This virus kill 0.1% of people and 100% of the economy

This virus kill 0.1% of people and 100% of the economy.

Attached: harmless.jpg (283x178, 8.46K)

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Although they make up 0.1% of the population...

here come the shills. why do you make this thread? the ones who know, know. the ones do don't will continue not to. let them stay in the dark, it's the same people over again with same responses

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if the economy is so weak that it will die from something that can't even infect it, then maybe it was time for it to go?

26% CFR outside of china. at least 1/4 of the people that catch this virus die from it. you don't gan any immunity after "recovery" either, so the next wave is going to hit even harder.


Really? 100% of the economy? 100%? Retard.

Lets do the math.
DC just announced they are expecting peak around june/july.
NYC isnt at peak yet.
Already 1300 deaths today.
~90 days until peak for cities like DC.
1300 (Current Death Rate) x 90 (days) = 117,000 deaths/90 days
These numbers are with NYC not even starting to hit its stride yet.
At least 10 major US cities over population 1 million.
10 x 117,000 = 1,170,000 dead/90 days
Another 20 US cities about 500,000.
20 x (117,000/2 (half population density)) also = 1,170,000 dead/90 days
And that's before additional daily escalation.
Yesterday US had slightly under 1000 dead, today was 1300 (30% daily increase).
Total 2,340,000 dead within 90 days.

I’m no statistician or virologist but what the officials are putting out is just to keep people sedated as usual.

From NIH:
In the United States, nearly all children become infected with RSV by age 2, with 75,000 to 125,000 of them hospitalized each year. 13,00 deaths each year. Globally, RSV affects an estimated 64 million people and causes 160,000 deaths each year. Nobody cared. Only Trump flu causes the world to end. If someone shot Trump and Pence in the face would this all go away?

That’s not math.

>This virus kill 0.1% of people
Imagine believing the bullshit they feed the masses to prevent a panic

Sars kill 10%
This is Sars bioengeneered with batsars and HIV on the cleavage site.

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Retard, this mutates and will gain another fifth receptor and ur antibodies are worth jackshit u dumb fuck

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A different virus is killing the economy.

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>think about the stock markets!!
For the average Joe, this isn't a big deal. It's only bad for the Wall Street jew who makes all his money by taking a margin on someone else's work

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this. the virus was designed to mutate and adapt quickly. it's a bioweapon and there's no way to protect against it.

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How do you distinguish deaths from and deaths with? Even the CDC can't do that.

Italy can’t keep up with how many dead they’ve got. The WHO has abandoned any mask to hide that they’re bought by the Chinese. China openly lied about infection / kill rate and jailed people for trying to speak out against it.

“ItS a NoThInG bUrGeR”

With controlled clinical studies that aren't being done.

No other modern virus has the infection / kill rate this has. It’s a man made disease. Unleashed knowingly or unknowingly by the Chinese, who then lied about it and tried to hide how dangerous it truly is.

Meanwhile instead of attacking the Chinese we set up an investigation of Trump and his response.


The virus is an imaginary combination of several factors that are causing normal mortality rates including flu, disease, pollution, and old age. There is no bioweapon.

Chinese authorities over-reacted based on bad information.
Western authorities saw it and followed up with chicken little sky is falling shit.
And now cognitive dissonance and a desire to save face over a mistake that would see them crucified is keeping the hysteria going.
It's the over-reaction that's fucking killing people.
You don't pump people full of dangerous drugs when they show up in the ER with viral pneumonia.

Where is this imaginary death rate occuring?

>no other virus has the infection / kill rate this has.
Wow. So this must be some magical super virus that does things we can't categorize that no other virus does.

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26% observed CFR with reports of some countries downplaying death figures by up to 4x. the real CFR is probably somewhere in the 50% or 60% range. it's at least as deadly as ebola and it spreads faster than measles.

You have exactly 3 seconds to invent the excuse you will tell your grandchildren when they get to know we paralyzed the world due to a flu

>10 million people unemployed

>Only 0.1%
What's it like being retarded?

