Businesses in NYC board up in preperation for civil unrest

Smart kikes.
So I gotta ask; When does the rioting begin?

Attached: This is a picture of several buildings and boards and a sidewalk and a news article.png (871x568, 394.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

when niggers run out of kfc

Link to video of nigger kids being violent infront of nigger cops in New York.

In the mid of April

Never. There will be a spike in crime but as far as riots go, don't make me laugh. New Yorkers aren't capable of riots because they're fucking PUSSIES. Sure niggers and spics will rob people in broad day light and hell they might even rob banks and businesses because wearing a mask and gloves is the new norm and no one gives you a second look but full on riots will never happen.

Wow preemptive racism

>thinking a fire or crowbar won't un-do any of that work.

Heh. Let's be real here, niggers only want money and status items in National Disasters. Apple stores and Shoe stores will be the first looted. Mark my words.

t. New Yorker.

>When does the rioting begin?


Louis Rossman on suicide watch

What do they think will happen?

Attached: birdjudgementdayt.jpg (500x400, 79.65K)

Baste Spurdonian

Attached: xjKgo68.png (524x399, 82.41K)

Attached: best korea.png (650x555, 604.88K)

I hope your jewish ass gets a taste of cultural enrichment.



Just like with the TP hysteria if the news broadcasts stores "boarding up" inevitably people will start causing problems...How many stores are boarding up?

So confirmed for sneaker craving blakkk man. Feel better soon!

Once the weather heats up and they're forced to let us all out of our cages.
Chimpouts this summer are gonna be epic.

Burnt wood smells nice user

eccept u are a dumb ass.
in baltimore the first stores they looted were drug stores for oxi contin

According to the article, "a growing number"

Attached: Picture of boarded up building.jpg (932x524, 82.22K)

Are you retarded? There have been countless riots in nyc for far less shit than this.

>Major metros are all going to get locked down and die
>Rural and small town USA will be more or less fine
We're about to see a MASSIVE demographic and ideological correction in the US

>Business protects them selfs for civilian arrest
>With plywood

Burgers are fucking cringe

Mean while in Tel-Aviv everything is fine.

Also in Italy

Why are there riots only where there are a lot of niggers?

>This shit is happening everywhere
Only one fucking store.

Attached: jews fake news 2.jpg (768x1061, 90.03K)

Happening in Toronto, too.

That was in the past you fucking imbecile. New Yorkers are sedated and the only thing that will happen from this covid crises is petty thievery and random assaults. Do I think certain businesses will get looted? Maybe....I just don't think they have it in them. The NYPD isn't stretched thin like before. Most well off people or law abiding citizens are at home and the only people on the streets are poor people that have to work/essential workers. I expect nurses, ems and super market employees to get robbed in broad day light soon. As for riots? please....stop indulging in fantasies you mush brained retard.

That was in New Jersey



Kristallnacht 2: Pandemic Boogaloo

Because there’s been countless riots for less, NY has create an excellent system for riot prevention - save for a power outage. Blackout of 1977 v2 will be insane

>That was in the past you fucking
That's not a very compelling argument.
If it happened before, it can happen again.

If they're going to board up their businesses the least they can do is use polycarbonate instead of plywood so it doesn't look like shit.

>That was in the past you fucking imbecile.
What a naive statement.

topkek, is he that popular now? man i was watching him forever ago just repairing broken macbook pro's and now people know him who don't know shit about tech.

Not sure, but I've been carrying despite laws.
And I'm keeping at least 75 rounds in mags w/me.


Stay safe, brother.

>niggers only want money and status items
A true fellow NYer, I see.

>we know how it goes down
>the lights-out of 77 was a lesson

oh shit, thats the churchill. i used to know the son of the owner, he was a drug addict pedo faggot who would prey on underage girls in the clubs here.

lol those are playwood a kids can punch through it, or you can just light it up

Close but I'd put my money on early to mid May. The spooks still aren't actually staying in their homes yet.

But once they're forced to lockdown, they'll chimp out in a week or two.


when others are doing nothing, then even the smallest defense is huge. Just the windows on that small space would cost 10-15k to replace.

>Stay safe, brother.
You too.
Fucking nice walking to work lately.
No crowds is nice, even if fucking weird.

Concrete bags are pretty good.

1200 lbs probably, 60 lb bags or 80.

He did a load of videos that got popular on the Real Estate market, comfy GoPro cycling vids around Manhatten, and his personal quest on Right to Repair, so I'd say his audience is a lot broader now.

