Corona proves the flat earth

The Himalayan Ranges are now visible from 230 km away due to less pollution in lockdown.

Attached: file.png (960x584, 712.64K)

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Oh HOLY SHIT. This is it. This is the REAL reason for quarantine. To clear the air so we can see the trees thru the forest.
Finally making sense

Truly a great time to be alive.

The quarantine is to keep people from investigating Kobe Bryant's suspicious death.


Maybe Kobe's pilot really did have coronavirus, and he collapsed at the controls, sending the helicopter, and its occupants, to their deaths.

Attached: whoa.jpg (1362x1067, 221.66K)

What's so suspicious about Kobe's death that a global spectacle needs to be created?

They are mountains dipshit they rise up, of course you can see them further away

Love it but we'll need measurements like for the black swan photo.


Attached: IMG_2473.jpg (281x351, 17.26K)


Attached: 1579984942381.jpg (3837x1613, 401.25K)

Rocky Mountains observed 300-500 miles away.

Attached: 300+miles.webm (580x326, 2.95M)

They are 8 km high. probably 7 km higher than where this picture is taken 230 km away.
Do math.
It checks out.
230 km, is 0.03613 radians of the earth.
(1-cosine0.03613)*6370 = 4.16km
You should see everything higher than 4.16 km from 230 km away.

You believe those ranges are behind 4km of curvature?

In his hurry to affirm the curve he looked past all the nearby trees.

Who should I believe?

All of the world's (((Scientists))) or 1 book written by based desertpeople 6000 years ago?

I'll go with the latter, thanks.

Concave Earth.

Attached: Model_of_the_universe_according_to_the_Koreshans..jpg (2048x1536, 677.1K)

This is very interesting. I gotta do some math.

3km, inbred nigel

if the earth is flat then how come I can't see the himalayas when I look northeast?

Typical curvecuck.

>What's so suspicious about Kobe's death that a global spectacle needs to be created?

spergs can't detect sarcasm.. don't feel bad kraut

>why can't I look into infinity
>what is air humidity

if the air is humid then why can I see the stars?
1000 mile visibility across Lake Huron to Hudson Bay

>3km, inbred nigel
You think you're looking at 3km of curvature?

Yeah. I can see it from my house.

oy vey!

Air density decreases as height does, so you're looking through increasingly less dense air when looking up.

Plus the stars are refracted points of light in the atmosphere, and we don't even know what they actually are on top of that.

Accepting flat earth without actual proof is a faggy as accepting ball earth without actual proof.

Anyone can make pictures, user.

The earth is actually shaped like a dragon dildo.

so how high is it to the stars? and at what point does the atmosphere approach a vacuum? where do you get those numbers and how were they verified?

Corona was sent to earth to prove its flatness. A virus of wisdom?

>so how high is it to the stars?
No idea, it's like asking how far away is a rainbow, it doesn't really have a distance.
>at what point does the atmosphere approach a vacuum?
Don't know, perhaps never.

>first Q posts, now flat earth
I can't wait until quarantine is lifted and you lot fuck off again

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Partially true. Apparently anons where getting too close to figuring out exactly who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp.

so the stars are a mirage and the atmosphere becomes arbitrarily less dense, but maybe not to the point of a vacuum. you can see for 1000s of miles, but you can't due to humidity, the only way to see that far is to hop on an airplane and fly really high where the air is less dense, so you can see it. not to mention we are a dinner plate that accelerates through .. Space? not sure there and there is a massive conspiracy of all the worlds governments to stop people from flying over Antarctica.
Flat earther tries lightbox expriment,
>if earth curve then light hole not visible through hole made at same height
>travel good distance away
>No light visible
>post results to youtube
> begin saying there must have been something in the way, like a bush
>take down video that disproves flat earth

Yes exactly, especially the dinner plate accelerating through space part, no straw man there at all.

explain the force that globists call gravity

Imagine how beautiful India would be if there were no Indians....

why would the jews insist the earth is round when it isn't?


Based and black sun pilled.

I hope the other flatties figure it out.

Pressure equilibration.

Nothing to do with the fact that they are miles above sea level

what causes the pressure?

This is now a Inverse Earth/Cell Earth/Concave Earth thread.

Long live The Fuhrer.

Attached: 72233670_393738498220714_539566029748043776_o.jpg (1000x563, 161.83K)

Gravity = electromagnetism

Tesla's Universal Compression of the Aether.
Newton's Gravity is based on Aether. They had to come up with Einstein to deter people away from Aether.



FE is not based. It's bigger jew lie than the globe is. FE is the back up plan to catch critical thinkers. The truth is far stranger than fiction, and as always... opposite the lie.

>Muh hebrew cosmic footstool.

Attached: truthhurtsfuckers.jpg (750x731, 76.04K)

ok so I have 3? possible opposing views on gravity. or are they the same view?

Aether AKA Soul

If the earth is flat, where are the dinosaurs? I doubt the moon is a star, but of course the walls would say that

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They are all the same thing. Just different forms. (Think of water)

magic flight powers when?
ironic coming from a flag that started rocket technology

Fluxiner's been a thing my dude. For normies like us? Never.

what does this even mean?
Please as a dumb burger my mind can only go so quickly

no, it does not and fucking sage.

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It means that you can have many forms of the same thing. Ice, Watervapor, and Water, are all h20. Gravity, and Electromagnetism, are different forms of Aether.

so the aether can change state? if so how?

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Math is a hologram projected from the 5G towers to hide the truth about the llama people that rule us. Have you ever seen a llama at 2:30 am on the third Wednesday of a month? No, because that's when they have their secret meetings.

Baby tier math, you are a stupid stinking gay nigger

You would have to be anti-science to think that image makes a point. It's clear from a cursory glance that the scale us all off. When the 'Science!' Cult feels threatened they always abandon reason.

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light is affected by gravity. the photons that hit your eyes are not travelling straight but your brain doesn't know that

Where is the Himalayan Ranges? I thought that was just a myth?

why do jews want us to cling to the globe model so badly, why do they push it in media constantly, why do they brigade us on social media and try and get us SHUT DOWN, why do they come to these threads and pretend they aren't jew shills working out of some warehouse in israel?


That's not true. I just read what you wrote so I'm aware that the photons that hit my eye are not traveling straight. You're only making an argument FOR a flat earth.