What would you do if 2 syrian refugees started harassing a white girl in front of you?

what would you do if 2 syrian refugees started harassing a white girl in front of you?

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violent masturbation

nice try FBI

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Recite the 14 words and proceed to smash their shitskin faces in.

I wouldn't rape them.
I wouldn't rape all three of them.

Hey why are you doing that to that girl. Why not do it to my GF instead.
Glow nig.



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Smear shoe shine on my face and help them.

Nothing. The people in charge want us all to be mixed and have a cappuccino like appearance, and they know best.

>what would you do if 2 syrian refugees started harassing a white girl in front of you?
beat to death.

Inquire what she did wrong of course, she's likely a misbehaving murican tourist

Smirk and walk away. Roasties brought it on themselves

->Help the girl

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federal butt inspector

Allow her to get redpilled... If she's wearing a MAGA hat or is clearly right wing, defend to the death.

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Depends how far they take it. If they just yell things at her then I won't do anything, if they start to attack her I'll shoot them.

Won't care, white women only want to fuck coloureds anyway so what's the point of whiteknighting when I get nothing in return.

Join them. Women wanted this.

Pull out my "legal" hi-point and create a new high score

Just mind your own business Lancelot.


Laugh at the world women created for themselves.


shoot them, a good sandnigger is a dead sandnigger.

Is it me or do posts like this reek of a hello-fellow-posters like they're from an agency of somesort

What do you mean, harass? They voted for this, so it's apparently what they wanted.

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>white women only want to fuck coloureds anyway
Jamal' s mind

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Nothing, that way she might have her eyes opened to shitskins nature and spread the message. If I step in she won't learn a valuable lesson.

your dick?

>Defending people that are being harassed on the streets is simping

The same thing I'd do if they weren't harassing a white girl. Spit on them, say Allah is a faggot and keep walking..refugees are all cowards who run from fights


Nothing. If you intend to interfere in women’s business, might as well change your name to Alice and come suck my cock.

All good semites are dead semites

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Pussy faggot, we're in this situation because of weak assholes like yourself. I'd shoot you as well.

>living in paris having a white girl

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take photograph and upload to 4ch like a fag

Just move on. The fuck should I care? Call the police. I ain't no white knight.

Keep walking, satisfied that she is statistically likely to have supported and voted for politicians and policies that facilitated their entry.

You will never be white.


unzip my pants, and start jerking off until they stop.

A few weeks ago, pre-quarantine, I would have laughed and ignored it. But now, after being cooped up for so long, I'm itching for a fight, so I would use this incident as an excuse to kick ass.

>in b4 "there's two of them!"

Look at their pathetic, noodle arms. Just look at them. The day I can't beat the shit out of two lanky bitch boys is the day I neck myself.

Whisper in her ear that this is the world she chose


you vote for it, enjoy the enrichment

this I would get so fucking wet in my loins!

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How is the EU going for you? oh wait it's dead, just like all the other goyim thanks to globalism.

Start harassing them as if they were girls.

i wish i lived in a city so this could actually happen.
country boys and city cucks should switch places for a few months. we would clear those pussies out

use my anti-rape whistle ofc

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Hold them down while she pegs them into a shameful haram orgasm.

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Chances are she didn't vote for it, stop being retarded. Protect your race or off yourself.

give them the address to nearest major politicians private residences

Its not just you

>chads get all the girls

You brought it on yourselves. Refugees welcome, am I right?

Take a picture, rush home and create a thread on Yas Forums.

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call the harassment police to come round and check if the boys had their harassment license.

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does anyone believe that whistle is of any use?

Go home imagine them raping her both holes and masturbate

>what would you do
Nothing since women are the reason for shitskins invading every once white country. They shit in their bed, they can clean it up.

don't forget to blow the rape whistle

Wallop them, they're usually skinny little sand niggers who can't take much of a beating.

>country boys
You mean rednecks?

Stay six feet away so I don't get Coronavirus.

>un-sheath my katana
>bring her back home and give her a bowl of eggs.
>then talk to her about how I'm helping to save the white race by helping her and how it's our duty to have healthy huwhite babies
>enjoy the pleasure as she rewards me with sex
C-Can I be a huwhite nationalist now?

beat the shit out of them NATURALLY user.

I would rape all 3 of them.

If you attach it to gun, this could work

i wouldn't give a fuck. the white girl voted for this and virtue signalled for niggers and sandniggers for her entire life. i'll let her deal with what she voted for.

Join them.

>Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, kebab shop is two blocks down

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This is a cope and you know it.

Nothing. Because I do not White Knight for entitlted fuckin' cum dumpsters. But, if it were a White young male that was getting harrassed, I would consider supporting him, or calling the police if it were serious. But women? Fuck 'em. Women are on their own. But that's not even really true, because women have Big Daddy Pimp Government to administer violence on their behalf.

Only to be reported to the ploice by the 10/10 bong lass for being a racist.

Based Limey.

Someone is getting their ass beat

I’m not sure what I’d do but I know it would make my pee pee hard


>EU flag
yeah it checks out

>Wallop them, they're usually skinny little sand niggers
I was in Japanese immigration renewing my visa recently, and saw a lot of these skinny little sand niggers that you describe - 20 to 21 years old maybe, and they look dodgey as fuck. I always wonder what in the hell they are doing here. I'm sure that they form their own mafias and shit in Japan, too.

I don't think they are allowed rape whistles in UN countries. What a shame.

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kill them

Warn them I'm calling the police that usually does the job.

stop don't touch her there, that is her no no square!

Neck yourself

whatever you want to call us noncucked city haters

I would join them, of course.

fucking based. Oswald would be proud.

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>stop don't touch her there, that is her no no square!
Ha aha!

fuck off fag


Help them

She’ll just be seeing the duality of the sandnigger then.

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I hope Finland will never be in that situation.

I would beat the shit out of that western whore for even walking in the path of those two Proud Syrian boys. Bitches have no class or morals about others. Fuck her she knows what she's doing.

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My wife is good looking and has big tits so I've experienced her being harassed a fair amount. Every time I would step in and 9/10 times the other person backs down straight away. Most of the rest of the time it's some shouting and shoving until people separate and then a few times full fights. If in a bar I'd always be the one kicked out, bouncers are complete cowards and will kick out the guy fighting 5 guys over trying to get a whole group out.

With age it just got boring so we stopped going any places that would risk that, including any place that would have 'syrians'.

So the short answer is I'd fight, the long answer is i just avoid the situation now.

Knock them both the fuck out, been fighting mma for 8 years, most people cant fight, and sand niggers especially cant fight, anyone who understands the basics of throwing a punch knows this


>hack the girls "smartphone"
>send her data to all "refugees" in town!

Mind my own business. I'm not getting put in jail by some overzealous white hating bobbies who co-operate with Muslim rape gangs to kidnap children because some white roastie who voted for these third world problems in the first place is now facing the reality of her stupid fucking decisions.

I said I wouldn't.
I wouldn't rape them.

Rape the Syrians, make the "white" girl ( you just know she's a tranny) watch.

Offer them condoms. That way they don't get herpes, the girl doesn't get aids and I don't get jailed for racism. Win win.

I'd let them fuck me instead

post pic of body

Go to their subsidized housing units, and dish out BBC to their sisters and moms.

women deserve rape for voting these shitskin invaders in
