How many people in your life have done this to you over preparing for the coronavirus and lockdowns? Literally everyone for me besides the couple mates that tipped me off in the first place.
Normies try to get you killed to calm themselves
The markets are a perfect example of this.
It's really blackpilled me on redpilling normies en masse without control of the mainstream media to be honest, their brains are incapable of processing anything too spooky without the tv dumbing it down and sugarcoating it. This pandemic has shown me how real the NPC meme is.
We are nothing but a swarm of disgusting blobs.
Dont think that we will survive with all the fat blobs holding us back. Think of this as stage one. Stage two includes badges and identification, further capitalizing on birth rights.
Its the only way forward. Millions will die and in the long term millions wont even be born.
Me too man. I knew mobs form and would take food for preppers that didnt keep quiet but now i know exactly the process by which that happens
These normies shame people who were smart and gathered supplies slowly 3 months ago with more anger than they have for toilet paper panic buyers
Being affected by normalcy bias during tangible catastrophes like a tornado or a flood is one thing. However not freaking out and buying all the toilet paper and wearing a hazmat suit for a pandemic where I literally see no affects of irl other than the overreaction of consumers is a false equivalency.
If you’ve been here since january you know we were all panicking and taking it seriously while the world pretended it was nothing.
Its weird to see people switch now, but almost every user has prepared for this. If they didnt they are a genetic dead end
luckily I know very few retards, but my boss is a fucking thick as a brick, this week when he called me he told me he didn't know what to think about this pandemic, he was at the moment driving around uusimaa that is under lockdown to meet customers, how do people like this survive in the real world?
true. and even so, just the sight of how everyone else has responded to this is reason enough to prep. if people can be whipped up into such a frenzy over just shit the news told them that they’ve never actually seen then one should be prepped 24/7
Yep I'm seeing that too, they'll say we didn't warn them hard enough soon, after doing nothing but gaslighting to shut us up for months. I'm getting people I cared about and tried to warn treating me like I caused the pandemic and lockdown somehow. Another one thats shitting me is once the talking heads on tv start telling the truth about something a month after I was explaining how I knew they were lying ("masks don't work" for example) they start acting like they knew it all along and the argument never happened. Realizing how many people are like this panics me far more than the virus itself or the looming recession.
I work at a grocery store and felt this. People called me nuts for wearing a mask to work. There's now 100+ cases in our county and the company still is doing NOTHING. No masks or PPE. No sneeze shields. I'm on unpaid leave. I'm not working there for 9.80 an hour. No raise either. People wanted to shame me for disrupting the normalcy
Are you still in the "It's just media hype over a flu" denial phase? Even Trump gave up on trying to push that, it's going to get really bad, it already has. We didn't prep for this because the media made it sound spooky, we watched it brew up in China and knew they were clearly lying to downplay the deaths. You don't have to be afraid, just try and avoid catching this plague fren.
You'd think that making several successful predictions against their incredulous denials would cause them to rethink things...
Good call, sucks to be out of work but the wage cage ain't worth dying in. I've done the same thing because the people I work with were going out of their way to cough more often and such to mess with me for "trying to scare them", I sincerely wanted to warn them because I actually really liked them before all of this. It's sad.
I'd rather they carry on like everything is normal and just die to be honest
>people treat me like i caused the pandemic because i warned them to prepare
Ive seen this too its crazy. Instead of “sorry you were right” from my gf i get “see the pm said people like you shouldnt have bought supplies” lol
It also pisses me off that nobody believed me and my friends thought i was crazy and almost convinced me i was overreacting in january and febuary and yet they still only listen to the media now. Theres people who are actively heckling americans numbers and believing chinas.
