/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements

What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))

>But what really is National Socialism?

Would you like to know more? Check out the pastebin & learn the truth!

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These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- BRAND NEW VIDEO: bitchute.com/video/266QQeZTEN43/

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qrd on NatSoc

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birthrates are everything

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God thisbshit is so fucking gay. I enjoy the ideology and thought process behind it. But you need different aesthetics. No one is going to back or follow a movement as blown out as this. Make a different flag and new uniforms. Get more people to at least look and listen to what you are saying.

Bernie supporters, having failed utterly in their quixotic quest to claim political power, now repost their infographics and seethe as they simp for a long dead, lightly deified, bastard son of a Rothschild.

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All socialists shall be physically removed

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You sure that just isn't sectarianism in the north of Ireland?

I'm a monarchist, but I'll contribute to the /sig/ part

>jogged half a mile to the park
>shadow boxed for three 3 min rounds
>did 3x5 chin ups on the monkey bars
>jogged half a mile back home
>did 2 sets of 20 push ups
>2 sets of 30 squats

pretty gud

Demographics is destiny after all

Based. Bernie the kike never had a chance.

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i dont need security, i will use my IP, i will speak as a free man. im about 60% heil right now.

Bro, we know who you are. Using a memeflag won't help you if your bait stays the same.

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i am Alpha Wolfgang. lets play some games and talk.

It's probably inspired by it
Nice man! How's your diet?
Why are you a monarchist though?

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Alpha Wolfgang?
What games you wanna play?

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squad, bf4, space engineers, stellaris, war thunder, some others. im not much a of a socialist, but with how america is going, with my 30 years in america, i might change that. im sort of a libertarian, but im sick of this multiculturalism and other shit. white national socialism doesnt sound all that bad to me.

i am a cripple, ironic right? the general theme is that i am not welcome in such places. what is your idea with dealing with semi crippled people like myself?

what can i provide for our state, as a man that can barely walk anymore. i have skills if flying flight sims, i have strategic and tactical mindset, i like to drink and have a good debate party, what could a disabled man like me offer? and what can you offer me?

Society is only as good as the way it treats its most onfortunate citizens. One of the big problems of national socialism is the idea that if you're accidentally a cripple you should be executed. You shouldn't.

Don't you have a brain? Can't you think, strategize, plan, code? You can, so you can be of good use. Good luck brother and sorry to hear about your condition.

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i am rather proficient in strategy and planning. ive organized a militia in my state, got reloading supplies ready to go and taught myself how to maintain firearms and reload a lot of ammo types, i am pretty decent in guerilla warfare tactics, etc. im no slouch. idk my iq and i dont think its low. i am just questioning what and where i belong in the grand scheme of things.

i got 4 "normies" that back me. now im not 100% national socialist, but im tempted. for our people. for us white people. we grow stronger every day.

i named my daughter Erika. she is blonde, blue eyed, and walking at 9 months old. shes a smart little girl. i am doing my part. yes she is named after the song.

Racialism is hebraic taxonomy, as soon as you've signed on to this 'white people' shit, you are acknowledging hebraic intellectual dominance.

explain please? because im sick of the mexicans and niggers here where i live, theyre total shitbags. i want to be around fellow whites.

What you're looking for is a sense of communal integrity. That's what those shitskins are there to destroy, to cause a white flight or a white fight.
That races are herded about the country like cattle, nothing new, nothing mysterious. The question is how to deal.
You got two options....tame the hoard, or build a new fort. I can't tell you which strategy is the best. This is a cultural conflict which is INFORMED, not DICTATED by genetics.
Information is preferable to dominance.

Good Morning Neo-Faggots!

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i have been building a fort here. i have people i trust. i have a solid base where i live with multiple skilled people that are in great health and they will follow my orders. am i doing this right? i think i am.

Morning Neo-liberal faggot!

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yes i want a sense of community, ive been the weirdo for many years, now i have a militia. i have a small armor of professionals, veterans, lots of skill that i dont have that agree with what i say. these people will follow what i say, i dont want to command them, i told them that already, but they choose to follow my lead because of my ideals. my ideals are very close to well, the nazis. they agree with it. we all have freedom to choose what we want, but we agree on these issues, to make america better, make america white again. these people are better people than i am. they have more to lose and more to gain. we are here my friends.

