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Oy vey why do you want to exterminate the Jews?
I've been lurk /pol for about a year, and I'm pretty open-minded. Generally I just ignore or laugh a little at the Happy Merchant stuff, but damn it really does keep happening. With examples big and small.
I mean it's obvious that guy is going try and resell the masks 5x whatever he paid, while letting everyone at HIS hospital get sick and possibly die. I mean he's not even afraid of being recorded doing this in 2020. Not only that but he couldn't even push the little box kart himself (he had Tyrone do it) . It's just so many stereotypes coming together it's hard to overlook.
Where did that happen? Miami?
I started browsing it since 2015 and I try not to get caught up in the shit flinging stuff, but there are things that are pretty obvious and those things are the reason this place has so many shills and raids.
Regarding this particular event, there's been many others. Jews hoarding sanitary equipment and reseelling it.
Ugh, my girlfriend is a caregiver and works been insane for her. She comes home and drinks, complains for 5 hours.
And then one day for no reason at all Hitler rose to power.
comments are saying connecticut.
look at this anti semite worrying about her silly hospital, six million more may die!
kicked out of 109 countries for no reason whatsoever
I love the sketchy look on his face. It’s malicious, but almost comically stereotypical. In a way these people are to be pitied.
greenwich connecticut, she says it in the video.
NewYorker here
Working in a trauma hospital in Westchester county
80% of our ICU covid patients are the Hasidic Jewish folk.
Tested or self declared?
Wouldn't be surprised if the jews lie to secure themself a bed, just in case, so the filthy goim can't get one.
*dies for Israel*
Are Jewish communities more densely packed than everyone else or something?
Tested +, and on a ventilator
I believe they’re from the same town, possibly went to the same place of worship and I guess that’s how they all got it at once
im amazed burgers didnt kick them out yet
more than that:
yes, and they are genetically weaker from inbreeding
Before paper was invented, or readily available, people used leaves, seashells, fur pelts and corn cobs. The ancient Greeks and Romans used small ceramic disks and also sponges on the ends of sticks, which were then plunged into a bucket of vinegar or salt water for the next person to use.
>Nurse Bitch
Hahaha ffs you dont need red pills on jews you just watch them in action.
I don’t think you can test for Jews yet...
I don't think you understand, they refuse to stop congregating and they actively COUGH at first responders trying to disperse their gatherings. If a woman is near, they will spit on her.
LOL idiots.. how we know he is real jew and not pretend? he never spoke a word. GTFO.
God is striking them down. Filthy rats.
Central jersey here, we started getting all the Lakewood chosen people this past week. Hope the weddings and bah mitzvahs were worth the ETT you bought.
> Caregiver
Tell her to give some care to your dick, keep her mouth busy
> nurse bitch
this is what i want when i need critical care
some self-absorbed low-IQ sheboon speaking niggerjive
>If a woman is near, they will spit on her.
And? since when you american morons were in favor of women being cops or in the military
gtfo mutt
>the reason this place has so many shills and raids
proof? And even if they are what difference does it make? He's taking medical supplies from his staff and the residents he's obligated to take care of.
Jewish behaviour proves Satan exists
>im amazed burgers didnt kick them out yet
>t. Goldsteinliebowitz
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It's the fucking mystery of all time, isn't it?
well yeah but someday the limit has to be reached
the question is rather whether the limit will be reached first or will america go brasil first
Hospital worker in the boonies of the state. We're gearing up to take your overflow unless Cuomo takes all our unused vents, kek
Alcohol weakens your immune system and also increases strain on your mental health overall
Burgers are the Jew, user.
Anyone able to run a licence plate?
It’s almost like Jews are hoarding supplies, price gouging, and abusing government to pocket tax money at everyone else’s expense. Imagine the power you have to have to walk into a hospital and take away PPE right now.
Fuck the jews, if millions die over this they should be next. I would unite with any race to fight them. They consider all goy animals worthy of only being their slaves. It’s time to fight back.
They really are vile subhuman creatures
>get away with it for 2000 years
Okay goym
is it just jews
cause theres no jews in my town
and theres also no tp
>shill becoming one of us
lol this is the mind of one year of pol
pic related is what you'll know once you've been here for ~10 years
>Anyone able to run a licence plate?
Yes, anyone can do that online.
>Nobody does it.
Seethe more incels
nah, its evil gentiles that MAKE them live that way /s
>in the ghettooooo
The front line workers should get the PPE, and the admin should be working from home anyway
Jew owned business sold 10000 of something to one customer who was panicking because Jew owned “news” told him these things would run out. It’s all the non Jews fault.
How the hell would you know how many are in your town? They don’t report on the census.
Hand sanitizer is not essential. You can use diluted alcohol and diluted bleach just as effectively. N95 masts are essential for workers under constant exposure like law enforcement and nurses, and even cashier.
Yeah, I'm not looking to trawl through a fucking shitload of sites wanting money for it you dirty gypsy.
Ummm, hello, based department?
50 shekels have been deposited into your account.
itz coming.
>get away with it for 2000 years
But actually the bible was speaking of the nature of the juden 2,000 years ago already so it would have had to have been much longer than 2,000 years.
>Titus 1:10-16 (KJV)
>10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
>11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
>12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
>13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
>14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
>15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
>16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
and their blood ritual to moloch
>Micah 3 (KJV)
>1 And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment?
>2 Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;
>3 Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
fuck all you filthy g*yim lmao
this made me laugh so hard i think i pulled something
you can't tell when there's jews walking around in your town?
It's probably Mossad.
