Why Isn't the Somali Ethnostate Functional?

Somalia has a single language, religion, and ethnicity, and yet it's still a shithole. Why is it that one of the most homogeneous populations in Africa is the most dysfunctional?

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Inbreeding and nigger genes.

Because it's full of niggers, you fucking brainlet.

Low IQ. That's all.

because it's a nigger country retard.

Khatzarian mafia. No submission to white male leadership. General beastlike nature of the local haplogroup, not enough injection of the kind of semen that helped spawn the type of demon in op's pic.

The rest of sub-saharan africa is full of niggers that have low IQs, but those countries also have a bunch of different cultures mixed together. Why is it that low IQ niggers with less diversity are the least successful?
I thought this would be an interesting question for people who fantasize about a homogeneous state would use this exception as a case study of what to avoid in their own ideal societies.

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The unfortunate truth is that our country and people are still suffering from the legacy of European colonialism. Let me explain what I mean by that, see the pic. It’s the picture of the greater Somalia. The area that is currently still Somalis live and historically settled for centuries. Then came the European colonist, and I shit you not, we’re the first nation in Africa that fought against them and first country in Africa attacked by airplane. The European filthy divided my country into five fucking pieces like a pizza. Under British empire, the south under the Italian swarthy niggers, the western coast or modern day Djibouti under cowardly frogs aka France. The Europeans gave test to the Kenyas and Ethiopia because my Christiancuck brothers. We managed to unite the north under the bongs and the south under the Mario pizza niggers. In 1977 We organized and planned to take our rightful clay from Ethiopian filth. We won and almost do some frontline dance on Ethiopian capital. All of sudden the commie Soviet/Russian rats and Cuban nigger division came and we got our ass kicked real bad. Now the west in a favor of Ethiopian side plot to dismantle the country. Some Northern Somali tribal kikes started chimping out. The govt collapsed and eventually the country has become the pirate ridden-terrorist-bastard-producing shithole.

Regardless of everything, we still dab on dead Ethiopian bodies.

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Niggers need whites to take care of them because they are generally lazy and stupid.

It’s full of literally retarded, violent monkeys. How could it possibly go otherwise?

Whilst it's cute when dogs sit at the table and try to eat their food like people, they'll never understand the delicate nuances of the attached mannerisms. Biologically they can't comprehend it, but they enjoy themselves.
Same with niggers.

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>Somalia has a single language,
>and ethnicity

Man her face is actually beautiful, what the fuck. She makes the mong in the background like like a turd and this chick is literally black.

Says the fat fuck who raised on a silver spoon on his fat diet food. Fuck you

Imagine if niggers actually look as caucasian as she does

Learn something beside sniffing your mom’s filthy underwear

Brains love fat. Soon we will be a race of fat brainiacs. It is the future...

Gee, I dunno. Good point OP.

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because they are niggers

Somalians are lazy and stupid even in nigger standards. I doubt they should be classified as humans.

long story short

Yeah, I've read the wikipedia entry on Somalia and I'm aware that before the collapse the country wasn't shit, but I don't think European colonialism can be to blame for this because of the pre-civil-war era. I'm also willing to consider Japan's experience with their Sengoku period, where they were fighting each other for a fuck long time.
Its just that I see great potential in Somalia even with its existing borders. It has the strategic benefit of a coastline, which can tempt many great powers into beneficial deals, it's homogeneous, which should mean that it can coordinate well due to the high trust that comes with homogeneity, and the somali's outside of the existing borders, would have to be reunited later if only to build the capacity to help them.
It just seems weird that somali's aren't the most successful Africans given their advantages.

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Don’t you have a pirate ship to get killed on? Also, niggers and beaners in America are the fattest.

you got something like 12 tribes fighting over limited resources.

Because its full of niggers. If Sweden was full of somalis it'd be a shithole too. Oh, look what's happening

Clan mentality and low iq

Low IQ, never had access to civilization, no unifying force or person to rally them

When Yellowstone blows and Americans migrate to Africa, we'll take care of it

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I also forgot to mention that Somalia is kind of blocked in by the mountains to the east, which could explain why the separation of somali peoples was possible within Ethiopia and Kenya.
Pic Related

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Who is the breedable nigger?

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the fucking raise at the end gets me every time

>Low IQ
They aren't the only Africans in existence, and some Africans are doing better than them, even in multicultural states.
>never had access to civilization
They converted to Islam by hanging out with Arabs, they experienced trade with the Islamic world and so I wouldn't say they were disconnected from other civilizations.
>no unifying force or person to rally them
This one I kind of agree with. Their warring states period would end if they had a genius, charismatic general who defeats everyone else, but that can't be counted on due to the mean IQ of the region (Japan got away with it because their high IQ made the roll of the dice a potential option.), however, they can rally around their culture and language. Their homogeneity makes ethno-nationalism possible.

