You are descendants of Muslim Moors. No wonder Spain never beat Britain in a war.
Does this not embarrass the Spanish?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, just imagine, your country being filled with muslims that don't belong here, amirite Nigel?
Really embarassing, hehe...
they've redeemed themselves with the reconquista.
speaking of which when are you going to take back your cities from pakistan?
>Muslim Moors
It's not that they were Muslims. It's that they were sandniggers.
by that logic y'all are Danes
>No wonder Spain never beat Britain in a war
Britbong education
That's rich coming from a brit, your capital looks like any shithole town in Morocco hahaha.
>the state of London and other cities
M8 you have just shot yourself in the foot here.
Infinitely better than African
Niggers are in Serbia wtf.
u should walk around ur cities now, more moors in london today than in cordoba 1000 years ago lol
Maybe its just the story they are told, sad
The previous rulers were scum, so no, it was an improvement and the caliphate was first world back then
They technically are tho
The Normans were an admixture of viking blood
Just as Russians have an admixture of viking blood (the Rus were basically Swedes)
Is this a thread to see which country is the most muzzie?
I was talking about us both you dense blockhead.
muslims coquered the peninsula when it was under the rule of visigoths, germans.
Germans letting muslims take their land, not a surprise.
when's that empire coming back nigel?
I love these threads so much...
We still have one, it’s calked the Commonwealth.
We’re not a baby nationlet like EU province Holland.
This just made their culture richer, but Spain today is still more Roman than anything
Whatever small traces of Moorish DNA are left in Iberia are from the Moors who converted to Christianity during the Inquisition so they would not be expelled. Anyone who mixed with the Moors or who converted to Islam was removed from the continent.
>Limpieza de sangre
How about you tend to your pakis, kike experiment number 2?
This....most people think French conquered England but it was really the descendents of Rolo and his mates.
I am compelled to say it.
The muslim civilization was at its peak when Spain was a part of it, and most people agree that Spaniards and Europeans alike benefited from the culture mix that happened in the Iberian Peninsula during those years. I'm sure British multiculturalism will be seen with the same lenses in a millenium. Probably even better, given that in less than a century the South Asians already accomplished the heroic feat of fixing your cuisine.
>Probably even better, given that in less than a century the South Asians already accomplished the heroic feat of fixing your cuisine
By the time it happened they were already more French than Danes, both by culture and blood.
Honestly Arab girls are hot as fuck and Med girls in general are qts. Like an Arab girl in the hijab is always shit, but there's a reason why so many atheist arab girls are pornstars. Israeli girls are known for being models and shit- semites just have decent women, man. I don't see why it matters that the Spanish got MEDDED when they were already meds anyway.
I mean Britain and the USA are both getting SPIC'D anyway by all the white men who keep marrying Hispanic women so I don't see where you get off.
Curry is not very good, sosij is preferable.
Spanish /lit/ thread. First post, free
>iberians fuck moor women they keep as trophies after btfo’ing moors out of the peninsula
Fucking London pakis, I swear
If you haven't watched his series it's worth a watch. The end of this chapter deals with the end of the Visigoths and the occupation. Asha is a good lad
>have children with arab women
>wtf dude ur kids are partarabs
That's literally correct though.
ah yes the commonwealth filled to the brim with south asians and africans, or are you referring to the southern and northern chinese colonies of Chinada and Austrasia?
I'll stick with the shitshow on the continent thank you very much.
>t. Danish rape baby
Pretty proud of it desu,that just shows again how wrong the concept of race is, since all white countries were ooga booga tier and the muslim empire was miles ahead.
(Not a muslim btw but just pointing the obvious that some nazis ignore)
Tiny Holland lma
>t. Slave rape baby
imagine being laughed at by the UK
imagine that it was justified
Next Anglo-Dutch war when?
t. the only European nation to defeat you, and even however briefly taking over
You should thank the scholars of Andalus for preserving and advancing scientific knowledge and the arts during the dark ages of Europe. If it wasn't for them there would be no Renaissance or scientific revolution.
You should open an history book, you only defeated us when other countries helped you
t. Juan Spicoid Al Anadalus
Two nations at different times filled with muslims. One nation resisted, fought them off and killed them. The other actively seeks to bring more, encourage miscgenation with no end in sight
Your post speak volumes. Yet you don't want to acknowledge your ancestors were all inseminated by Russians. Your country was flooded with Slavs and gypsies. Let's not forget the recently new addition of mizzies!
Fuck off.
Retarded Boomer work on your reading comprehension.
My brain is full of holes... And that's why I'm here with you!
why would that embarrass the Spanish?
The Spanish identity, culture, and language wouldn't exist until the reconquista the fight and cultural union between the Moors and the Spaniards.
Besides Al-Andalus was a great empire which made brilliant architecture and was a major hub of culture. What's to be ashamed of?
> muh moors
Why are people so obssessed with this meme. A bunch of muzzies invading Europe. Wowzers. Who cares? They got kicked out.
We slaughtered the race traitors in the reconquista.
Sure thing retard
>the caliphate was first world back then
Nahh, Caliphate was a shitfest for the locals, that's why we went reconquista and didn't happen with the Goths, the Romans or even the Phoenicians lad
spain moved to UK 1000 yrs ago an was given land by King Malcolm.
Cordoba is also Gordon mountains which is northern spain you idiots...
>kicked out
That's just it, they didn't leave. They just changed religion.
Cordoba = Gordon.
House of Gordon = House of Cordoba.
Same word different language.
Any shithole town in Morocco is better than any shithole town in Somalia, Jamal.
The last goths king was killed by his soldiers, muslims barely found any resistance during their conquest