Notice anything about this image that NASA put out, pol?
Notice anything about this image that NASA put out, pol?
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Why is the a and s connected?
whats with all the niggers
Only the best get to be astronaut you turd nuggets, the elite white always have known white is not the master race and there are far too much low quality whites everywhere. You just don't want to believe it.
Because NASA is going full woke.
Nevermind that it was nearly all men got humans to the moon. Gotta virtue signal and hire on diveristy instead of ability now.
They use the worm logo for long-distance visibility. It was never gone, just not many things needed it or were large enough to justify it. There's also a faction within NASA that don't like the worm. I have no idea why.
National Africa Space Agency.
Two negros?
The worm logo is based and should be used more often
Most of the NASA space program is a hoax.
The Achilles Heel of the hoax is the NASA spacesuit with ice sublimator cooling system because it could be scientifically verified on Earth today.
Unfortunately, NASA has refused to verify the spacesuit for more than 60 years because they can't because they've been committing fraud against the Citizens of the United States.
NASA must publicly demonstrate before independent witnesses a NASA spacesuit with ice sublimator cooling system in a vacuum chamber on Earth duplicating environmental conditions of orbit.
A black woman, a black man, a white woman and someone in a suit so you can't see their race.
That shit was fake though
NASA spelt backwards is ANUS
Come back when 18
Black bros shirt sleeve appears to be shoooped im no forensic pixel autist but he's wearing a blue jumpsuit and then a red plaid short shirt sleeve on only left arm.... very intadesting
Ok boomer
>i don't understand how anything in the space program works
>never bothered to even research how the shit works
>therefore muh hoax
Oh just fuck off already.
It was affirmative action. We sent monkeys up in space before we sent the niggers up there. We made sure they didn't die.
you mean anagram?
There is one video and only one video from 1966 of a NASA spacesuit operating in a vacuum chamber but it shows a suit failure and near fatality.
Plenty of video of spacesuits in swimming pools however.
Is Futura font coming back next?
Affirmative action is the biggest ally to white people in murikkkan universities or else Asians would be having your place in college.
He's on an exercise bike, retard. Thats a heart monitor
because keming
also checking
The worm is a based logo. First, it was part of the Graphics Improvement Program, a lingering sentiment from JFK. However, no one at NASA liked it because they were all autistic engineers with no concept or care of how graphic design works.
Long story short, lots liked it, autists and boomers of the time did not. It was the NASA logo for a whole day, then went back to the classic meatball design. The most recent one is a redesign by a Jew-owned firm (shocking I know), so I'm a bit perplexed why they would say "the worm is back."
t. graphic designer
Yeah I had that thought, looks kinda GAN to me.
it’s a blood pressure sleeve, placement on the upper arm and the cord coming out of it make it quite obvious to spot actually.
Ah, I see it now
Top kek, happening cancelled, I better consoooom before I fall behind on my quota and get buried in stimulus monies!
It's not healthy for a human to live in a vacuum. Your blood will start boiling.
Eurofag, show your real location so we know how much of a cuck you are. Asians are only good at cheating.
>a bit perplexed
NASA gasnt flown that logo since like 1992
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they gonna stop faking now?
yes, one of them is scottish!
but you said this will be a lie. make up your mind already and stop posting the Ted generals.
>Why is the a and s connected?
This one knows.
Shut it down
Negros are build for space. They can mimetize in it, meaning it's a more natural environment for them. For this, we should send all of the niggers into the darkest reaches of space.
Every single ounce going to space is expensive and we must maximize efficiency!
>lol everybody gets stupid pointless patches on every suit and piece of clothing.
This is obviously because they descend most directly from the Kangz of Nibiru.
Holy shit
>wee space bbc now, das rite
Why is US so progressive?
I really home this corona shit leads to total collapse. I'm so tired of this anti-white culture.
The future doesnt belong to whites.
The future is brown
They sending monkeys in space again?
Launched into space from the Wakanda Space platform.
I don't get it bros ;-(
merchant saved
I've been here too long.
Big nose hand rubbing.
moon landing was totally fake. you're literally retarded if you believe the government on almost fucking anything.
Every fucking time
The mechanical pressure of your skin/ body is enough to keep your blood from boiling for a few minutes. The gases in your GI expand so you projectile shit and vomit everywhere. You black out in 10-15 seconds. Your body doubles in size as you continuously eject gases. As long as you are rescued in 2-3 minutes you can recover with no lasting effects.
Just ordered 5k, thanks user
Women leading, nigger scientists, rest of the shitskin minorities as management, and white people as janitors, usually fat and looking stupid as well.
every time
It was done by great men with great ambition, to downplay their achievements is to also doubt our own potential
You don't know how affirmative action works in practice, do you?
If we had no affirmative action or mass immigration, we would have 90% white universities - like they were 60 years ago before the genocide started.
Leave off th dyke and Could say
No steely eyed missile men.
The moon landings were so demonstratably false, that only people who havn't bothered to look still beleive in it. THe illusion is maintained by keeping people away from the stage. Just look, you'll see.
The suit failure was just that, a failure because of an accident where the tether tore and so the suit lost pressure
Is it the fucking dark-ages in the US or what?
riddle me this fucktards where did the rocket I watched take off go?
Why can i see the ISS and Hubble from my back yard?
Space Merchant
I know and fully understand and don't beleive. Is that ok?
Based worm logo
The more one researches NASA and the moon/space programs, the more skeptical one becomes. If you havent read any of the challenges to the NASA narrative then you really need to before spouting off again
No White men means NASA is dead.
Looking at the space program, it's no great loss.
Are you talking about yourself?
>two niggers and a kike
Yup, that's nasa
>just look
just stop being stupid.
reminder this is what flat earth idiots say as well
>inb4 that one annoying fag from /sci/ pops in to tell me shitting on flat earth fags means I worship science like a redditor
The last 50 years have been an unforgivable loss, waste of decades thanks to spineless 'leaders'
Grumble grumble grumble
Did i say anything about flat earth? Are you arguing with yourself?
This hurts the most
oy vey
So no asking questions about science based programs?