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The only reason there's a single ethnicity is that it's such a fucking shithole with no resources other than the shitty inhabitants that no one wants to be there. It's ruled by warlords, and that badly. We should build a wall arounf it and line the waters surrounding it with massive gunships that slaughter anyone who leaves its shores. In a couple thousand years, maybe they will have evolved enough to consider allowing to be a part of the world again.

The only other option is full-force cleansing of everyone in power, followed by ruling invaders to keep the population in control, like the Romans did.

Well, it’s a bit unfair to compare Somalia to Japan. Before they turned Japan into a weird fetish island full of weirdos, Japan was a super power that challenged and altered the balance of world order. They had a history and knowledge of how to built shit from the dust. That being said, I’m glad that you mentioned how Somalia has the potential to become the best country in Africa, well, there’s a time when Somalia was nicknamed the Switzerland of Africa. If we don’t have a bunch of brain dead commie left over boomer politicians and retarded religious weirdos, we would be the apple of Africa. But hey, soon Insha’Allah we’re making Somalia great again. Just watch us conquer shit soon

I can't wait for you to come the motherland and unify our lazy-asses, white massa.

Civil war, and basically nobody won, they just kept fighting

It works better for them than if they had to compete with super-somalian whites outclassing them in every single social aspect.

I think the comparison to Japan has some merit. They had a similar period where they were fighting each other for a long time. Afterwards Commodore Perry pushed their shit in and they realized they can be feudal warlords anymore so the Meiji administration conducted a campaign of educating the population. What's interesting about this is that Japan kept their culture while gaining secular knowledge, which counters the idea of some religious people that if you adopt western knowledge you will destroy your culture. Instead it looks like modern knowledge and education gets wrapped around the existing culture and gives it an opportunity to better express itself. The reason I used the Japan comparison is that it is a proof of concept that after the Somali civil war it could become that type of great power; the public just needs formal disciplined modern education and the will to carry out that dream.
>I'm running out of niggers to post.
I might have to post random brown girls next.

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>Yeah so i read the history of Somalia and it pretty much explains everything but if you disregard it then its like this big mistery

Nah, the late filthy Ethiopian emperor bitch want a buffer zone for his filthy degenerate Ethiopian vermins, cause we were historically used raided them. So he begged the Eurocuck colonialist in Berlin in 1884 to give him that part cause he’s scared shitless us based Somali boys.

The kike knows.

Being homogeneous doesn't help if you're homogeneously bad.



How come homogeneity does not help resolve civil wars? If it's not useful in reducing conflict, why bother emphasizing it?

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Haha. Keep trying, mohammed.

They need white dick to save them.

Because incels have nothing left to hold onto. After they lose their "race", suicide is all that's left.

Have you ever met a Somalian? Homogenized society does not automatically mean good - We're fighting against a homogenized mix of people and cultures sharing the same cardboard brown skin tone and consumption values. We want a homogeneous culture because our culture is superior and others are inferior. If you need proof of how superior our culture is, introducing even a few of us in an African nation drastically improves that nation. Leaving African cultures to their own devices gives you Liberia and Somalia. They are plagues.

Somalis actually have a uniquely low IQ, lower than other group averages in africa

>why universal solutions don't exist?

There's no universal man.

>what to avoid in their own ideal societies.

niggers, you over-indoctrinated moron

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You're retarded. There's nothing to "learn" from nigger societies. You may as well show me some monkeys and their social order and say "look, you can learn something from them!!"

No, no you cant

Somalia is anarchy

that's because islam is A-OK with marrying your first cousin

...and because niggers are stupid even with a large gene pool to begin with

if all negroids actually looked like her they'd be like dark elves instead of the orcs and goblins they are right now

I keep hearing about the low IQ in Somalia and it makes me wonder, what is the IQ of somali immigrants to other states that have integrated into them? Do they have similar IQs or is the low IQ of the country of Somalia due to the massive braindrain that comes with 30 years of war?

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I used to work with them in Vermont they weren't that smart but they would get an 18/hr job at servepro cleaning up messes

Had no idea how to use a debit card tho

>Had no idea how to use a debit card tho
Watch this kek

It’s not as simple as you think it’s. We have a thing called tribes, and Somali tribal politics is equal to what the fat bong said about Russia which was “is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” So it’s hard

Lol wearing a $70 hoodie so fucked up he is trying to scan a dollar

Africa is littered with them. They use political power now as well as plain tribal warfare. They often speak different languages, or at least dialects. Africa is like the crips and bloods times a hundred. It's primitive, and all their brains can handle.

The pajeet getting angry makes it even better. I kekd when he said this is not your EBT card. Fucking nig nogs...