Be honest, we make you seethe

>BTFO whites in countless wars
>BTFO non-whites with the empire and Brexit

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>These people used to rule the world

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>BTFO themselves with Brexit and Corona

This is now a bong hate thread.

jesus at least give that getup a face so the poor bloke can be anonymous

this is like putting a man in gallows for all to see

Why did you let go of the empire paps? Was it so hard to let the Krauts btfo France and have their own little empire?
We weren't ready paps, we weren't ready to hold the world on our shoulders. Now it's all gone paps. Everything's gone, the Empire, America, the dream. It's all gone.

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And then you brought all the niggers and shitskins back home with you and permanently destroyed your demographics. Your descendants will be brown and speak a foreign language. What an achievement

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we hate yuropeens more than bongs user

The empire existed until 1997. I don’t know why Yas Forums keeps peddling the myth that WW2 ended the empire. My guess is it’s German fantasy (a-at least we b-beat the Brits at a-something). Sad.

You guys are all right.

By 97 the Empire was a broken shadow of its former self and you know it, hardly worthy to be called an empire at all. You lost it all, very often times voluntary, like that time you sided with communists against Rhodesia, or the handover of Hong Kong.

In the suez crisis, Britain was protecting the canal they built. Eisenhower threatened to dump bonds and ruin the pound. Britain withdrew. That was effectively the end of the Empire, and the beginning of lapdog status to America.

Yeh but America isn’t even white

What does that have to do with anything? 50, no 20 years ago we were much whiter. All of this could have been prevented if the first world war had been averted, or you had lost. We wouldn't even have half the issues with the middle East without the absolute shitshow the Entente created after it dismantled and broke the Ottoman Empire into influence spheres.

And look at what you have become today. We dont have muslims mass raping our girls here on the so called "3° world".

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So you think the world would be a better place if the Ottoman Empire still existed?

Yeh, you’re not white.

Hitler fucked everything up for whites.

No, you just have natives doing it.

And look at you now you turned into the counties that you used to occupy

There are literally cities in America that are majority black.

To me, WWI and WWII really fucked over whites.... not because of any empire breaking up or whatever.... It was because it was a battle for existence, and the european world lost the spirit of fair play in war that it had mostly held to. It was a no-holds barred winner take all and destroyed something that was very good.

Yes, and I don't care about Hitler. He would have been prevented aswell if the Entente had lost. And the Ottoman Empire wouldn't have lasted the century, letting it die slowly would have allowed to NATURAL and organic new borders to form with moderate destabilization in the ME region, instead the Entente made arbitrary borders and treaties that caused ethnic, political and national issues. These issues still exist today, unresolved, causing massive issues, and are the root of the reason why ISIS and other organizations exist.

Eisenhower was a faggot t b h

Son, have you tried giving the world a firm handshake and looked them in the eye. Worked for me.

You're literally the most cucked country on earth

Yeah thanks to you and the Jews who brought them all here

lol at all the seething foreigners in this thread

America was one of the largest supporters of the collapse of the British Empire (and all European Empires) and a large contributor to its downfall (though the heaviest blow was the 1st and 2nd world wars). America throughout the early 20th century espoused the idea of self-determination, and wished for European Empires to allow for their colonial holding to be let go and allowed to rule themselves. Many of the prominent leaders of the de-colonised world were preaching the American idea of self-determination and saw the American idea of self-determination as a form of legitimacy to their ideals and what they were fighting for. Many Americans even supported these groups (though it was never official American policy).

>Middle East
>being stable

Kek. Seething Wehrboo.

Germany allied with Muslims to kill white Europeans. Fuck off.

Its all over, its all fucked. some people thinking that whites will rise up and take back their countries, its not gonna happen, the whites are too saturated with cucks. Some people think the white governments and countries are being stolen by niggers and sub humans, not gonna happen, once all the whites are really gone all those places are going to collapse. the future of the west is a mad max dystopia. buy a gun.

Eisenhower was a kike tool.

America sided with communists in imperial territories to damage white empires.


