
>Keir Starmer wins Labour leadership race

>Two killed and others wounded in France knife attack

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first for none of the above winning the labour leadership election

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>NHS will have 'nowhere near' enough ventilators to cope with coronavirus peak when it hits Easter Sunday peak with just 30 machines coming in first batch
why do people think it's going to peak on easter sunday? it's growing exponentially and the infections aren't even close to full saturation yet,

I state for the record I would never do anything against our government, armed forces, police or private forces hired by said organizations.

My posts on here previous to this one have been purely fictitious and nothing more than locker room banter and I apologize for any offence it may have caused.

I am in no way stockpiling any sort of supplies and am following all Covid-19 regulations issued forth by the government.

My IP is my digital Signature and everything I have stated here is true and may be used as evidence with my total and unwavering consent.

>Guangxi Massacre (simplified Chinese: 广西大屠杀; traditional Chinese: 廣西大屠殺; pinyin: Guǎngxī Dàtúshā), or Guangxi Cultural Revolution Massacre (广西文革大屠杀; 廣西文革大屠殺; Guǎngxī Wéngé Dàtúshā), was a series of events involving lynching and direct massacre in Guangxi during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976).[1][2][3][4][5] The official record shows an estimated death toll from 100,000 to 150,000.[3][5] Methods of slaughter included beheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling, disemboweling, and more.[5][6] In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed; according to public records available, at least 137 people—perhaps hundreds more—were eaten by others and at least thousands of people participated in the cannibalism.[1][2][3][4][5][7][8] Other researchers have pointed out that in a county alone, 421 people had been eaten, and there were reports of cannibalism across dozens of counties in Guangxi.[3][7]
>massive cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed
>no famine existed
seriously what is it with chinks and food?

Nadiya Husseins willy

why do you think it's a bad thing boris is going to give the opposition parties the covid

thread theme

Fifth for a snorting Fiona.

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If that was private healthcare, she'd have been charged thousands extra for the C-section and for sewing the head back on.

Chinks 'used' to have actual human flesh restaurants.

Druggies and whoremongers, disgusting.

not me m8
stopped smoking weed 3 years ago and havent had a gf in 6 years

If only there was a cheap way of ventilating...

wtf i love rnhs now

If it happened in a non-cucked country the "doctor" could have been jailed for life or even put to death.

I'm more based and more redpilled than any of you

all men are sinners
let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Drugs and whores are based especially if the whores are trafficked.

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All women are whores, and all men pay for it in some form or another. Some pay with their emotions and spare time, others use money as a shortcut.

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actually i have screenshot proof i am the most redpilled anglo

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It's fucking over lads, it gets worse every day. We can't handle this.
We've fallen and we cannot get up. Better to burn sooner than late, for burn we must. I will go now to my pyre. To my pyre! No tomb for Great Britain and England. No tomb! No long slow sleep of death embalmed. We will burn like heathen kings before ever a ship sailed hither from the Norf The West has failed. Go back and burn!

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True, but that should happen regardless of whether or not it's private healthcare.

Who is this 'None' person and how did he get the title 'of the Above'?

Hello I am conducting an anonymous survey on behalf of MI5, please reply if you will be a potential threat during the government mandated 6month house staying scheme.

has the party started?


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guessing that was in china and not in the uk or west.

seriously, what is their issue with feeding themselves, is it something to do with centuries of emperors and oppression, except thats not unique to them

>the guardian

Why are the Yanks using DomCum's slogans now?

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trust in diversity, reparations for wogs now.

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Even to look on another woman other than your wife, with lust is adultery and punishable by death.

Literally everyone is a sinner

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>The motive for the attack is not clear.
Just look at the colour of his skin, not to mention the places he went are probably absolutely haram.
> People are only allowed out to buy basic necessities or for exercise.
Jihad is a basic necessity.

>already more deaths from corona than we had for flu in 2018/19

It's really fucking bad.

Please can somebody post that pandemic films pasta?

That's only 15 weeks of data and doesn't include flu season data. Try reading.

we're already in week 14 though

>bag mask
retard alert. you dont understand any of this. you are using woman logic to attack a man problem, kill yourself you stupid monkey. im not even going to explain why that is stupid, because you wont understand it anyway. Call your local hospital and say youll pump someones lungs perfectly for 8 days straight without killing the patient.

based radlib grifting latina

The Cotswolds are so very beautiful, did you chaps ever get the time to visit?
I admire you really, you risk your life everyday keeping us safe from harm; maybe drive out to the country next time you leave the agency after work? Love you x

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It was was although I have heard of it in Chink restaurants in India.
Africans are the same, human flesh reportedly on sale in UK nog markets in London

Chinks are VERY superstitious and one of their beliefs is receiving good luck and fortune eating live animals or other unworldly creatures.
The more taboo or nastiest the better.

>Corona death toll + flu death toll

Yeah, we're absolutely fucked.

>human meat restaurants in ching_chong land, even in the time of plenty.

Not surprised at all.

Kier Starmer. Labour have lost the plot.

let me just say that you brits are based as fuck for exiting the eu. love you guys

they're only reporting around 1/3 of the UK COVID-19 deaths. italy, germany and spain are all doing the same thing too.

Plus they think the animal dying in pain makes it taste better. Soulless insect race.

A portion of Muslims voted to leave the EU. Farage personally tried to get the Muslims to vote for brexit. Why are brexitards so fucking retarded?


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hello, shills

wots dis den?

Those 15 weeks in 18/19 do not include flu season numbers. Look at the other years.


>Yeah, we're absolutely fucked.
Why is everyone such a doommong. It's a coof.

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Isn't that something to do with andrenochrome?

He's. so. fucking. boring:

Boris is pretty much guaranteed a 10 year run.

>wots dis den?
some nutter in france:

he's clearly employed the same public speaking guru that every other politician seems to use. says a word every 4 seconds and those retarded hand gestures

that's right!

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Predicted he would be next leader unless they rigged it for a shrill norf woman literally months and months ago before the last general election. Its utterly irrelevant - none of the above won the labour leadership contest and he was anti-brexit. 1000 year tory reich

>3 seconds in
Down voted the jewish barstad

>Boris is pretty much guaranteed a 10 year run.
we don't know if COVID-19 "survivors" can even live for 10 years after "recovering". this isn't even taking reinfection into account. the virus fucks your organs, nervous system and brain up.

where do these views come from? taosim? confucisim? buddhism? or something...older than that

>Initial reports said the attacker entered a tobacconist in the town of Romans-sur-Isère, near Grenoble, and stabbed the owners and a customer.

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Im a boring cunt. My favourite beer is Kronenbourg and my favourite band is Oasis.
Yep i'm thinking Keir Starmer is for me.

>he still thinks boris has covid

why wouldn't he have it? he spent time right next to nadine dorries after she "recovered". she was still contagious at the time.

believing in experts in the same as the qanontard believe the plan shite but for disciples of the neolib order

>thinking he's infected and not just pretending so he can hide away while saving face

Watching the belarus footie later lads get your cheeky sky bet acca checked waheyy

>why wouldn't he have it?
for a /cvg/mong you sure are gullible

I think it's ingrained in their genes. China used to have constant famines and wars killing millions throughout it's history and I think it's made the peasant class more selfish and more willing to eat weird shit. And that's before you even start on their obsession with traditional medicine and killing every endangered creature they can get their hands on to try and get a boner.

>he doesnt know that boris is covid

Well Noel i'd like to put me organ in cider, Pwhaaaaaa

He sounded rough as fuck on his twitter video yesterday