>wants to grab 7,000 ventilators from other countries
>has already grabed 25,000 N95 respiratory masks, 400,000 virus test kits, 10 million surgical masks, and 700 protective overalls
>“We are utilizing our special connections to lay our hands on stocks ordered by others,”
>by the coming weekend, Israel's goal is to grab another 1.5 million N95 protective masks, 700,000 surgical masks, 2 million protective overalls and protective glasses, 50,000 coronavirus medicines and 180 ventilators.
>Are Jewish communities more densely packed than everyone else or something?
Yeah, do you know how many fit into an ashtray in a VW bug? A hundred!
>kicked out of 109 countries for no reason whatsoever
More than that actually.
some hasidic got busted by police in montreal this week at a synagog And there is a jewish community in boisbriand quarantine
>use diluted bleach on your hands
are you nuts
The kike barely got the supplies out of there before the niggers chimped out and destroyed them. The hospital is empty and the niggers have nothing better to do than chimp out. Imagine being on your deathbed and you have to rely on these retarded niggers to save your life.
>but damn it really does keep happening
no shit. Learn your history, mong
What was the reaction of the rural facilities when cuomo in chief said he was going to take your shit
Watch the video. Greenwich, CT
That twatter link is kaput for me.
I started browsing it since 2015 and I try not to get caught up in the shit flinging stuff, but there are things that are pretty obvious and those things are the reason this place has so many shills and raids.
Regarding this particular event, there's been many others. Jews hoarding sanitary equipment and reseelling it.
>But actually the bible was speaking of the nature of the juden 2,000 years ago already so it would have had to have been much longer than 2,000 years.
based retarded leaf nigger not knowing that they've been around since ancient egypt
My god you're truly stupid
>Tfw you don't respect social distancing and the confinement
>Tfw you continue doing whatever the fuck you want because you prefers caring more about God's laws than the virus.
>Tfw you literally become a parasite by siphoning public funds for yourself and your community.
>Tfw you have bad healthy habits
>Tfw you endanger everyone around you because of your shitty attitude.
>Tfw you die.
Like clockwork, it's like they can't help showing greed and sowing contempt.
they were never kicked out of Poland by Poles, so you're in no place to lecture anyone
Only fake Bibles teach tolerance.
Only fake Christians practice it.
Why would the goym care what Jews did in their own country? I am speaking about the period after the destruction of the Second Temple and the expulsion from Jerusalem and Judea until now.
If anyone doxes the guy it will be another Jew
I just heard about it yesterday, my boss was pissed lol
Fucking kikes.
Heard that county is exploding by the day
>Mossad does what is best for Israel
>Mossad is bad
Explain yourself Leaf.
Never marry a nurse or any woman in a similar field. The job is too stressful for them to handle and it leads to a high divorce rate
Literally what would happen if some sniffle nosed pfc nasty guards came and you told them to fuck off
Not gonna lie, but that does bring a smile on my face.
Also, have you been forced to use Bipaps as vents yet? Or long term use of LTVs? If so how well has that been holding up
Hopefully someday soon.
I dont know, I'm not in management I'm just an RT
i wonder why
imagine believing THAT is gods chosen race...
God I hate kikes.
They're taking up useful hospital beds. They fully believe that if god intends for them to die, then they should die.
Why bother fucking bother helping them at all?
Perhaps G*d has a wicked sense of humour.
The problem is they live among the goyim constantly narrative crafting and bitching about anti semitic tropes while pulling shit like this. There is nothing wrong with Israelis doing what is best for them but they all need to fuck off and go "home." Why is it that they are so successful at living as leaches but a land full of them is the nation state equivalent of a welfare nigger?
It's the APIAC Virus.
It spread at AIPAC from a kike from New Rochelle NYC. His son and daughter got it and spread it at their Yeshiva schools and from APIAC it also spread to Israel.
Google: Lakewood NJ welfare fraud, Lakewood NJ Coronavirus. It's jews jewing.
No. In the recommended ratio its harmless. Not my first choice tho.
Let me stop you there, sports fan.
Jews don't have their own country!
Weak willed loser
Ive been on Yas Forums since the day it re-opened and have remained a pro LGBT pro enviro globalist leftist the entire time.
The only thing that's really changed is becoming anti Zionism but unlike most tards here I don't believe in DA JOOOOS RUINING THE WORLD
Election tourists have 0 integrity.
>fur pelts and corn cobs
I just got a boner
Someone please call the glowies. This is against the law and also morally repugnant.
The kike is an administrator of the facility. of a post from the official kikebook page :
I cant believe there's probably murder and clandestine special forces ops to secure fucking vents and masks
I'm pretty sure they are already monitoring the thread.
>they are already monitoring the thread.
>im amazed burgers didnt kick them out yet
This is all due to the jews rewriting the Bible in their image, it was released in 1975 and it's called the NIV.
It was altered just enough to change the whole meaning and message.
>Release NIV 1975
>NIV pushed on TV every Sunday from 1980 through 2000's
>No preacher or church that practiced the real Bible was allowed on TV
>NIV Bible given away for free by the jew printers
>Official reason for rewrite when questioned = to prevent another Hitler and make Christians accepting of jews
>unofficial reason (as stated by jews that wrote it) To pacify Christians and destroy Christianity
The boomers fell for it, every Bible version written since has been based on the NIV.
Here is an example of subtle subversion of the Bibles teachings. 1 fucking word makes a world of difference.
Jew rewritten version
>Leviticus 19:33-34 (NIV)
>33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.
>34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
Real version
>Leviticus 19:33-34 (KJV)
>33 And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.
>34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Sojourn left out; to stay temporarily, visit, a traveling businessman or tourist.
Bible says be nice to tourists, it actually says to drive all non Christian immigrants out and if they refuse to leave draw the sword and slaughter them.
Also knowingly using a fake and or edited Bible is a high sin.
Jersey here.
Lakewood is one of the leading outbreak regions. Surprise surprise