Do normalfags really think their life is just going to go back to normal when all this is over?

Do normalfags really think their life is just going to go back to normal when all this is over?

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Why wouldn't it?

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The Spanish flu was way worse, and after a short recession, we had the notably prosperous decade of the 1920s.

Why wouldn't it? Do you faggots really believe "the world has changed forever"?

i second this motion
>why, op? Tell the class why you think this.


flapper thots when

Do you really think all your local restaurants can afford to stay closed down for months? Do you really think people are going to have the disposal income to go to restaurants and bars after this? There's going to be millions unemployed.

Anyone thought about the inevitable (white?) baby boom after this? Assuming I'm not shooting blanks my wife will be pregnant by the time this is over. I'm sure many others too.

We're just going to keep printing Trump bux and partying through the rest of the decade and then start some war in the 30s. We've handled this already this simulation only has so many paths.

There's going to be an explosion in divorces. That's what happened in Wuhan.

Apparently your government hasn't fired up the printing presses.

The destruction of the old facilitates the birth of the new. People still debate burritos and kebab, so there will be new burrito and kebab joints to replace the ones that folded.

I don't know why everyone's freaking out about a little walnut sauce. Its just dominos on cheese, you hotards.

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>when (((social distancing))) is over
Oh, they are so naive.

How did she not get pregnant the last 14 years?

I can just tell you ancedotely, my wife and I haven't had any impact to our job situations (Praise Allah) and our spending is way down. Obviously I feel for restuarants and small biz, but when this gets lifted we're just going to burn through some cash around the community. I do grasp millions unemployed is non-optimal.

That's for poor people. ain't that right, big guy?

>tfw your life was quarantine all along
I don't really care what normies think or do to be honest

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As long as the grocery store stays open I dont give a fuck about restaurants. My job gets a bailout so I'm good. Hahaha niggers


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That's not how you use > mom

The restaurants are still there.
The owners may be bankrupt, the banks will lose some money, but all it takes is a person with some skill and a bit of money to start it again.

BRRRRRRRRR intensifies

Praise GOD

Those ships are rescuing the underground children from the pedo rings right?

Maybe if the toilet paper shortage continues for a while we can make slavery legal again so we can buy a slave to lick our buttholes clean after using the facilities.

the funny thing is, it's not even just normies. Somehow there are even a lot of anons here who don't see this as a paradigm shift. just a bump in the road. then they can go back to consooming. they're going to learn different. But we don't have to burst their bubbles now. It will make the come to Jesus moment all the more powerful, and grow the egregore.

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They just type in the amount on a computer and dispense it electronically to all the connected jew banks.

I'm in the same boat
Cheers to the future (probably July)

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>tfw too poor and only ate at Carluccio's once
>it was uma delicia
>now I will never eat there again because they've gone bust during the lockdown
The only survivors will be pizza, kebab, burgers and fried chicken.

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Social distancing will never end. People will continue to avoid each other and be paranoid of being outside long after things calm down.


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They don't but meida has to have something to talk about, and most likely these shitty little articles are written by AI that is overseeen by a normie human

>someone with money
So your fav restaurants will be bought by sharks? If your favorite restaurant loses its owner the restaurant will change sadly.

t. worked in/managed FOH for 13 years

>Why wouldn't it?
how can they not connect the dots?
> Restrict citizens to only basic services
> Put over 60% of adults out of work
> Allow only grocery stores and gas stations open
> hospitals open ONLY for emergency care
> rely solely on TrumpBux and UI to survive
> further restrict open stores to limited hours, services, and customers

the entire population has been restricted to single-failure choke points

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Just have your kids do it faggit

The death of the foodie and travel culture is one of the best things about Coronachan. Death as in dead not to ever be alive again, you hear me?

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Obviously you don't know any Greeks

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I've got news for you
Those aren't people

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Damn thats an aesthetic get up can any /militarypolack/ tell me what kind of camouflage hoodie that is ?


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Normies cannot think for themselves. They believe whatever funny late night talk show man says or any biased news outlet. So no, the answer you’re looking for is no.

umm that's force recon, the fuck are they doing on the hospital ship

1. Any small business affected by this will fail
2. International travel will become unattainable for plebs
3. Everyone except corporate suits will come out of this much, much poorer
Coronavirus basically handed the world to the absolute worst kikes and shabbos goys on a silver platter

Not going to happen.

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Bbbb~ but how will the grills show off their fake Chinese bloody shoes?

When Kung Flu returns next flu season we will have vaccines.

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>restaurants and bars, which universally operate on razor thin margins, are forced to shut down or limit service at the start of their busy season
>office jobs have their employees work from home
>corporations realize they don't need to maintain large office buildings or workforces if most of the work can be done by a handful of retard normies working on their laptops at home

all of these retards on social media posting Joe Tiger Show memes all day while """working from home""" don't seem to realize that companies are going to treat this as a massive downsizing consultation. If you can do you job at home, at your leisure, then there's a 90% chance that you have a fake/worthless job and your employer will 100% use the aftermath of this to correct it

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Everything will get cheaper, precisely because people will come out with low buying power. People who somehow kept making money are in for good times

Not true.

The faithful will prosper
Screenshot this

Er...yes. Because it will go back to normal pretty fucking quickly OP. Typical fggot op post.FPBP

The 1920s were not a prosperous time for the vast majority of people. The 1920s were prosperous for people who knew how to play the new central banking system and exploit the easily manipulated stock market. Fundamentally most people were not very wealthy during the 20s and once the massive overvaluation in the stock market became obvious the whole economy failed.

>Tfw haven't ate out in a month

I miss eating pizza and fried chicken ;_; even though I'm sure nothing can survive being baked in the pizza oven or deep fried, it doesn't stop people from sneezing and coughing in your food. At least my day ass will lose 20 pounds after this is over.

Based and Coolidgepilled.

>Do normalfags really think their life is just going to go back to normal when all this is over?

Yes. And worst of all, they won't have learned a thing from this pandemic, which means their lifestyle will breed a new pandemic in 10-15 years. And that one may be way worse. Now it's only boomers and sick people dying, but that's just luck.

They will still want to travel abroad, spreading new diseases everywhere. And they will still not prepare at all for the next one.

I just wish normalfags realized its their lifestyle bringing this pandemic to life. They're the ones who want cheap consumer goods produced in china, and support globalization because "it's so much more efficient". They're the ones who want to go to ski resorts all over Europe two times a year, because the alcohol is cheaper over there. And they're the ones who want open borders everywhere, because passports and visa "is too much hassle".

Fuck them.

That will unfortunately happen

Modified normal but fuck normal

That someone will be a corporation that got helicopter money from the fed.

They are doing forced recon...Why ask rhetorical questions?

Its a fucking navy ship harbored in a highly populated area (instead of a naval base or out in the ocean) where there are thousands of jerkoffs who hate the government right now.

Why wouldn't they be doing reconnaissance?

>there's going to be an explosion
Is what should have happened to Wuhan

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I'm kinda glad this is killing the "world traveler" meme. When you think about it once of the reasons corona-chan was able to spread around the world so easily was because of people that was privileged enough to be able to travel around the world.