NPCs or just that most people have animal level intelligencd I don’t know but im learning a lot of horrifying human behaviour
My opinion on it is both. It’s not as bad as the media makes it out while at the same time it’s worse than people think. I believe mostly that it is a tool being used for the consolidation of federal and corporate power. It came from China yes, but the people that don’t think the top leaders of each country are working together are kidding themselves. It’s all a grandly orchestrated theater piece. That doesn’t mean it’s not real but it’s not “real” if you know what I mean.
My NPC friend decided that this was THE BIG ONE and that we all need to follow his lead.
In our county, we have 6 total cases, zero deaths. It held at 5 all week then added another yesterday. None hospitalized, probably all in one nursing home.
After this is over we need to seriously discuss what to do about the fact the practically nobody trusts our media, and we really need a media we can trust.
If people aren't being sensible in acknowledging a crisis, that is the sole reason why.
I’m not even sure what it is anymore because it spooks me that the media suddenly agrees with us that its an issue. To be fair though the media at the moment is like “its not superaids its just a flu but STAY THE FUCK INSIDE ITS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH”
Confusing as fuck
I think i have it though and theres a good chance everyone who catches it will be dead in 6 months so rip me
You can bust normalcy bias with costumes. If anyone is worried about this, dressing for the plague is a chance to freak the normals AND be a pro-social harbinger of safety.
>governments are working together and were up to something
For sure. Every western gov let this virus in deliberately. They all acted 2 weeks too late and actively spread disinfo.
I’m not sure why they did it and now i see governments panicking for real so maybe they were liked to by the UN or New World Order and then later told “yep its deadly we lied now you’re on your own”
I think they're trying to strike a balance between spooking people enough to stay home but not spooking remaining workers out there wage slaving without ppe into all quiting at once. It was really surreal watching the tone shift amongst normies as the media started getting more honest. Everything the tv is starting to tell them now has been known and out there to read for yourself this whole time.
You still might not have it, the common cold and actual just the flu still exist, you could just have one of them. Either way please don't spread it man.
They take photos and laugh on facebook and say things like “haha look at that absolute moron in a hazmat suit, masks dont even work!”
Then as they realise he will live they react with anger “what a dickhead!” “I’d kick that guys ass” “people like that deserve to be shot”
This will accelerate into doxxing and raiding of supplies from “the selfish hoarder”
Where do you guys work & live?
I was sharing data with scientist that i got of Yas Forums threads. Showed them the clips from the scientist in wuhan, the nurse who filmed her ward and a few data discrepancies. And i enjoyed showing them news clips of chinese tourist buying out every single stockpile of face masks from the pharmacy suppliers in flag.
By early February we talked about it daily. One of the older ones told me this was going to hit Norway and our entire supply chain. He had done statistical modeling of fuel shortages in the air fleet. In those same numbers you get an idea of the level of interconnection we really exist within.
Anyway. We are now all working away from home and the scenario we pictured has barley begun. Know that governments are only as good as its leaders are at delegating. This is only the beginning, the opportunists are everywhere.
Money to be made in the new economy. Young people should be thrilled desu
I got tested? It showed negative. I wear a mask if i have to go for a walk but i am inside the whole day only going to grab food every 2 weeks with mask.
Thing is ive been sick for 2 months now and i live in the epicenter of it in sydney. I get better for a few days then coughing and hard to breathe again. This seems to match what other anons say happens. You dont get better. So yeah i might have it.
>I believe mostly that it is a tool being used for the consolidation of federal and corporate power
Never let a good crisis go to waste. Look at how much power they grabbed post 9/11 and this whole thing is already bigger and more disruptive so I completely agree there. Won't nag you about the severity of covid-19, but I think the media are downplaying it if anything after watching it ravage China in January and then Italy.
Wow didnt mean to type a question mark there
Sounds horrific, I honestly hope you don't have it and if you do you survive. We have had very similar experiences with people throughout this shit, glad I'm not the only one in this tv brained country that was thinking ahead.
People have no clue what the future holds. We have millions of people with the capital to self isolate as best they can for the next few years.
