When are people gonna disobey and just go outside?

this shit is so fake I can't stand it.

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Hope you die you dumb murican fuck

Honestly i'm curious how long people will wait in line for walmart.

>When are people gonna disobey and just go outside?

I don't disobey. I ignore the fake corona virus narrative and do whatever the fuck I want.

Corona virus = cuck virus. It is a weak ass form on influenza with a minimal rate of actually killing anyone. The mainstream news uses it to cuck the masses, and keep them locked up in their homes.

This is a pathetic attempt at pushing socialism onto the masses. Don't fall for it. Don't waste your time wearing masks and gloves. Don't self isolate, and just say "fuck it".

Just fucking sterilize yourself already. Have mercy on the genetic pool.


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Youre already dead nigger

now i need a letter to go to work explaining that I'm a "critical member' of the workforce so that cops don't fine me for being outside.
100% police state

you don't know anyone infected

Never. The collective human spirit has already surrendered.

OK Boomer

Most people already have. You're the coward who is stuck inside.

Its literally a psy-op how anyone cannot see this by now is beyond me.


Yup. Cuck virus confirmed.

Its not fake watchu mean . (((Media))) Never lies bro.

In my hood the hookers wear facemasks

Now 90% of cops aren't showing up to work

Fuck the virus. I'm mad about the empty shelves. This fucking economy is fragile like a toothpick holding up a tank. And these Jewish motherfuckers play with trillions in debt and interest to make more money than all of us in this thread without ever lifting a finger or doing any real work.

Fuck this fraudulent shit system and fuck the Jews!

Is this a troll? I have seen this shit kill people that would normally survive a flu. Where I work we have a morgue that can hold about 30 bodies and its over capacity. We have a whole step down unit for just rule outs and confirmed cases, and that unit can hold about 40 patients.

Pennsyltucky fag checking in. I've been outside and its safe. Only smart city folks should stay indoors.

Fuck off glownigger

I have a separate theory.

No one is willingly complying, and that's how they ratchet this shit up.

Well, bucko wouldn't stay at home, paid, for 2 weeks... So now we went full martial law.

Who gives a fuck if it's fake... Think about it. They're paying everyone to do this. Just fucking do it.

Then they don't get to write laws. You just hung out at the house doing spring cleaning and lawn projects for 2 weeks. PAID. you fucking imbeciles.

Fuck off glownigger

It isn't enough money, and creditors aren't being lenient. Things will start heating up in blue states quite soon.

>When are people gonna disobey and just go outside?
they never stayed inside

You're not allowed on the youtube search list if you make content to do with current affairs and you're not verified

stfu and go back

Stupid German it is a hoax all so they can destroy the inflated economy.

Don't know about other countries, but here they love to be told what to do.

Queue there.
stand apart.
Come when the whistle blows.

all that happy shit, Brits love it lol



lol nigs in dayton ohio dont give a shit, its business as usual here. the shitstorm is going to be epic. there was a 20 person gathering at a house across the street. 12 people at my sisters (coal-burned, two power plants), and my place of employment filled with druggies and convicted felons is still open. about 60 people. we all go to the same place to cash our checks too. social what? didnt see any of that. saw X's on the ground, but nobody paid it any heed. local grocers packed. EPIC. SHITSTORM. RIP DAYTON OH, YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED.

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Show proof you jew

literally holocaust survivor-tier.

every day, your shtick gets less believable.

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Its illegal to say its fake. You will get jailed or fined soon for saying its hoax and fake mark my words.

Meanwhile on pol, believes in (((media))) more than the average twitter user does. Thumbs up homies. You are better than reddit fags here.

Yeah just enjoyed shopping in the saturday market in the sun. It's crowded and everyone is content.

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It's less lethal than a regular flu that happens very year, jews really scammed you really hard this time.

2 weeks...are you fucking retarded? My state is going till june 10. Thats 3 fucking months and they extend it. And no people are not getting paid. Stop spreading utter bullshit, you chink fuck

>Where I work we have a morgue
Yeah, right next to the holocoaster and masturbation machines

Let me tell you a small story.

A state of roughly 10 million people here got on complete lockdown because, wait for it, there was a grand total of ONE death. The governor used as excuse this single death. Not a hundred, not fifty, not even ten. One.

Santa Catarina.

