Is it possible to go back to our Slavic roots or are we stuck with these desert religions ?

Is it possible to go back to our Slavic roots or are we stuck with these desert religions ?

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your country is one giant intellectual desert

so is your moms pussy

We're all stuck with desert religions, you even more-so. A shame, really. Fuck (((abrahamism)))

>he thinks this makes sense

>religion made by romans
Ok schlomo

Don't be ridiculous. Bosnia isn't giant

who do you think the jewish-satanist elite cults across the world worship, Yahweh or Baal?

It is, but dont expect anything constructive from people here, this is a freak show full of retards as you can see from the comments.

Mutt I...

>Is it possible to go back to our Slavic roots or are we stuck with these desert religions ?
Sadly we are stuck. Old Gods are dead and cant be resurrected.

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sometimes there is constructive conversations, but most of the time its just autism

>muh Slavic
>couldn't even write until the 9th c.

>who do you think the jewish-satanist elite cults across the world worship, Yahweh or Baal?
Both because they are the same damn thing. "Baal" is a title which means "Lord" in the Semitic languages such as (((Hebrew))). Who (((they))) consider "Lord" is Yahweh.

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Bullshit, there is one of the old ones who has always been "special" and he was always and is still here, others are as well, they just dont care for people who dont care for them. The special one always had his cult following in time of need and he is still drowning those who wrong him.

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I doubt the old religions can ever be properly resurrected. But with Christianity dying maybe something new will take its place.

80% of users on here are from US so...90% of people are morons and those rest 10% rarely contribute

Absolutely possible but only for select few individuals who can authentically explore spirituality a part from the zeitgeist. You will have absolutely not support but from the soul you tend to. This is the part which many don’t can’t come to grips with. You will not be able to look to others to see how to perform your deeds, you will not have the wind of society to push you. It will be your spirit, along with the gods, nothing else. That’s where you start and it will only get better as YOU get stronger.

The beauty is that as the West collapses, people will begin understanding more. They will see the priests that failed them for the frauds that they are, and true men will be receptive to the call of blood and soil, of the old ways.

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It isn’t about “resurrecting” shit, the spirit of our ancestors is still in our veins. It’s more a matter of rediscovering, through our own efforts, not through historical study what it means to be Aryans, an awakening of the blood

It’s what was ALMOST achieved in the 1930s.

Evo neki dan bio na moru sa frendom i naletili na jednom otoku bio trozubac neptuna i kazem mu ja, ajde idemo mi prizvat Neptuna za pomoc, pa da vidimo kako cemo ulovit.
Par sati poslije, lik presretan nije tako dobro ulovio ribe mjesecima, jos poslije zamolio za crvenu, kad taman sljedeca bude velika crvena kapitalka, a kad smo nesto zasrali bilo je jebem ti mrtvog isusa i psovanje po abrahamu lol

Ukratko, bas nam bilo ljepo i prirodno.

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the bible tell people not to worship baal as it was a foreign Canaanite god yet they are the same deity? God tells Joshua to kill all the canaanites (one element of the mongrel jews) when they entered the holy land, Joshua did not and said that because he disobeyed his command that these JEWS would be a curse and Thorn in the sides of the Israelites.

>It’s more a matter of rediscovering

just do it, it comes natural to us. for example, your at sea, you want fish, ask poseidon/neptune/vodan to give you a good catch.

bonus points for swearing on dead jesus corpse

that guy was the best warrior. he didnt even need a weapon. he could beat his enemies to death with his giant hand WITH the other hand tied behind his back

Desert religions (sandniggery)
(Traditionally) white religions
>European pantheons (norse, greek, and roman)
Old bois (based as fuck)
>Ancient egyptian religion
>Sumerian religion
>Aryan/PIE animism (Dyēus ph2tēr) - hyper based extra fuck
>Atheism because animals don't have religions
Lolwut (gay)
>LaVeyan satanism
>Buddhism and Hinduism as white millenials and GenXers do it

Where is ancestor worship? That it one of the oldest forms of spirituality, you forgot that one.

nice, gdje si našao baš Neptuna

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Aryan Animism probably includes that, as ancestors were treated much the same as other spirits, just more personally connected to you

pa na moru

Based and redpilled

You just proved the burger's point.

>the bible tell people not to worship baal as it was a foreign Canaanite god yet they are the same deity?
The Canaanites were also Semites who worshipped El as lord and not yahweh.

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I think ancestor worship is super based, its simple, makes sense and old as humanity. It was most likely the foundation for all other based paths. Basically you worship your genes, your family, tribe, people, everything falls into place when you have that in focus.

Pa dobro Poseidon Neptun, zar naši nisu imali ?

>can be pronounced only by Finns
Checked and denied.

Now, can anyone refill me on slavic paganism or slavic religion in general? What gods are there? What modern festivals/traditions are still connected to their non-kiked past?

Either animism or aryan animism (as in animism performed by the Aryans/PIEs)

Pa isti kurac, oces zvat rezanci ili pasta, ista stvar na kraju. Ne smeta me koristenje drugih imena za istu stvar desu, ali da, mozes i nase, mislim da je Morski ili tako nesto, nije bas neko inspirativno ime desu, veca mi je fora neptun

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jest dobra fora, based and saved


Nice try Muhammad.

>Slavic roots
More i learn over the years on this Mongolian underwater basket-weaving forum more im in shock!