There will be entire campuses maintained contagion free at whatever cost. There will be national segregation efforts in place. If you make it through without getting it, you will be better off than going through it and producing anti-bodies.
The future is in bio-security. Not gambling on bad presumptive research.
Well to go full schizo I was talking about this to my coworkers back in September about how the world governments will stage a man alien attack. They would you hidden technology so it looked like “ooh spooky alien guns” and probably level LA or something to get everyone scared then they would rescue the day by defeating the aliens and seize all control. This would result in primarily dire economic straits for all citizens which then places like microsoft and amazon would subsidize which then leads to ID2020 and social credit to ensure you deserve your good goy points. It looks like I was wrong only about the aliens. they are using a virus and now I see that it’s a lot easier of a plan to execute and achieve the same outcome.
Thanks man. I hope i survive too haha
Yes. I had hope for normies prior to this manufactured crisis. Not anymore.
Were not shaming you, just laugh at what a RETARD you are.
Based, me too.
I bought a gun and six months worth of food in january. It took until march until my boomer parents finally listened to me and stocked up themselves. I'm glad my old man already has plenty of guns though.
Same. They blame me and all I did was warn them and tell them to be prepared. NPCs are lost without their TVs telling them what to do.
report the store for not practicing social distancing, failing to protect the customers and the employees
Can confirm this, the two mates that tipped me off and I dressed up in full body ppe and walked around town, past the local pubs on a Saturday night right before the stage 1 lockdown. Just got laughs, people prank coofing towards us and asking us for photos.
Heres something funny, theres raids going on near my house or near my street, at 2am. One about 4 days ago and one right now.
Theres sirens that dont sound like normal police sirens but more like military, the lights on the street seemed to be off during the last one and i heard a truck roll out at the end of it.
They may be just using this time to arrest CCP members who live around me (chinese area) but i sure as hell would feel more comfortable if i lived in a country where we had guns and could defend ourselves.
Lucky americans
>Money to be made in the new economy. Young people should be thrilled desu
Not arguing but curious what you mean. Where do you see the opportunities, short term and long term?
If feel for you ausfags. I remember when new Zealand had their gun buy back a few months ago. Law abiding citizens willingly brought their guns to be turned in. I thought, "those are precisely the people I want to have guns"
Cant find the post now but somebody in this thread said something about it being hopeless to try and educate normies without control of the media
Maybe thats true. Maybe if we live through this we should really think on that and try to find ways to control the media haha
I've had a dry cough since the December when I played with a chinese made harmonica, and some days I'm almost back to normal and others I want to just sleep through it.
>how do people like this survive in the real world?
you gotta understand most people live their lifes on autopilot of sorts, they never have to go through anything that makes them question their lifes, their surroundings or even the general state of things, so they can only look at incidents like this from their own perspective, never in an objective abstract manner
anything posing a threat to their worldview makes them shortcircuit e.g. see how majority of the people still believe everything media tells them and will aggressively call you a conspiracy theorist if you suggest the virus is biologically engineered, even though it obvious is
good thing too because without them the society and economy would crumble, since they make good workers and consumers
Fingers crossed they're rounding up CCP shills and not /ourkind/ of dissidents, I've posted a lot of Wikileaks and pedo elite pills over the years here, don't know if it's enough to get me on the kill list but definitely enough to make me wonder
That's was me. Yep, we need to give up on talking to the sheep and aim to replace the shepherds.
Seems plausible. The videos that have come out of chinese trying to spread it and the anti american and other westerner attitudes make it so i wouldnt be surprised if they were trying to infect us in any way they could since december
Every China town in the world is full of ccp sleeper agents, some who have been there for 40+ years
Well if they’re in my area for the second time in such a short time and they havent rounded me up yet you might be safe. But the thought is in the back of my mind for sure.
Ultimately we’re good people. I hope the right people know that.
