Why didn't Germany have as many colonies as Britain, France and Spain?

Why didn't Germany have as many colonies as Britain, France and Spain?

Attached: 1280px-Deutsche_Kolonien.png (1279x625, 269.92K)

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They weren't even a country until 1871

It was formed later and was focused on centralising power, only once it had could it focus on its colonial ambitions. By then most of the world had one flag or another planted on it, marking its borders.

Britain, Austria and France had a centuries' long policy of keeping Germany divided into tiny states in order to keep her weak.

When Prussia threw off the yoke in 1871, Germany joined the scramble for colonies - but she was late to the party.

>Britain, Austria and France had a centuries' long policy of keeping Germany divided into tiny states in order to keep her weak.

Imagine actually believing this retarded shit.

the colonies in the map include those of the German Empire, Brandenburg-Prussia and the Habsburg Monarchy

Prussia was a land power and had nothing like the naval capabilities of Britain or France

Because Germany didn't receive as much Rothschild money as the rest of those countries.

Attached: img_nathan_mayer_rothschild_quote_fullscreen.jpg (600x450, 34.1K)

Typical polish retard.


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More like the Germs "princes" fought amongst themselves until Napoleon destroyed their miserable excuse of an empire

Typical leaf. Fuck off, Germshits were the antagonists of history.


When will we answer the Germ question?

interesting, yet I think Germany had one of the largest Jewish populations before world war one, for example the movie industry was centered in Germany before it moved to Hollywood

whats the point of arctic colonies lmao

the real meaning of incel is INSULATED

Germany was 36 different autonomous regions, but once that Bismarck based dude United them, they become a beast that instead of frogs and bongs larping around as a world power in a shithole third world poor countries, Germany started inserted their dominance in Europe and basically fucked both of them raw and rough and cum in them. Germany are the real powerhouse in Europe

Because there were countries with better access to the global ocean system than Germany, like UK, France, Spain, Portugal

do you mean antarctic? yeah I don't know, as far as I know there are just a few research stations there

Inferior genetics.

Don't call a nation "shit" when you come from a shithole that never achieved anything besides acting as an NGO for kikes in Europe

Your country should be erased and your "history" shouldn't be considered part of Europe since your nobility was clearly Jewish

>Picture related is literally a Polish Kike larping as European king who gave Kikes Polish women as rewards while others countries were killing them and burning them alive

>On 9 October 1334, Casimir confirmed the privileges granted to Jews in 1264 by Bolesław V the Chaste. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of enforced Christian baptism, and he inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries. While Jews had lived in Poland since before his reign, Casimir allowed them to settle in Poland in great numbers and protected them as people of the king.[14] Casimir's legendary Jewish mistress Esterka remains unconfirmed by direct historical evidence.

Attached: Casimir_the_Great_by_Leopold_Löffler.png (470x734, 437.17K)

Not as much sea. Land power pre-Mahan.

Lol, will we ever be free of the jews.
Sooner we'll be dead i think.

weather research bullshit science (microbes ice cores whatever). also a shitton of oil and minerals hidden underground

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Nobiloty was not Jewish, and Poland acomplished more than krautniggers ever did. At leasat we did not slaughter millions of Europeans and started 2 world wars, destroying nationalism in the process, you dumb fuck. Oh, and if anything its the krautniggers who were harboring jews for most of their history until 1933 (and even then some people say that Shitler was a kike pawn and controlled oposition, whos goal was to murder white people and ruin Europe to pave the way for US to become main world power). Krauts were and are cancer.

I hope Spainiards put you all separatist niggers down.

Attached: PERFECT representation of occident.png (1418x466, 18.71K)

Germany was not a country until the late 19th Century. But technically The house of Habsburg who ruled both the Spanish and Holy Roman Empire ruled the Spanish colonies.

So no nigger speak our language.

>Cope-rnik was a Pole, I swear!!

Attached: Polish_Propaganda.png (1575x972, 856.96K)

Your country wouldn't even exist if it wouldn't be for the greatest tragedy in European history, filfthy Poleshit. Invading Poland wasn't a moral mistake because Poles were treating Germans like shit and Germany has the right tl defend their own people, it was just a strategic mistake because it would've just been a question of time before Poles would've attacked Danzing. Hitler was a stupide Austrian and even tried to appease the Danzing government to ensure not to provoke the Poles which were barking like Chihuahuas at that time.

Becuase they were smart enough to realise it was a huge money sink

It would exist you dumb moutain kike, because Poles themselves have won their freedom from the krautniggers in 1919.

Invading Poland was a moral mistake for the krautshits, and cost them 40% of their territory and half of them fallig to communism in the aftermath of WW2.

>because Poles were treating Germans like shit

Not true, and Germshits deserved it anyway for genociding and murdering Eastern Europeans for centuries.

Unfortunately, no matter if you kill 99% of the Germs. That 1% will still remain there, reproduce and start over.
Something they share with their Ashkenazi (literally meaning "from Germany") cousins

Yes he is, and you are a dumb fuck.

