Has there been a bigger fall from grace?

At least we still have a neo-empire with the Commonwealth and have nukes. Spain is just a desert province ruled by Brussels.

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Do you have a license to criticize us?

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At least you're legal

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Federalism now, please.

>At least we still have a neo-empire with the Commonwealth

Implying that's good

>your government paid broadcasting is doing the Mudslimes prayers
>b-but [other country] is shit too!

what grace

D&C this sage, kike.

dis grace lmao

kek, good one.

iberian federation when?

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fuck uk, love spain

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they are crypto-arabs blacked by the rapacious sandniggers that ruled the land for 800 years.

Portugal fall was worse.


yea memefag yea

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Spain has great potential but sadly it's being destroyed from the inside, too much time and efforts lost on left-right fighting for nothing, fight between regions who think they are superior race..sooner or later they will follow greece in this uncotroled fall to the dephts of chaos.

Spanish /lit/ thread. We are making charts such as the best Spanish books or Siglo-de-Oro classics

Tbh, I think people are starting to realize that the left meme government we have is just a pile of shitty politicians. I hope people don’t fall in the leftist media trap shaming Rajoy or even Franco for this pandemic. The actual government is the only one to blame here.
Thanks bro, will check it out.


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Le 56 % is UK average so How you can blame something to others when you are not White anymore ???

56% is the US, not the UK, my Arab friend

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how is the jew manuel valls doing in spain?

No offense but your country got BTFO by them so many times that you should act like it never happened and make threads about it is not going to help, also, they were kings of your land and your nobility was mixed with Spanish nobility for a while, if you come from a rich family I'll understand why you mad but if you come from a pleb family you shouldn't even care since they were actually better than the English nobility

You know just saying, anyways I'll say Portugal but again it's still better to fall from being too rich than falling like the British Empire because the kikes infiltrated the royal family.

Portugal by a large margin. Honorary mention to Netherlands. You guys are getting there though, don't worry.

Whao, you shouldn't post those neither, by that time Britannia was still half barbarian if it weren't for the Roman pacification (kill the men and fuck the women) and also because of Roman Catholicism which helped a lot in reforming Britons because some of them were still doing rituals and sacrifices, also it's a very prestigious part of the Spaniards and the reason why others nations respected them, they took over their conquered lands against a foe that was better equipped, better funded and had more numbers, you got invaded by Rome and never managed to defeat them, you had to wait for them to fade.

I know I sound offensive, but UK just like few others European countries is always in very bad position to talk when it comes to History

We had Reconquista 500 years ago, learn some history... Special when you have right now a Paki on London and in one generatión White britanny does not exist any more...

But " we are arabs" ehy man leave your room if you would like to see arabs on the streets ...

Probably not, but then again, when the peak of your country was being the world's greatest power for centuries, you can only go down.

You are going the same way, though, you guys just started after.

>Best beaches in Europe
>Not Greece

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>Britain: Creates Protectorates and Colonies. Hated by its former Subjects and is today colonized by said former subjects

>Spain: Creates New Spanish Kingdoms in its offshore territories. Intermixed with the native population cannot be hated by its former subjects without disavowing paternal forefathers.


>Britain: US,Canada,Australia,New Zealand

>Spain: Morocco, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua

Kek. Anglos aren’t comparable to Spics

Cope harder. Wallace.

Or should I say Muhammad?

At least Iberian hams are excellent.
Made a world empire for what? Fish and Chips in Australia and New Zealand? Lol


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Seething, Tyrone Little Horn Rodriguez

>At least we still have a neo-empire
Enjoy being raped by inbred brown niggers


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Catabro basado.

> Britain: Belize, Somalia, India, Pakistan, yemen, Somalia, Bangladesh

> Spain: USA, Netherlands, Belgium, North Italy, Luxemburg

>>Britain: US,Canada,Australia,New Zealand
>>Spain: Morocco, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua

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Father why have you forsaken your loyal colony please father do not abandon me

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Stop bullying arab rapebabies user, why did you even make this thread?

Spain was a mere property of the habsburgs, who were to weak to liberate themselves unlike us. Spain has always been a shithole, they weren't very inventive either.

At least you make us laugh, do you really want to compare spanish history (and empire) with the dutch one? what's gonna be next?

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>do you really want to compare spanish history (and empire) with the dutch one? what's gonna be next?
Sure we took all your colonies baby.

in your dreams you took.
You lost against us in africa and south america, and you had no more than a draw in asia, we won in goa(india), we won in Macau, we first won in Mallaca (Battle of Cape Rachado) and then we lost ceylon, and in far east indonesia .

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try again



>We wuz winning
Dude we had a bigger merchant fleet than Portugal, Spain the UK and the German states combined. The dutch gulden was the worlds reserve currency for 200 years. Meanwhile you African rape babies, remained a dirt poor shithole.

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Attached: Top 20 countries by mean wealth. (source credit suisse 2017).png (402x528, 25.45K)

>poor people rent homes.
Our mean wealth is 2x that of your African rape baby country. And our GDP er capita is almost 2,5 time higher. Dumb move to talk about wealth and the economy nigger spawn.

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>we took
>gets assfucked because what happened was literally the other way around, loses in africa, south america and even in asia, we kept macau, and all our india coast cities
To a point that we were the last european country to hold colonies around the world, macau only returned to China in 1999, after HK in 1997

stay salty

>Dude we had a bigger merchant fleet

Portugal controlled half of the world commerce for centuries you dumb fuck, you only appeared on scene much later, tried to grab our colonies when spain invaded us, and when we did the restauration you lost

Nice "victory". Have a better one.

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Try harder mong, you can´t even understand what you post. ibd can´t distinguish pre historic caucasoid from ssa.

>Our mean wealth is 2x

No it is not, check the direct source achmed:

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>your African rape

Top projecting

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>No it is not, check the direct source achmed:
NIgger doesn't know the difference between mean and median, color me shocked. No wonder all those little Spanish and Portuguese girls come her for work and to get inseminated by dutch bulls.

>Having niggers in your country is the same as having nigger blood top kek. Keep coping.