It's harsh but you don't want or need these people in post collapse civilisation the kindest thing you can do is look out for own circle and let the normies carry on in their own little fantasy world and die out straight away in the initial event, you can't rebuild with these people holding you back and questioning every decision and having PTSD, some people are just not built for hard times
Yeah but its brazen and out in the open here. They all seem to buy the same cars, black SUVs with tinted glass. My street is all chinese and its got these cars at nearly every house.
The students at uni are spies for sure. Its fucked. I have chinese friends from uni who have admitted they take information for the chinese gov in contracts as if it were no big deal. Theres a chinese i know who married an australian navy weapons designer and then told me she and him went to china to do business with the military there. Fucked up.
I think right now though theres a possability our gov might have tagged specific CCP spies or other threats and is arresting them during the lockdown.
I have no idea what else those raids could be. The siren sounds like a damn airforce base siren but quieter and is accompanied by electronic speech announcements i cant make out.
This time no truck sounds and its ended now
>Money to be made in the new economy. Young people should be thrilled desu
Any tips on what steps to take?
Most people don't critically think, it's something you actually need to be educated about how to do. Instead they merely regurgitate.
This is because the national weather service changed the definition of Tornado Warning and created a boy-who-cried-wolf effect.
1995 Tornado Warning = Funnel seen on ground eating houses. Get into a fucking ditch now.
2020 Tornado Warning = Thingie seen on radar that 2% of the time is a tornado on the ground. Safe to ignore.
Most people who know me knew I was always waiting for a happening. So when the virus starting getting medium attention in the news, nobody really gave me a hard time or tried to stop me from stocking up.
A couple women gave me the "so what are you like the unabomber or something" and "it's just a flu" but I didn't let that stop me.
I fucked a chinese girl in college by convincing her I was a top secret mitary guy (was just a medic) and she would fuck me brains day in and day out trying to get me to pillow talk secret shit to her. Blew my mind. Her english wasnt even good but it was obvious her parents that sent her here had more of an agenda than her just going to college here. Was a really really good year with her.
I seem to have recovered after 2 month and being isolated for 3 weeks.
But going outside will probably get me reinfected and sick again for a few days...
Reading your story and Yours too, i’ve just come to a realisation about what pol is
This is a place we all come together to tell eachothers stories about events in our lives and things that we experienced
Then we all read and listen to get enough information from any given area and on any given event that its like an intelligence report.
We dont even know what we’re doing but we’re kind of giving ourselves intelligence reports on whats going on in the world for real by being here. No wonder pol is said to be always right. No wonder we are ahead of the curve. Instead of media we gather intelligence that always delivers a result reflective of true reality and is hard to taint.
Maybe i need sleep
normalcy bias is retard normies who deep down inside know it's a chicken little nothingburger but still follow their perceived leaders despite knowing they are acting like retards.
The same applies to this. Bird flu, swine flu, and dozens of other times it was just media fearmongering to shill their gay useless flu shots that werent worth bothering with. Everyone assumed shanghai sniffles was more of the same. I personally still think this is the revenge of the bat god for eating his flock.
T Nothing burgers
I explained it here the same way
It helps them maintain denial if they can lead others up the garden path with themselves. Group reinforcement of delusions.
I am sick of them spoiling the discussion and they had half of you lot with them against me while I gave you 100% accurate predictions and 100% accurate numbers from Wuhan onwards.
you're just now realizing this?
theres a lot of bullshit posted here, but theres also a lot of truth, being able to wade through it and gather the useful information will keep you waaaaay ahead of the curve
Their brains are incapable of processing almost anything critically. They act on emotion and if you make them feel bad, i.e. by challenging their world view, they will hate you even when you are proven right. It's why cable news communicates in nothing but simple talking points, straw men, and logical fallacies. They know normalfags can't think, but are easily persuaded with the right psychological routine. It's also why Trump, a man with a +3 SD IQ, talks like a retarded 6th grader half the time. It's an effective way to communicate to most of the country.