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Do some fucking pushups you massive faggot.

It's dangerous right now.

THIS fuck I want to hit the gym

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do push ups and pull ups fit user

gay shit

I am but it's not the same pussy

>he doesn't have workout equipment at home
Sounds like someone forgot to invest in HIMSELF

There are plenty of exercises you can do at home.

Not with 600 pounds

imagine not having a home gym

lol goy, no. but make sure to pay the fee

I used to get so much fucking mires from women at the gym now I'm just lifting on my own like a loser it sucks so much

I don't have space to keep those machines at home.

>Not with 600 pounds
there is plenty of heavy shit around the house faggot

Just go break into the gym. Don't let some gay chink flu kill your gains!

It's all a matter of time till you can walk into your local gym not to train tho, to look for supplies to survive

I miss the fucking gym too. Been taking long ass walks and doing some squats and dumbell curves but I want to work on my chest, and with the equipment it's easier and faster.

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Lift ur mom then lol

>600 pounds
just have your mom sit on your back while you do pushups

All I got are a bench + weights, heavybag and a rowing machine and they all fit in my tiny garage

Why don't you just do Convict Conditioning?

Gyms won't open for another two years better get used to it

i wanted to buy adjustable dumbbels and pl8s online but they are sold out everywhere

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gyms are still open here, i just got back home from one :^)

The hot chick across the street is getting fat now.

they're not miring you, they're noticing you staring at them and they think you're cringe

Suck dudes off in the shower?

Work out at home, meathead.

>Insert Pierce Brosnan meme
Meh, maybe she'll talk to you then:)

just run dude...
I just hope they open the pools ! chlorine kills the virus anyway

Some faggot ate a bat and I'm about to lose my gains in 4 months. Fuck

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Lick the shower drains, build immunity

Some of those calisthenics guys are built very well.

Imagine thinking you need a gym to work out

>You turn on the news
>Breaking story, jocks everywhere are violating lockdown orders
>These men are breaking into gyms to exercise
>Mobs are looting the sporting goods stores

Do it faggots, clown world still has many horns left unhonked

muscles from weights = useless. do cardio and learn how to fight

what about mma gyms? i need to spar!!!

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>that cringe meme
lmao @ the dyel cope

Sadly I expect most of them to shut down because very few of them are owned by some megacorp franchise unlike normal gyms.

>he doesn't stay fit by working his land
lmao ngmi

It's not gay if it's at the gym you faggot

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They're selling out as fast they're getting restocked.
I just managed to snag a bar and some fractional plates.
Now just like 500lbs more and I'll be good.

Left looks like magnus carlsen.


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Coom instead. Make your daily exercise a one hour wank.

this. I do pushup and rowskipping daily combined with boxing training. Give me some more weeks and i will be able to one hit KO every gym bro if i want to

If you can make gains from pushups you're a dyel

To be fair, it's hard to make gains just hitting the machines too. Not if you only go there 3 times a week at least. That was my average.

>mmmmuh machines
if you dont have free weights at home kys

Soft ass gay ass white bois need gyms to get big. Suck my big black dick Whitey

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dont use the machines you fucking dyel, go to fit

if you go 3x per week, let's say monday, tuesday, and friday, then you can make mad gainz if you KILL IT and go hard while you're there.

mon: upper with a lot of supersets and as little rest as you can manage
tues: lower with the same
fri: upper and lower go hard as FUCK!!!!!!!

like 4 hours per week of lifting and you can be in a good place

How much space do you need for some heavy rocks and a sack?

>home gym
You should've bought weights

Doing pushups alone for a few months got my bench press from 130 to like 190
>T lanklet

Still, wimps have to start somewhere.

Lmao. This larp.

If you do them real slowly, maximizing time-under-tension, you could still see gains.

I have some kettlebells, resistance bands, a jump rope and a pull up bar. I'm not very fit though (I have been working out everyday since this started).
It's really comfy to work out in your backyard with the shining sun. You should go get some equipment at like Walmart. It's okay to lose progress if you're overall able to maintain habit and health :) Once the gyms open back up, you can start again. It's not like you wouldn't eventually plateau anyway.

Don't use this as an excuse to be a weak fatass

So thankful for my home bench with 390 pounds worth of plates. Also have dumbbells up to 35 pounds. I haven't missed a beat, bench, squat, deadlift. I also live next to a park and go to the playground at night and do pull ups and dips on the monkey bars. Feels great man.

Don’t do this. This is terrible adviceZ

>Soft ass gay ass white bois need gyms to get big.
Or, you can take steroids like Cali Muscle did.

post body. this is me

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Why do you shave your body hair off like some homosexual?

this. Gyms are for insecured faggots who want to show off their fake muscles, you can easily train by yourself at home

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doing hundreds of push ups is conditioning work, improves muscle endurance, which can translate to more reps in your working sets when you get back to benching.

its also much better than doing nothing

fatboy cope :^)

Wear a backpack with weights in it

>how am I supposed to work out if nobody is watching me?

When I went to Asia and fucked a lot of hookers I gained so much mass and testosterone while on a crappy diet
I swear the US has mind control sissy beta low t brainwaves broadcasting 24/7 influencing the physiology

Now that they interrupted my sex vacay there will be hell to pay

Buy equipment from any closed down gym. A few adjustable dumbbells and you are mostly set. Or a couple of kettlebells.

Gymfags are turbocringe. Buy a bench and some weights and do that shit at home FFS.

In your dreams, son. I power lift in my garage, but don't shave like some metrosexual homo.

ngl that's kinda gay

There's plenty of bodyweight exercises you can do in the meantime, you can even order a suspension trainer if you can't afford or don't have room for weights.

Other user is right, just let the hair grow. You're an adult now.