>make america white again
This is where I'm gonna call you a nigger and a patsy.

why? the us constitution was made for white males. USA was meant for white land owners. why do you have to say words that mean nothing? im just a fat crippled white dude in a trailer. so you know what? fuck you jewnigger fuckhead.

fuckin kills you that some random white guy wants what is right doesnt it?

>a small armor of professionals, veterans, lots of skill
>they choose to follow my lead because of my ideals.
So you've been granted, by god, by the silvery tongue, by rhetoric, by some means, a cache of resources. neat-o.
>my ideals are very close to well, the nazis.
What are you gonna do with that?
>make america white again
So now you've set your self up to be the star in a big media blitz about the ebil white subremacist nadzee. Never mind the optics of the situation directly, you're quite literally a liability to everyone.
>just a fat crippled white dude in a trailer
I believe you are an intentional embarrassment to whites.

>fuck you jewnigger fuckhead
These are not the words of an inspired leader.

see, i can say anything i want. inspiring leader? no, not so much to the masses, but i certainly am to my close friends. say what you want dude, everything you said is just a meme, a sad meme, because people have principles, and we care about things unlike you. ive said much worse on facebook and i still get away with it.

yes, to the uber whites i am a failure, you got me there, i have been crippled since i was 17, but even my hardcore buddies love me because im awesome. i dont have to explain it all to you, if you dont get it, you just dont get it. sucks for you kid. ill walk with my walking stick and hobble along just fine, because i know my friends and supporters are far more capable than you could ever dream to be.

Your pic is missing the anime loli on the lolbertfag to really underpin the message.

Depends on how you're crippled really. Aw long as your mind works, you're ok. Like Hawking.
Also, NatSoc isn't left wing socialism before you ask.
Mostly play Hoi4. Ever played it?

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Nice! Happy for you man!

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Hitler only got rid of literal unfunctional retards, ur safe bro

i play hoi4 all the time.

i know, if my daughter would have been retarded i would have yeeted her. but shes top % so im happy.

yeah i was a candidate for foreign exchange student in 2003, malta and all that fancy jazz. i met my local congressman brian baird on live tv because for my space program i was the best of the entire school. later i told him theres no such thing as moderate islam and that they are enemies of the USA because they are full of taqiyya, ohhhh the school got so buttmad but others were so happy. fuck them.

any cool guys look me up on steam or youtube. alpha wolfgang. youtube.com/watch?v=PvH0p4UIHbg i dont even fucking care if you leftist retards doxx me, you cant do shit. any people serious hit me up on steam and youtube. im not hard to find. i look forward to good conversations.

That looks cool.

Nice! Favorite nation?
That's cool. I was always top of my classes. 30 minutes of studying and I got an easy A. Don't know if I'm above average in IQ or all that but all my classmates were slower, so something up surely

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its fun as hell hahaha, ive mastered bumpfiring my wasr10. just for the fun though. i normally shoot 1 round at a time, i can hit a person between the eyes at 100 meters with my ak at any time. semi auto is the way to go, accurately. i think im gonna put a thermal scope on it soon too. day/night ill put rounds right in the face at 100-300 meters. love this gun.

a lot of people are generally slow. look around, they dont even know what electromagnetics are.

making semi auto guns fully auto is easy as fuck, just takes mild practice youtu.be/0jNaXgxTiP0

Imagine following a stupid barbarian philosophy that failed

Inbred Gauls never learn

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imagine calling yourself a libertarian in a world that doesnt allow anything you believe in while still talking shit about ideologies that would permit that behavior......??!?!?!?

Never really got into guns, since the popo here is strict about that.
But it's a useful skill nonetheless.
Stop using the memeflag, you already use these baits in other threada.

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i know its totally irrelevant, but on this game imo i made an amazing mining ship. other people make ships that actually have to burrow into the rock and they have no weapons.


i think my ship is far superior to all other mining rigs. i also think the mentality behind technology is absurd as people think everything needs to be a certain way. ???? i know this is random as shit, but seriously, its just a small reason why i think white people invent simple better things.

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lol but im good with spears in real life too.... youtu.be/nzYuMUllexI

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Tips on defeating the food and porn jew within myself?

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that sounds pretty good imo. ive never cared about money. i just care about the wellbeing of my close friends and family.

too small to read

Of course ! Ain't no ideology better for your family and tribe than Natsoc.

Open it in another tab. It'll work.

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