>chinks find new virus that makes people go to hospital with the coofs and dying
>full lockdown
>everyone ignores it
>first coofs in country
>we got everything under control (not)
>omg all countries are under lockdown? I don't wanna be a country that doesn't do it
>I have no reliable data and didn't care about anything? Better shut everything down.
>I'm a professional I know what I'm doing don't question anything.

I wish the US would have done nothing and not even bother with it. It would have either killed a couple of million fattys or shown the world that its a nothingburger. Now we still don't know.

70 IQ:
>coronavirus is a hoax!
>just a conspiracy by the democrats against trump!
>videos of empty hospitals!

100 IQ:
>coronavirus is a pandemic!
>stay at home!
>flatten the curve!
>nooo not the hecking grandmarinos!

130 IQ:
>coronavirus is a hoax
>the entire world, from normal citizens to the people in charge, are trapped in a state of self-perpetuating mass hysteria
>faulty statistics have lead people to believe the virus is far worse than it really is or will be
>the real happening will be the economic collapse from having the entire world shut down indefinitely and 50% unemployment rates


Only true patriots would go outside right now user. Prove yourself. Shake hands with everyone you see, hug them as well. Because they too are true patriots.

I never thought Yas Forums of all places was retarded enough to take the bait. But that's what happened after the 2016 election. This board is now full newfags and pro government leftists.

Shut the fuck up a friend of mine died from it. Fucking retard kys go lick handrails

Vocal minority. Guess who lurks now?

But user, the virus is real.
I have seen the dead and dying.
Yes, we are unlikely to experience a situation here in Germany like spain or the US, because we are actually a first world country and have a functioning med system.
But the hospitals ARE filling up.
We now have to decide wether to let boomers or the economy die.

t. ICU nurse

ofc coronaviruses are real
but they come round EVERY year
having a reduced workforce of staff cuz they're not allowed in a hospital if they coughed in the last 2 weeks causes existing staff to be overworked
the hospitals ARE NOT filling up

based user.
lose the memeflag tho

ICU nurses are the least credible source whatsoever by now. whiny, brainwashed by (((hierarchy))) and "overwhelmed" just like every single year + mass hysteria and hypochondia on top of it

I can't speak for your regional hospitals.
Maybe you are still lucky.
But here in western Germany, the wards are filling up, even if not critically atm.
I work with COVID patients, mostly the severe cases,so I can't tell you much about the easy ones, but this situation is far from ordinary.

Sure thing froggo, I'm fully trusting your judgement

BTW, we are currently treating 4 frogs at our ward, because your own hospitals in grand-est or whatever that shitty province is called, are overloaded.
thank me later

my roommmate believes all this hype. yet she also talks about how for the past month her hospital has been at 30% when it's normally 80. she's also going stir crazy bc as femoid she needs to socialize.

i think people will start to resist this shit by May. they will either need to implement severe enforcement or give this shit up. by then the damage will likely be done and it's not like they can't inflict as many of these as they need to in order to achieve total economic desolation.

I don’t either

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I go outside every day and do whatever I want. And most people where I live are doing the same. Only soiboys and women cower in their homes.

>all that happy shit, Brits love it lol

So fuckin true. They think they are going to win the war or what?

Women are in dry law mode, nagging and preaching

stfu gelded cuck, just cause your happy living in a gimp box doesn't mean the rest of us a faggot slaves like you as well

I'm glad someone finally said it. Fuck this social distancing bullshit. Although, it's pretty funny to see people here sperg out when I get too close to them.

Proof? Sounds like a faggot

Yeah me too, at my work we freeze them in liquid nitrogen, so they just smash into pieces when we throw them into a skip. We steal all their gold and jewellery first though, and all their rare paintings too. We've experimented with using masturbating machines to try to cure the virus, but it just ended up masturbating them to death. We used that one's skin to make a moving memorial artwork about the 6 million people that this virus has already killed

You better learn to code...
Nurses are getting laid off from lack of people that go to the hospital and get procedures

honestly can't wait till this becomes mainstream thinking.
Maybe I'll finally get my visa to repopulate america after all the retards are dead

well, i live in a very large town in bulgaria and i can tell you they are lying through their teeth.
each day is "2 new cases in town guyse!" and its some 80y boomers with other diseases who "died from corona"

even though most people are not wearing masks, and going all around, for the pasth 3 weeks. it should have been 1000 cases a day. We should be dead by now, since everyone is going around talking to people without a mask.

its a fucking lie.
and they want us not to leave town or go to parks?
they want us not to go out other then to buy food.
fucking bullshit.

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