Racist British man and Pajeet store owner almost fight over coronavirus

"You're type gave us the virus"

Typical dumb as a brick ignorant Brits. Can't tell the difference between a chink and a pajeet. These are your high IQ whites, eh? lol


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Simple, stop letting whitey shop at your stores.

>Can't tell the difference between a chink and a pajeet
Paki smells worse.

Genuinely ashamed at what's happened to us Brits. The Indians are lovely and kind people, most brits are alcoholic and violent so its no surprise that incidents like these are an every day occurrence.



Typical bongoloid rage.

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You call them asains over there like retards.

This, encourage ghettonisation. Actually no not this because the filthy fucks we still try to shop at ours just as they've moved from their ancestral homelands to ours they'll fucking shop at ours on a micro level too.

Nice try streetshitter

All those lovely kind Indians/Pakis/[insert other wog parasite here] who got a nice life in UK, that nice life got taken from a young white guy/girl somewhere. Nothing for free m8. Somewhere down the line someone paid a price and they're rightfully fucking sore about it.

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Last time we met PortugiNigger, You had Goa under your Control,
now it produces highest tax income for us, Cry PortugiNigger hahahha

All those lovely Brit Niggers over there, There would have been Hundreds of our Ancestors, Brothers and sisters who couldn't see the day of light after British stole our Lands and Taxes and Diamonds and what not.
God is great, and now is the time for Shit Brit Niggers. Fuck off you fucking snowflake shitbrit

White people are thick as pig shit. They barely pass their GCSEs then talk shit to us A* lads.

inbreds, all of them. it’s just a tiny ass island you can only go so far before you end up fucking your cousin


>poojeet talking shit about Brits on cousing fucking
holy shit do you shitskins have any self-awareness

Niggers arguing.
What else is new?

Working class chavs are probably the lowest form of human life, what do you guys think

stellar thread ITT

Based Rajesh

High IQ like understanding that the store owner could have in fact given it to him?

lmao based bong

Fuck you.

British wh*tes are genuinely retarded, they get BTFO by Indians in schools and intelligence.

>These are your high IQ whites
Ahem, that's a Jew. Learn the difference, it may save your life.

>Indians in schools and intelligence.

Why does that so called intelligence never manifest itself in anything but tests?

First, show flag
Second, brits are not white

This. If we are supposed to call them all Asians, they're misdeeds will all be lumped together.

I'm talking about British Indians who are smarter and make more many than British whites and therefore more successful so STFU.

All nonwhites in the UK should be swinging from lamposts.

Good. If it makes foreigners feel unwelcome I don't really care about the content.
Brit flags itt who say otherwise are only so much eunuch dribble, they will feed pigs one day.

Make me shut up you shit indian puke, I would break you with my bare fucking hands.

Your people are shit.

stfu poo nigger

>British Indians

No such fucking thing faggot.

You are just indian shits occupying a nation you could never build yourselves.

>"You're type gave us the virus"
Accidentally correct though. The uncleanliness of pajeets undoubtably contributed to the spread of covid.

>us brits
t. pajeet

“Ancestral home land” kek
Ok Cnut

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The answer is because you shit indians can only memorize and repeat, you have no actual thoughts of your own and cannot come up with or do anything independently.

Except the British dominion of India greatly improved economic and living conditions for the average pajeet. The Brits created the entire Indian tea industry, which your country still financially benefits from to this day. Before the Brits started building plantations in India, 99% of tea was grown in China.

I would hire a good lawyer and get you a million years on a hate crime where you'd be raped to death by some black.
There would be no doctors in the UK without us and it's called karma lmao.

But the guys white?

>There would be no doctors in the UK without us

How the fuck can your stupid ass even think that?

You simply show the point, you are a dumb low end people even with your precious fake scores.

Karma for what faggot?
If Karma is real what did you shit people do to deserve your lot?

Can anyone fucking translate here I'm totally lost

>Get the media to call them Asian to deflect the blame for all their rapey rapes
>When Asia fucks over the world OH NO WE'RE NOT ASIAN!!!

>These are your high IQ whites, eh?
No, they're anglo.
Discounted on two counts.

good, he may be a moron, but at least racial consciousness among whites may be increasing

Yeah I don’t speak ugly

Some Indians are "lovely" in India. All settlers outside of India are just a parasities.

I stopped at the gas station a couple of days ago. Went in to buy a lottery ticket. The indian guy who owns the store was working the register. He was so apologetic and wearing a mask and gloves and you could just tell he has caught shit from ignorant shitheads over all this.

The one thing the world needs right now more than anything is a covid cure, but besides that we need politeness and civility. Just because you're white doesn't mean you can just go around acting like a nigger. Have some fucking tact.

>shitskins are lowiq
>shitskins can’t think
Meanwhile the NHS is full of Indians and Nigerians
The Chancellor of UK is now Indian
As are many higher officials in the government

Maybe just maybe you should reconsider racism, just a thought

Kys chink - pajeets all of you need to GTFO

i fucking hate our country, i hate our people, i fucking cannot wait for most of them to fucking die

I'm starting to think whites may be the problem. They seem to be at the root of almost all racial hatred.

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20% of doctors you mong and I don't need to go over why this is karma for Britain concernind India

>almost fight

Yeah the 2nd gram of coke was too much

Maybe we should just remove all indian fucks from the west?

The British did not even do anything to india....

Give me an address and we can work on extracting revenge right now..

The difference between poos and chinks is that you almost have to use plumbing terminology to describe the poo's effects on foreign populations.
>literally feces

Give me your address so I can kick your ass.

Wh*Te dog is too stupid to tell difference between Indians and Chinese. The mad wh*Te dog should be euthanized soon.

YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!

I asked you first, I will fly the fuck over there since it is so cheap, so where do I need to go?

You are just paying for the price of what your ancestors did.
We were almost about to end the muzzie virus from indian subcontinent back in the time , but then you had to come here with your lousy ass.
Now pay for it, trust me it feels very good too see our paki brothas (even though we hate them) are raping your country and you can't do shit about it

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>You are just paying for the price of what your ancestors did.

What is it you think they did exactly?

Using shit you pukes were not using was not doing anything wrong..

I wish brits would colonize us again and hopefull kill off all cringe curry niggers, muzzie goatfuckers and poorfag streetshitters

>Meanwhile the NHS is full of Indians and Nigerians
Might be why it's failing miserably.


And that piece is from the fucking GUARDIAN, a left wing publication that wants the NHS to survive.

dios mio...

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don't you fuck dogs?
White dogs should be on the top of your list

Check'd and based

Nice try jap

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