Fucking lighter fluid.....

i was saying this the other day. the blackout of 1977 will look like a birthday party if the city goes into total lockdown. the streets will be a firery hellscape overnight.

they should have started rioting when all they were given were tax credits and small business loans.

Nigger, please.

The first thing I did was secure two platoons of Roof Koreans to deter niggers and protect my property.

Attached: 7ad.jpg (600x400, 39.57K)

But then all the fags will move to our states and small towns and continue voting the same way they always have, shitting up our homes because they are retarded and lack self-awareness

Wrong. People are fleeing the cities and spreading the virus to rural areas. This will be bad for everyone.

wrong KFC
>Korean fried chicken or KFC,[1][2][3] usually called chikin (치킨,

Attached: Caught_On_Video_3_Men_Ransack_2020-04-04_18-20-53.png (708x412, 211.61K)

Was he a jew?

Technically, it's known as particle board here. Plywood is layered panels of wood. Much stronger. Particleboard is just wood chips + glue.

It’s not plywood though. It’s oriented strand board, or OSB.



And that ended up being because of crooked cops with their own drug racket.

Same difference

yeah, i've been watching all through that. great vids though, showing how shady realtors are. it's nothing new to us, the same shit happens when looking for apartments. but he's a funny dude and like you said, fights the good fight for right to repair. he's a great guy, i'd love to have a beer with him.

It’s not particle board either. See

I doubt there will be rioting. Its odd there isnt rioting right now....could it be because there is a plague?

No, that's OSB you retard.

or is it ultra orthodox jews causing problems?

Fun fact, the rate of infected went down this week from 65% to 55%. What's the reason? Well off people in NYC left for Long Island. LI numbers have risen as a result. You guys need to realize shit isn't going to get as crazy as you think in the city. The most infected areas have the highest concentration of NYPD. Good luck to anyone trying to "riot" though lol.

Hopefully soon, and I’m in

>Particleboard is just wood chips + glue.
Yep, and if you leave it uncoated and get it wet enough it swells up and starts crumbling all to pieces


I live in a small town in western North Carolina and we have tons of boomers from Florida here. They're pretentious, entitled cocksuckers but they spend money so we tolerate them.

based Fin, honestly life hasnt changed that much for them yet. Its not like they work and most of the stores they use their gibs cards at are still open.

Attached: 61iML5pyl8L._SL1280_.jpg (1280x1269, 98.71K)

I should elaborate. Wood chips glued together is OSB, what's in OPs picture is CDX plywood.

wait for the second wave

In my state, people from "hotspots" aren't allowed to rent hotel rooms, air bnb, nothing. They will be rounded up and end up, unironically, in camps. lol


Attached: Overview-Kristallnacht-10-1938.jpg (800x450, 33.95K)

These days all of you fags should heed the wisdom of the beaver poster

Coastal NC here, we started getting swamped with progressive fags around 15 years ago and it's just been shit rolling downhill ever since

When food lines start failing and money inevitably starts collapsing.

Attached: NY.jpg (1483x1113, 1.42M)

Digits of retardation.
This is gearing up to be a total apocalypse shitwad, buckle up, we're gonna see some shit you thought you'd NEVER live to see.

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Except most of these people have 2nd homes in rural areas. We're getting swamped with NY and NJ boomers here in coastal VA.

Protecting your store from incidents is a typical privileged coloniser attitude, I bet they aren't even using sustainably sourced artisanal traditionally crafted boards to board up the stores!


Here we see a sad victim of the Normalcy Bias.

If it is Mid May I will finally have some 5.56, but no way to sight my rifle beyond bore sighting

How naive. Areas like East New York are powder kegs. They just need one crazy nigger to spark the kindling. Monkey see monkey do. Now everyone should "wear mask" according to deBlasio.
Wait until they start robbing places, the NYPD is stretched super thin because thousands are out from SARS-Cov2.

I work in Salem, Oregon. Near my work, there is a shop owned by this slimy kike. On the door it reads "WE BUY, JEWELRY, GOLD, SILVER, ANTIQUES". For some reason, the owner put up a sign on the window that says "Closed until further notice". He then proceeded to paint the glass door white, covering up all but the ANTIQUES part of his sign. Really makes me wonder...
>pic related, what the door looked like prior to the governor's stay-at-home order

Attached: 20200404_092450.jpg (315x561, 99.93K)

BLM going crazy
And by BLM I mean Black Looters Murdering

That's coastal VA, that hasn't been "rural" since before you were born user.

Maybe you need a resurgence of "You're not from around here" followed by traditional country bushwhacking