Be quarantined with my boomer parents

>be quarantined with my boomer parents
>they bought their house 30 years ago for £50,000
>now it's worth £1,100,000
>I can't afford my own property
>they are atypical boomers who think I'd be able to get a great job and my own house if I would give someone a firm handshake.
>they are champagne socialists living in an ivory tower with no concept of the economic reality their generation created for subsequent generations
>Living with them is a nightmare
>I'm young and healthy. they are old and frail
>I find out that my aunts neighbor has the corona virus
>I go over to their house so I can get the virus and bring it back to my boomer parents
>The virus will kill them and not me
>I will inherit it all
I can't be the only one availing from the great boomer remover

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larping my best life

>imagine being your age and still living with mommy and daddy

>The virus will kill them and not me
I hope you're larping. Young people are dropping like flies. The virus causes a Cytokine Storm that kills the host, it's not the virus itself that kills.

Not for long

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> offing your parents because jelly
Just kill yourself instead

>I will inherit it all
Are you sure about that?
Their will probably leaves all their wealth to some socialist "charity". There's nothing the boomer hates more than passing their wealth down to their children.

Respect your parents, they gave birth to you shithead. You will burn in hell for this.

If you think boomers are bad, just wait until parliament comes for the inheritance.

That house won’t be worth fucking shit in a few weeks..

funnily enough, this is indeed the worst of all times to attempt to murder your parents in order to inherit their home. i guess just speaking financially or logistically- morally it certainly isn't very acceptable to kill one's own parents, at very least not for just being boomers. yeah, if pops cornholes you in your youth and your mom pimps you out thats one thing, but i don't consider it a controversial statement at all to say that killing one's own parents is generally a Bad Thing

>>I will inherit it all
>I can't be the only one availing from the great boomer remover
Not their fault that they can't get a loicense to get independence from their parents

By looking at that picture, the boomers are the only ones not completely retarded. It's funny how it goes against OP's point.
>Free Palestine t-shirt guy
>Niggers and sandniggers rioting
>Educated, happy white couple enjoying a glass of wine and each other's company in old age
But yeah OP, I get what you're saying, I'm in the exact same situation. My parents earn a good ammount of money every month and live in their own huge house, I ask for 20 bucks they don't hand it to me if I'm on my dying bed (unfortunately, I'm not).
I totally get what you're saying. Now about actively trying to kill both your parents, I'd say you need to be locked up, be it at a mental facility or in jail.

women will always see their children as a non-source fo knowledge, because mothers NEED to see their kids as needing mothers, because kids are the only thing which give a meaning to the life of women, because before having kids,l a woman is just a woman who sleeps around and women really hate to see themselves as sluts. Women can only live if they keep infantilizing their kids, otherwise they just get depressed and fall back to casual sex, which they do post wall with boomer orgies [geezers have high amount of STDs] in their retirement coomunities.

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OP doesn't even imagine the bureaucracy it is to get a deceived relative's goods to his name.
It costs a LOT of money and takes a long time, sometimes tens of years.
Also how do you expect to maintain everything once your house's source of income is gone?

>>I can't afford my own property
What do you do for work? How much savings do you have?

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W-wait, you're saying asylums have all-out orgies?
C-can I join? Desu

>I will inherit it all

doubt you are in their will LOL

Death are caused by bacteria re-infection, while cytokyne storm still happens it is not the cause of death

The Spanish Flu caused majority of deaths in young people, not the COVID

Dood, shits over. You and your parents will be eating dirt in a month. Enjoy your last days in a house with electricity and running water.

The jewish plot is working :D :D :D

I know this is a larp but I honestly hope my boomer father and his boyfriend get the cornonavirus and die. Supposedly my boomer father almost died of pneumonia last year according to what his boyfriend messaged me when he implied I'm getting disinherited so here's hoping.

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oh, we're at least a month or more away from essential service failure! or, you know, tomorrow if the sun decides to be a little too spicy


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>Inherit everything
>Become a wealthy retard and do the same shit as your parents
Wow you showed them

>my parents are gonna die

Please, years of good ol boy friends bilking local government utility contracts, half ass shit tier systems are being push to their limits. There are a lot of emergency utility repairs going on. A sink hole showed up last week in my area.

>coof on them
>house is yours now
lmao remove boomer

>Be me
>Be 16 years old
>Parents got divorced
>mum kicks me out because no job so no rent.
>Also because child benefit ends
>Council house me in a B&B
>Been on the dole for 18 years
>Live on my own.

Were you conceived by the Holy Spirit?

So basically you're a lazy little cunt and will be wealthy because of your inheritance. Glad you're not my kid, you'd get fuck all.

Literally millions of kids who had their first job and apartment had to move back in with mommy and daddy last week because they got fired by Boomers.

It's only fitting I suppose that Boomers brought it all down on the way out. They always find a way to make everything about them.

Boomers are created like Sith, you must kill your boomer parents and take their place. There must always be an eternal boomer.

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>>I will inherit it all

t. hoping my dad didnt already take me out of the will

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That's pretty shit user, then you get this little faggot OP moaning about how hard it is.

what a loser. he's still in the "fuck adults and my parents n shieet" phase

Europoor moment

You get it and both you and your parents die.

