don't give your kids sugar, don't give them poisonous garbage. Whole foods, vegetables, and HEALTHY meats and fats.
>step 7
Teach your child forgiveness, and take them on adventures. Form a strong bond
>step 8
>step 9

Seriously. Your child will denounce anything in society that goes against your teaching if you practice firm love and wisdom, with flexible freedom, and respect towards your child.

Simple :

Give her love and attention
Watch her frequenting

rape her from childhood.

You don’t deserve her user

Step 1: marry a religious high IQ girl
Don't be lustful nigger.
Step 2: No social media till puberty
Be a good father and keep her occupied with productive activities
Step 3: Introduce her to guns and martial arts
Stop projecting, tranny.

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They are fun, tho.

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please 85-98

questionable amount of dubz going on right now... are you guys coming from the tranny threads in gif?

Low numbers plox



you dont lol if youre absolutely "lucky" as you can get, you'll live in an area where there are no other kids, it will also be mostly white/asian, her mother dies in childbirth, homeschooling is an option and she willingly takes after you but hates any immediate/extended family

1>6>>>gas the rest

shes not bad desu

Never tell a woman you think a guy is “evil” or “bad news” or an “asshole”. That’s the equivalent of a man getting told “she’s a squirter, always in the mood, and REFUSES to stop sucking after you orgasm”.

Anti-social behavior is sexy to women on an instinctive level.

Instead dismiss him. Act aloof. Like he’s just a low SMV loser and she’ll be a loser too if she’s responsive. Behave as if he’s the equivalent of a creepy incel.

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Most of them are uggos


Did she an hero?