They kill 0.1% of people who aren't dying boomers like you.

In a few months we'll all be able to look back and realize the real virus was the journey and the friends we made along the way

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Euromomo shows little increase compared with previous years.

Again the CDC can't distinguish deaths from and deaths to. The PCR test can't detect COVID-19 or viral load. Most places don't use the test to diagnose anyway.

daily reminder that you dont have to be tested before or after death in order for your death to be labled ‘death from covid19’
You can go in with a bullet wound, and as long as you cough once before die, they can say you had corona

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Maybe not even that much. It's a long way to 7 million dead.

except in germany where it's the opposite, where you have to have causal relation with the death and the virus to be registered as death from covid-19

the uk, spain and italy are only reporting between 1/4 and 1/3 of their real death counts.

Makes sense. German only has 1k deaths against 27k recovered

America has much higher. It aint adding up

The government shut down the economy clown

>0.1% of people
gross overestimate. add a handful of zeros in there

Shut the fuck up cunt

Lol no

the uk has 4313 deaths and 135 "recoveries".

21-Mar: "Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist [ES]

21-Mar: "Germany doesn't test post-portem", Spanish biologist [ES]

21-Mar: Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

20-Mar: Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

>Coronavirus death toll at London NHS hospital is 'TRIPLE the official statistic' because of delay in reporting fatalities as doctors have to test victims several times and get consent from their families

>Government forces most businesses to shut down
>Look how weak the economy is guys, it cant even handle a once in a century global pandemic and state enforced shutdowns!
I thought you Finngolians were supposed to be smart.

the economy actually shut it self down, government just reacted to it by stimulus, or was it government lowering the stocks for weeks?

This is why I call it an Economic Bioweapon. The Chinese released because they knew that while their economy could take it, our Western economies could not.
Make no mistake, faggots - this is the happening of our time.
Also, thread theme -

look buddy, if this is how you handle a pandemic, you will lose every war that hits mainland usa, just a fact

According to this 20% of people who had the Chinese virus have died. Learn to count fucktard.

Attached: 2020-04-04 10_38_59-Coronavirus Update (Live)_ 1,153,287 Cases and 61,663 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus.png (737x267, 8.9K)

it will be over by mid April. have Faith in the Lord

The economy was fake anyway. Nothing more than a tool to lull people into using fake fiat money.

also the particles can levitate for ever until you walk into them

closer to 30% when you remove china's numbers. death rate is ebola-tier once you adjust for time too. don't forget that reinfection is a death sentence

Netherlands as well. Unless you're tested, you don't count for corona death stats.. That includes people dying from pneumonia living in the same households as confirmed Corona patients.. Quite a few GPs are reporting that they're seeing significantly more deaths than average by people matching Corona sympthoms, but they don't get counted for statistics at this point in time.. There are funeral homes in Brabant (hardest struck province) that are seeing 2 to 3 funeral services/cremations a day where 3 would normally be a busy WEEK.

The 13th week of this month is showing 80% more people deceased than the average of the first 10 weeks of the year, even though spring has started.

>pic related
Orange is 2020. Dark blue is 2018, a year with a severe flu-epidemic.. Some 9400 people are estimated to have died in the 2017/2018 flu season (November-Februari). This year is likely going to at least match that, if not surpass it.

Attached: deaths per week CBS.jpg (728x463, 79.39K)

It's the Lord that sent it.

>Unless you're tested, you don't count for corona death stats

Oh, and no post-mortem tests are being done. Testing capacity is short, and if you're dead you're not a priority.

no it didnt, the economy was in a deathspiral and the government did the only thing it could do, stall for time.

I fear that it's pretty much the same here, based on the testing policy of only testing when admitted to hospital treatment to confirm an infection, other wise they just more or less assume you don't have it, the testing capacity is underutilized said one university lab technician, so it's fairly easy to assume that they just count death as immunity to corona and leave it at that

Here you go, hype fags. From the pale horse's mouth.

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