OP confirmed Boomer Entomber

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no doubt infrastructure is quite shoddy, and county authorities can often be rife with corruption or simply lax from incompetence, when it comes to utility repair. obviously in the US it can differ wildly but i don't think it is stupid to say that the phenomenon of damn-near decrepit infrastructure is an isolated phenomenon.

sink holes are generally result of poor geographic survey, or particularly badly-managed phosphate mining, fracking, or other environmentally-sensitive industrial operations, aren't they? aside from parts of florida that just sink right through the fucking limestone in wild fashion.

do you think that in, say a period of 3-4 weeks, local county utilities will be so strapped for manpower or so affected by the current Bug that they can't repair mild weather damage in a few days, or even indefinitely? particularly in especially badly-managed counties or jurisdictions? although i do have concern for those residing in urban environments in regards to, say, "public order", i can't imagine utilities going tits-up en masse simply due to corona-chan

I'm in the exact same position and intend on doing this exact same thing.

>not being old enough to forgive your parents, get to know them as an adult, and learn how shitty they are all over again.
adults are talking user

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>I can't be the only one availing from the great boomer remover

Estate and Property Taxes you idiot. You get nothing, the Crown gets the house and cash.
Boomers removed, you become a pauper.

>your inheritance
Mighty big assumption there.

He will miss the first tax payment and the bank will get his home


Your parents are better than you and you get everything you deserve.

>There's nothing the boomer hates more than passing their wealth down to their children.

Boomers are basically niggers. That used to be the difference between whites and blacks. Blacks didn't support their kids, whites did... even from beyond the grave if they could.

the virus is literally a nothingburger and not even among the boomers will there be all that many deaths. However, I'm hoping the economic depression that will result from the shutdown will lead to a housing crash so I can finally get a house for a reasonable price.

Public local utilities (poop and water) are in for a rude awakening. Local governments probably won’t be able to handle the system failures.

I have noticed this... but why?

>Be me
>No father
>Mother in and out of jail
>Work my fucking ass off while in grade school
>Work my fucking ass off while in college
>Work my fucking ass up till present day, little to show for it
>Surrounded by spoiled faggots who were given everything for a good headstart in life and they all take it for granted
>Got mocked in school because my clothes were second hand thrift shit
>See faggots who grew up with both parents or a rich relative go to college and land their very first job at 22 years old making more than I've ever made
>See women leave me because they met someone better online, and there's always someone better
>Have intense anger and anxiety from terrible poor upbringing
>See spoiled faggots everywhere and it pisses me off
>But i'm white so niggers all think people like me are privileged
>135 IQ top 5th percentile in SAT scores
>Didn't do anything with it because I was too busy fucking working and didn't take out (((jew loans)))
>Everything collapsing, thus validating my entire path and avoiding the heartache of having to protect a real family, wife and kids in this shit show
>Be ok with dying
>Everyone going crazy from isolation
>Welcome to the party pal

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The eternal anglo gentlemen.
Never trust them.

>Living with them is a nightmare
You need Love user. Jesus is Love. Hatred, pessimism comes from Satan.

>Unironically trying to kill your own parents
>the eternal Zoomer

>being jealous of boomers

k, mohammed

So the mere event of being brought into this world deserves respect?

>tfw the virus kills you and your parents survive
Woops I ended my family line

Dragged into it kicking and screaming because the selfish cunts thought they'd regret not having kids once they're barren.

You are their same genes larp-O.

All the Boomers are shielded off. They were perfectly happy with the quarantine because it won’t stop their stolen blood money from flowing in, and they are very age conscious seeing everything in terms of generation, therefore were comfortable shutting down the entire economy because the flu disproportionately impacts seniors.

It’s dumb Millennial working goys like me waiting a week and a half to hear back anything from our underfunded state unemployment office or social services. All of this was gutted under Boomers irrespective of political party. They enjoyed climbing the New Deal socialist ladder when they were young adults in the 60s and 70s, and kicked it down for everyone else under Ray-gun and Thatcher.

Based. I used to be poor too.
>Have intense anger and anxiety from terrible poor upbringing
Not me I rather felt some kind of pride when some years ago I noticed beggars wearing better shoes than mine, and I had flashbacks from childhood when I wore completely worn, and too big trainers which were earlier worn by my brother, because I'd rather silently suffer and pretend everything is fine, than ask my hardworking father for new shoes...

You won't even be able to afford the property tax on that. Enjoy losing everything a second time inside a year.

You're not alone my friend.

Same bro, 25 year old with Government job and moved back in with my parents to save money. $1,200 to live in a studio away from niggers and Mexicans when it was $550 a few years ago.Forget that, I'm hoping the housing market collapses

Based and parricidepilled

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We don't have property tax in the UK. There's council tax, which even if you live in London you could pay with minimum wage. Also if you live alone you get it reduced.

t. Inherited a giant house from parents

I respect my parents because they've cared deeply for me.
Kids should resent their parents if they are shit at parenting. Respect has to be earned.

However, I curse the entire boomer generation for not bringing enough kids into the western world, being shit parents on average compared to previous generations and when they've noticed their fuck ups they imported a bunch of shitskins so their pensions are "saved".

If it's a nightmare, leave, just that simple. If they're so awful brave the elements and pave your own way. I'm sure you'll be fine.

ur gonna die

Considering that your dad is a filthy sodomite, I'd say his days are numbered.

>There's nothing the boomer hates more than passing their wealth down to their children.

You don't understand how true this statement is. I'm 30+ and I've never left the house. I could leave, I have plenty of money saved and a career I just don't see the point of NOT living with my family. However, If my mom and I get into an argument she constantly threatens me saying she won't pass down anything to me when she dies and will write a will to leave it to one of her boomer friends.

What if you let some friendly refugees into your home? Will you get tax credits?