Is everyone dying from Coronavirus? I heard so many people I knew died already
Is everyone dying from Coronavirus? I heard so many people I knew died already
The absolute commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
it's all so tiring. let's just get this over with.
She needs to dismantle the bond between her fat cells
So if I don't like fat people, I'm afraid of them? Am I afraid to become fat and I didn't know? What is this shit?
Yeah my whole family died and also all my friends and their families as well. Fucking orange man
does she think she is a super villain?
Built for KFC
>Blut und Boden
Is this a pro WN post?
Dead by 40
My uncles brothers sons sisters cousin died last night. She was confirmed covid positive only three days ago. She got hit by a train
>the year is 2050
>the recently elected democratic socialist president enacts an agriculture diversity program
>moves thousands of poor urban people out to the farms to work
>bans white people from farming
>almost immediately the country descends into chaos from food shortages
Yeah destroying western society is definitely easier and better than her going on a diet and exercising.
Language control is a limited, but still powerful, form of mind control.
No one wants to be phobic about anything - to be afraid is to be weak, and no one likes feeling weak. Calling someone ------phobic is an excellent way to get them to self censor.
It's also an excellent way to make for someone to make themself look like a hysterical cunt. Works both ways.
For Communism/Socialist agriculture, look no further than Trofim Lysenko.
TLDR: Plants are not socialist.
> .000008
That’s the fraction of the world’s population who has died from this.
I think fat fucks are gonna get fucked over more if civilization gets dismantled.
I'm not following. Please elaborate.
Any fat bitch who calls someone "fatphobic" immediately looks like a dumb cunt, because she is one. It doesn't make me feel bad, it makes her look bad imo.
Nevermind - I understand now. To a point, yes; these activists do look crazier because of the language they employ. But that's only to people like us, who are already aware of their poisonous ideology.
Western civilization has been dismantling itself for decades. What's left to dismantle? Our establishments are just shells of their former selves. Our politicians are mostly incompetent careerists. Our governments have no inkling of statecraft left in them. "Western civilization" is long dead. All the things that made us so successful have already been rooted out.
fucking evil whore
Believe me, the people at the top of the organizations pushing this rhetoric are not stupid. They're committed ideologues, and they're very well educated on mass psychology and social manipulation. Do not underestimate them.
If you don't like fat people that is because you're secretly fat and in denial
If people hate the West so much they should fuck off back to their country of origin.
In Inda fat phobia would not be her problem. Cholera is an amazingly quick form of weight loss too.
>Living rather independently in the middle of nowhere with your children is authoritarian
So that word just has no meaning anymore, yeah?
Coronavirus hates fat people.
I can't see how someone watching these women thinks anything else. It's only women isn't it? The fatphobia shit?
They're just loud to the point where no one wants to deal with them. It's easier to let someone give themselves diabetes, destroy their joints, and have an early heart attack than it is to get bitched at for acknowledging they're mentally ill, have addiction issues, and are killing themselves.
Kek. Add her to the scoreboard.
I doubt many anons hate fat people, or are afraid of them. We take issue with fat activists, who want us to applaud their unhealthy, and often deadly, lifestyle.
But yes, I could drop a few pounds as well. Maybe 10 or 15.
Hmm this all sounds so familiar. Just can’t quite put my finger on it.
Codeword for death acceptance, enjoy the corona-chan related congestive heart failure.
She is not wrong, liberals don't work a day in their life like the democratic liberal berny. To grow food you need discipline and hard work. But we do need to stop white nationalists in the farm industry, because they respect other whites too much so they import slaves from abroad to do all the dirty work, but then these slaves reproduce and fill all the prisons.
I unironically agree with this. Fat people need to stop being picked on, it's so pathetic. No one picks on smokers or alcoholics like they do fat people. It just shows how shallow people are because fat people just look worse, it doesn't effect anyone else. I signed the Health at Every Size pledge, and so should everyone.
sounds like she's advocating for the more diverse times of slavery
I'm just imagining this goblina's thought process
>its my biological imperative to destroy white people
>I'm physically useless, but I can write a coherent thought on paper. What can I say that hasnt been said?
>do i have any marketable skills?
>well i guess I'm fat as fuck which makes me a victim. Being a victim is a marketable skill
"To end fatphobia we have to dismantle western civilization"
ok fattie
>My uncles brothers sons sisters cousin
That could mean your cousin. Did your cousin get hit by a train?
Yes, it's primarily a small percentage of women pushing fat acceptance, and yes it is easier to let them kill themselves slowly. But this is merely a subset of a larger ideology of victimhood. And that ideology is becoming more and more popular, and if it is allowed to continue unopposed, will have disastrous consequences for society.
>Rash At War
Wonder what her families traditional line of work was
She sounds Jewish.
I tried to find out, couldn't.
nah, it's a symptom of something deeper wrong with society. it's not the main cause of anything. the real problem is that life has been miserable for people in developed countries for decades. combine that with rampant drug use and technological gratification you have the makings of a huge mental illness epidemic. suicide rates are skyrocketing, SSRI use is going up every year etc.
Fat people or Western civilisation? What an ultimatum. I can't decide.
I suppose if you made the west another desertified shithole it would be difficult to get obese.
People do say shit to smokers, alcoholics, and drug addicts. They also say shit to people with other eating disorders and who self harm in other ways. It's only fat people who think they should be exempt from any criticism of their unhealthy behavior.
I don't disagree, you make fair points user. Not much can be done about it short of letting them kill themselves though.
I think that would have the opposite effect
Actually the fat people would probably get eaten so they’re right in a way
Smokers are treated treated like lepers by government Authorities, in a lot of states and countries they can hardly smoke anywhere anymore.
what bicep regime is this?
Yep she does, the way they frame anyone they feel isn't under their thumb as dangerous but also pathetic is a typical Jewish doublethink.
Kibbutz enslave stupid evangelicals every year to work like dogs, but white men in family units existing outside their cultural zeitgeist are pure evil.
Who whould have thought 50 lb titties would be a bad thing for wu bat lung flu.
This. Fucking hell why is the world so full of retards.
The Michelin man plan. You melt a thousant milky way multipacks in a giant vat and sit still, slowly spilling the mixture down your gullet and sleeping where you sit.
What about dissmanteling fat people?
They're the unhealthy ones.
It's extreme levels of delusion and a lack of personal accountability, narcissism essentially. "I'm not the problem the whole world is." The entire world has to bend over backwards and ignore reality because they want to eat themselves to death and never have anyone look twice or say a word about it.
4x12 McNuggets, twice a day.
A friend of a friend recently past away from the coronavirus. Dont forget heart disease is still the number one killer and with all the stress these days heart attacks are on the rise