>slavic paganism or slavic religion in general?
Part of indo-european paganism, different branch, similar system, just different names.
>What gods are there?
Similar like nordic, old greek etc
>What modern festivals/traditions are still connected to their non-kiked past?
You have it in traditions even till this day, for example washing your face in flowers on this next sunday. jumping over fire, chasing away winter in february dressed similar to krampus, stuff like that, you also have many young based conservative people revitalizing it.

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>larpagans are so fucking dumb they think indians are white because obscure anthropology drop outs said so

>Desert religions (sandniggery)
well, good luck uniting Europe or the Western World with one of them Mithraisms, Celtic paganisms or other tribal local religions

>Porn peddlers and mountain jews

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dude some pagan customs that people are doing in my country are ancient, my great great grandmothers were doing it, my grandmothers and my mother and so did me. Its not larp when its ancient and part of tradition.
Tradition such as zvoncari is 10 times older than your country, so you are larper with your democracy bs.

just us in the region, what the west does is none of my concern they have they're own shit

Do you need to ask permission to worship whatever you want? If you want more people to follow on your footsteps, lead and others will do so by your example

t. Roman pagan

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>Slavic Europe


If we ever manage to get rid of the kike religion (I don't think it's happening since even when they knew about it they kept going and simply reformed the religion) we will go back to the Roman Pantheon you faggot

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Since when are there non-Muslim bosniaks? Abandon Islam is always good

>Name can only be pronounced only by Finns
I can pronounce it: Vejnemöjnen. We studied about the Kalevala in elementary and high school in literature class. It was unusual, but fascinating.

This sounds very interesting. I'm only used to seeing these types of traditions in my country and Italy, I didn't even know or think about slavic religions until a month ago. Are there any books or documentaries about it all? I don't mind if it's not synchronised so long as there are subs.

interesting, tell me who you follow ?

The answer is Yes.

For example on slavic folk clothes, the patterns are in many cases symbols of deities. Paganism has managed to survive as a living part of culture in slav people, mostly blended with some christian saints etc, slavs were to stubborn to stop their practices I guess.

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WE ARE ALREADY GOING BACK TO OUR PAGAN ROOTS Whatever mohamedan we will deal with you like back in Maglaj where czech troops massacred you filthy dogs.

Thanks. I definitely needed more proof croats are subhuman

Yeah, google it, dont know top of my head, did you play witcher III it is loaded with slavic mythology.

Here you go some slavic cuties

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You are stuck with Truth. Logos. Do you understand the concept!? No. You don't or you would not ask that question


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South Slavs are fucking Greeks or something similar

the fuck are you even on about

Hes not Muslim, love that song kek
its not just croatia, everywhere in europe you have same thing, look for example in UK fires of st. george, actually why do I expect you to know this, you are american after all, newermind.

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Nothing slavic about your pic related.

>He may have attempted to reform Slavic paganism in an attempt to identify himself with the various gods worshipped by his subjects. He built a pagan temple on the a hill in Kiev dedicated to six gods: Perun - the god of thunder and war "a Norse god favored by members of the prince’s druzhina (military retinue)". Slav gods Stribog and Dazhd'bog; Mokosh - a goddess representing Mother Nature "worshipped by Finnish tribes"; Khors and Simargl, "both of which had Iranian origins, were included, probably to appeal to the Poliane."
>two Iranian gods

Sounds like you were already a desert religion lmao

Checked. Thanks, was just asking because most books out there appear to rather list a bunch of religions with focus on sandniggerism. Enjoy your evening.

i dont get his autism, he does know Bosnia was in Austrian empire ?

yeah, cathars were gnostics, offshoot of chriscuckery. Although those monolithic stones seem to be much older than the carvings, someone else was there much much before the cathars, they just carved them later.

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Iranian means Sarmatian, mutt

This the Slavic God of big hands and coat hangars?

Reminds me of Lugh.

Rare flag alert

he should, because that song is about AH empire sending czechs to fight in hercegovina against turks, anyway, he probably thinks all of bosnia is muslim or something.

There is a ton of misunderstanding of El/YHWH/Baal in this thread.

El was a Canaanite allfather creator god. YWHW was a storm/war god from the south, probably Sinai area. Baal was a Canaanite weather god, who's name itself became a theonym meaning "lord" or "god." When the Bible refers to Baal it is speaking of Baal Hadad, the storm god.

El, and later YHWH, were both worshipped by the early Israelites. Eventually these two became conflated in one singular God, who became seen as the ONLY god.

>Be mutt
>Live in your mom's basement cause too ugly
>Haven't seen sun in years
>Skin still brown cause negro genes
> 89 IQ
>5'8, 240lbs
>Never went out of there own state
>All of his knowledge about the outside world is based of (((Wikipedia))) and Yas Forums
>Constantly insults other countries and tells people they are subhumans

Why are you like this?

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I think thats actually christian (gnostic, cathar) tombstone.

>religion made by romans
That's like saying someone born in Puerto Rico is part of the legacy of the 13 American Colonies.

I can't even find anything about it, any links ?

It is possible, but we're not the same as Slavs that had settled Balkan region in 7th century, thus it would be unnecessary larp

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About bohemians in AH army against turks? Or about slavic paganism, or about bogumil gnosis?

here is a cool russian shouting pagan lady. Happy Spring bro!

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dinaric admixture right ?

about them attacking Turks in Hercegovina,

Jeli vi imate cvjetnicu ovu nedjelju? I inace imate li neke obicaje koji su se nakalemili na krscanske, ali su staropaganski?

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You mean the culture and religion you stole from Scythians?

you shut your whore mouth

He's unironically right about Bosnia though...