Attached: Germany.jpg (1500x997, 222.02K)

No he was not, you filthy Untermensch.


Yes he was, you discount kraut.

Attached: CthktkqTURBXy82MjA2NzhhOTFlZmQ2ZGU3YjY0ODU5OThlN2EzOGFlNy5qcGVnkZMCzQNSAA.jpg (850x478, 35.6K)

late start and no British masonic nepotism

Yes, a german. Thanks for acknowledging it, mongol rapebaby.

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Germanized names, italian souls.

Attached: Medjoo.png (2500x3000, 942.74K)

He was Polish you dumb shitstain. Germniggers are cancer

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Because they were not a centralised country until recently and were more of a land power

Yeah they think prussians are germans too.
Prussian are goths and use germans against other european powers. Germans lost a lot by being manipulated by the Prussians, they basicaly lost everything in the end.

Med people have civilized all you Germniggers

Attached: meds vs krauts.png (490x610, 124.7K)

>Mother german, Watzenrode
>Father german, Koppernigk

Cope harder, white neger.

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lmfao what a fuckin retard.
>probably a French nigger

I don't have to, facts are on my side. He was Polish

Attached: Germans vs Poles.png (1920x1060, 391.48K)

>Have a negative opinion on German Imperialism
>Must be a nigger

This is your brain on Krautophilia

>H-He was polish
>Source: His ass

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>At leasat we did not slaughter millions of Europeans and started 2 world wars, destroying nationalism in the process

Oh you are a kike, not a Polish, that's even better, niggers literally built more things than your race faggot

Attached: dead kikes.jpg (756x438, 42.92K)

I am not, I am Pollish you separatist fuckwad.
Shut the fuck up. He was Polish

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Try harder, Szloty.

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You again? This is like, the 5th time

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Yes he was

Attached: kraut disorder.jpg (2051x1241, 726.24K)

Youre always the same guys.

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>Kike seething at memeflag

Only a kike would have claimed lies as truth like that, you are not Polish Moshe, you are even worse than our European niggers

Anyways, go kys kike, I'll keep talking about Poland

>The Inquisition, introduced in Poland under Vladislav Lokietek, remained impotent, in spite of all the intrigues of the lower clergy. On one occasion the Jews were accused of having murdered a Christian child, found on the road to the Lobsow wood, a few miles distant from Cracow (1347); but a public investigation, conducted under an order of the king by the state chancellor (((((((((((((((Jacob of Melchtin))))))))))))) in conjunction with the humane (((((((priest Prandola))))))) (who shared the tolerant views of Casimir), proved their ((innocence)). The consequence was that Casimir ordered the publication, in the form of an edict, of paragraph 31 of Boleslaw's statute, refuting the blood accusation and defining the punishment for such a charge when not sustained by proofs. In commemoration of this event Casimir founded a chapel at Cracow.

Casimir appears to have protected the Jews against outbreaks of the mob in 1348, for the groundless accusation of the poisoning of wells by the Jews had traveled from Germany into Poland and had roused the populace against the latter. Massacres occurred in Kaliscz, Cracow, Glogau, and other cities, especially those on the German frontier. According to Matteo Villani ("Istorie," p. 622, Milan, 1729), 10,000 Jews were killed in 1348 in Poland.

Casimir the Cuck protecting Kike blood libel since 1347

>pic related is Casimir with his kikes

Attached: Wojciech_Gerson,_Przyjęcie_Żydów.jpg (1280x965, 360.23K)

Germans are peaceful people, not colonizers
Only attack when provoked

Lack of access to sea.

Fake battle

But nice try

Attached: italian-at-least-we-are-better-then-the-french-andom_quy-41212608.png (500x736, 133.04K)

I am Polish, and you are a retard.

Attached: German ''Aryans''.jpg (2000x2449, 497.51K)

Don't try to divide us, disgusting kike. Italians and french are brothers. Go back to Istanbul you fucking t*rkroach.


Attached: German spread.jpg (800x709, 156.01K)

Btw, in others countries they were also doing blood libel but they were condemned by it, especially in France and I am 100% sure that they know about it, it's not like they needed proofs to kill them, most of the kikes went to Poland because Casimir was probably a kike who took control of that country and allowed them to keep doing it but it was not the first one

Again, it was not new at all, kikes have been ruling Poland for hundreds of years
>On 16 August 1264 Bolesław granted the first written privilege to the Jews of Greater Poland (the Statute of Kalisz). It regulated the judicial authority over the Jewish population, and Jewish credit and trading activity. The comparatively liberal statute served as a basis for Jewish privileges in Poland until 1795.

The main reason kikes are still alive to this day, is because of Poland

>Pic related is a book about Poland the land of Kikes

Attached: Opera Snapshot_2020-04-04_174526_books.google.es.png (386x652, 159.47K)

You dont even know what a brother is, you single child simp.

It simply never ended, and slowly but surely they took control of everything

Attached: Opera Snapshot_2020-04-04_174723_books.google.es.png (411x164, 37.41K)

So an Italian went false flag to make that meme?

>no we not genetical jews