What do Christians think of National Socialism?

What do Christians think of National Socialism?

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Catholics were fags and hated it, as usual, protestants were based though.

It is the only true way to live

Its unchristian. Jesus was a poor Jew and against the colonialists.

>what was Francoist Spain
British education, everyone

>Francoist Spain having any relation to National Socialism.
American education everyone.

Hitler is burning in hell. National socialism is not compatible with Christianity its more pagan


kek good one

Attached: catholics.jpg (746x789, 133.91K)

i say its based. pagan shit in my opinion is just bunch of jewish bullshit.

>implying he would burn "in your hell"

Why would Hitler not be in hell?

What do national socialists think about judeo-christianity?

Attached: dffc705e9609f0f66fa68677c50d21da--runes-paganism.jpg (215x232, 13.53K)

Wow user, nice picture, It reminds me of this one.

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Nationalism is the next step after a theocracy of any sort (monarchy or other). A nation needs something to unify behind and when religion fails, the nation has to become what you worship or else its unity will fall apart.

Stfu sub human australians are literal chinks

Do you think racism is Christian? What about the European colonists? They were Christian, so they claimed.

he is in walhall


Fransisco Franco literally received support from Hitler during the Spanish Civil War and allowed top ranking Nazis flee to Spain through ratlines. There was also a funerary monument to fallen Wehrmacht soldiers in Spain. Hitler is the reason Franco won the civil war against the communist Republicans.

Did he ever killed someone besides himself of course?

>National socialism is not compatible with Christianity
No shit, National Socialism is not compatible with a religion that literally worships a Jewish man and follows a holy book written by only Jews.

Falola cites Jan H. Boer of the Sudan United Mission as saying, "Colonialism is a form of imperialism based on a divine mandate and designed to bring liberation – spiritual, cultural, economic and political – by sharing the blessings of the Christ-inspired civilization of the West with a people suffering under satanic oppression, ignorance and disease, effected by a combination of political, economic and religious forces that cooperate under a regime seeking the benefit of both ruler and ruled."

Yes it is why we should not be national socialist and why God made Hitler lose the war.

It was good in many aspects but unfortunately Hitler's cult of personality is just not Christian what so ever, and if the claims are true that Hitler tried to intervene in the chruch and tried to change it for it to suit the natsoc ideology then that's really bad.

You just can't serve two masters


They obey to Pope, they like globalism.

The creator of fascism was an italian hardcore catholic. Despite being a protestant its still a good idea

The Nazi's also supported Anti-colonial insurgents in the British Raj. Does this mean that Indians can be classified as National Socialists? His argument was retarded and you are even more retarded for trying to defend him.

>Unironically worshiping a religion made by Jews to infiltrate Roman society

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Very haram

It's the truth

Fascism and National Socialism are not the same thing you turbo-faggot. While National Socialism comes under the blanket term of fascism, it is very distinct.
Fucking Americans man.

National socialism was for german people only. What made the germans so superior in comparison to their European neighbouring countries. The British, french, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgians, all had great success. Germany on the other hand was inferior and never achieved the success other Europeans had. National socialism in a way is an ideology based on jealously. They also idolised Italian fascists who were former marxist socialists. They simply mimicked an ideology but, for the Germanic people.

good, but bad.
don't ever ask me again, you confus me.

They were threatened with excommunication if they voted for the NSDAP

They had really good art back then.

So God made communism win instead? Do you know how retarded you sound?

Are you saying he did not?

>Jesus was a poor jew
He was a Hebrew from the Levant. Big difference
>against colonialists
He openly told his followers to pay their taxes to Rome and never resisted Roman rule.

So God prefers Communism to National Socialism?


Nice picture user, reminds me of this one. Why does he have scissors?

Attached: Jesusdrivesoutademon-5b835173c9e77c004f93977b.jpg (1587x1587, 922.17K)

National Socialism is germanic fascism, it was a great solution to germanys problems at the time. We need something that can fix americas problems equally well

Extremely low IQ analysis. Truly worthy of a potato nigger

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Yes apparently he does. Maybe not now since communism has become sexually degenerate but he clearly made communism win.

The catholic church was once a place of great wisdom and they're one of the first organisations to invest in science and space exploration.

''Judeo Christian'' is still a relative new term. It's only used by American Christian Zionists.

Thanks for the 'opinion'.

Germania is the face of America.

Attached: 220px-German_Cross.svg.png (220x220, 8.13K)

They think the Church should be government and give their sheckles to them for "charity". So, I'd say they're against it in practice whether they like it or not.

God allows child rape too, I guess God prefers child rape too.


America has very different problems than weimar germany. They werent 50% shitskin.

Only Northern Europeans are American.

we have because of the jews similair problems as you today technecally not much changed i recommend americans just normal facism

Attached: wartheland.jpg (380x537, 105.29K)

>checks country flag

Jesus hated rich people.

>Catholicism supports
Anti homosexuality
Anti abortion
Anti Gay marriage
Anti narcissists
Pro family

These are anti degeneracy yet, 'natsoc' are against christianity just because they certain things they don't like. Look at the bigger picture.

Why isn't God making the pedophilic jews in power lose? Could it be that he is a Jewish god?

God is the truth. God isn't what people claim him to be. One simple debate can debunk socialism. People complain about the rich but deny the truth of their own wealth in comparison to billions living in 3rd world. The truth is people are ungrateful and look for problems to exist when they dont. The truth is always up for debate.

You're the one in power of your own life. You scapegoat people for your own failures. What have you ever achieve in your own life? At least be honest.

6 million Juice

>You're the one in power of your own life.
Actually that would be the government, you know, the ones with guns and tanks.

His argument was that Hitler was against God because God made him lose the war. But he's not making these pedophilic jews in power lose the war for the souls and foreskins of our children. So that begs the question, is God on the side of the Jews?

Considering his actual name is Yahweh, a deity from the pagan Judaic pantheon, it would seem so.

Stop being a bitch. Life not perfect so take the best of it as you can. Being an American im sure you're doing alright. You could have been born in a mud hut with disabilities so be grateful for what you have. Of course you can be a critic but, blaming people for everything wrong is a weak mentality.

Christian theologians and historians like E Michael Jones refer to the Natsocs as a “barbarous pagan wrecking crew”. Says it all.


God gave people free will. You're in charge of your life. If someone usrs their will to conquer others then they'll suffer eternally or in the after life. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Everything should be up for debate with no emotions attached. People need to be rational when it comes to politics. Pretending that national socialism was an ideology to the free world is a lie. It was just another hierarchy that tried to enslave or claim superiority over others.

It's what we're supposed to have. The word "nation" in Hebrew means "race."


I believe in small government so no I'm not big on National Socialism

And now look at them