There are towns in the UK that are majority Muslim

>British empire had advance military technology compare to other countries
>the rest of the world start to have guns and modernise their military
>can't afford to keep India
>too much of a risk to keep Hong Kong
>only the second largest economy in EU, beaten by Germany

Why are britards so oblivious of their modern history and insist in believing in British exceptionalism?

I know, it was the whole goal of America for the first half of the century, what I'm arguing is that America could not have accomplished what it had if Britain didn't go full retard.
The Wehrmacht did not exist in ww1, neither did the Nazis, or a very passionate, charismatic and angry Austrian that your Paki ass hates so much. Why are you so fucking stupid?

Division tactics.

In any case, his body should be removed from his grave, defiled and spit on by all.

>Didn't go full retard.
In what way did they go full retard? The wars had left them overextended, bankrupt and had crippled their armies and navies. There was no way Britain could hold all its holding, especially as the Cold War began and the world was forced to choose between Capitalism and Communism, and as the two powers vied to gain control over colonial holdings and set up loyal governments.

Yes you make me seethe as im forced to use this flag anywhere I go on the Internet. I dont even need a British passport to travel, I dont have to represent Britain in any way, shape or form. Yet online? Fuck off.

Nope, I'm actually something of an Anglophile. I blame the Sharpe and Flashman novels. But I don't mind telling you when you're being retarded (such as with gun rights).

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Based fellow Anglo.
>I don't mind telling you when you're being retarded (such as with guns rights)
Americans will never learn.

World war one ring a bell? Allowing the political situation in Germany to reach the breaking point? FUCKING CHURCHILL? The entire stupid pointless fight against le ebil Krauts? There's too many mistakes to count, too many things that could’ve gone infinitly better with smarter leadership, at the very least the decline could have been slowed. Instead Britain chose complete and utter self destruction and self humiliation by being America's lap dog and repeatedly compromising and siding with the USSR even after the second war.

>World War 1
The entire situation was fucked, no one side can take the blame as the retarded one, it was a war on a scale nobody expected.
Churchill is based.
>Le ebil Krauts
What else were they to do? Leave the Germans to conquer the entire continent on the promise that they would never attack Britain? Regardless of whether or not they would have attacked, what is important is at the time, all Britain knew is that every document signed by the Germans stating that they would cease their aggression they had scrapped and betrayed. The British could not trust the Germans in WW2, war was the only option.
>Too many mistakes to count.
Even if this were true, you are looking at this with hindsight in mind could anyone have predicted the 20th century unfolding as it did? America's rise to power? A communist Russia? The collapse ,subsequent rise of Germany and then its collapse again? The fucking cold war? The 20th century was a shitshow, the fact that the empire lasted as long as it did into the 20th century is its own feat.

Because it became obsolete (largely thanks to you).

*I make this post to hereby explicitly renounce and relinquish any (i) claim to, (ii) support of, (iii) approval for, and (iv) agreement with, all posts, images and media found herein on this website [Yas] from other users [human, or bot] and disseminated from this MAC and IP address and any other associated MAC and IP addresses used by other devices.

Be humble user. You never fucking know !!!!

Why tf are you not btfoing the northern turks?

Cringe thread. Embarrassingly shit. Is that you Sargon?

Anyone Hitler considered white, is white. Hitler admired Americans for conquering a continent.

The apex of culture and civilization

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When we annex you into the Neo-Anglo Empire, you will be able to walk the streets of Sydney with a Webley on your hip, as is right and proper.

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Your country was a mayor global power only after Napoleons defeat, before that you were irrelevant, and now after WWII you are a defeated nation at the brink of social and demographic collapse.

> Hurr durr Drake hurr durr Armada hurr durr
Your memes have been debunked a thousand times already, get over it. You are not as relevant as you think and we speak english because of the US, not you, just like people learn spanish because of Latin America.

kys wog scum

Thirteen responses. Yep, they seethe.

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Jewish media makes me seethe. Having to watch first hand as they twist the minds of my brethren to fight among themselves... lord show us the WAY!

I'm going to coom in that groyper. Fuck the rest of you faggots. I'm going to cooom and fuck him and none of you can stop me, Not even your mum!

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Now there's a fucking good flag.

Goypers are fags, so go ahead.

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Fuck Nick. He ruined it. Stupid Spic. I'll kill you!