Give me one (1) good reason why civic nationalism shouldn't be the foundational ideology of america...

Give me one (1) good reason why civic nationalism shouldn't be the foundational ideology of america? We are a nation of immigrants and it does us no good to ignore non white immigration coz of 'muh race'. I'd any given day pick a talented asian/indian/african over a redneck from alabama.

Attached: 1538446686336.jpg (659x663, 144.63K)

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Because IQ matters

Because misgenation is horrible

That pic is based

Look at this Jew larping as a conservative.

Because look at the way whites are treated in society as of now. What do you think life is gonna be like for whites if and when we're a minority. Do you really want to gamble that chance? It's completely senseable to wanting to remain a majority in my own country

I was of the exact same mind, until my race became the only acceptable punching bag. When whats good for the goose is good for the gander please tell me about civnat. Until then after having previously unilaterally disarmed, I have rearmed and will wait in self protection mode. oh yeah and fuck kikes and fuck niggers

If it was legal to segregate and if race mixing was completely unacceptable I would be fine with civic nationalism.
It will never happen though.

Because faggots like OP will then destabalize efforts to amicably racially balkanize later. Like the jim crow era CIA did

Killself trump nigger. You like niggers so much move to fucking Africa. We don’t have to tolerate them in our own lands because of your obsession with niggers.