Spain (Madrid): corona infected weeb goes full sasuke and charges against the police with 2 katanas

Grab your popcorn boys

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Latin American. He's not Spanish.

People clapping at the end. Of course. Spaniards lickbooting as usual.

pretty kino

Sasuke uses a chokutō you ignorant Spanish.

La Raza.


>speaks spanish

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What was his problem? What did he shout? Giving the situation he probably just went nuts? It seem a common pattern with schizophrenics to run about naked. At least he is still wearing some pants.

The cops just walk backwards and call reenforcements...
What a bunch of weak retards.
They deserve to be slayed.

> casually losing his pants

Shit like this is only going to increase the longer they keep people inside.

Well in Europe we have a tendency not to simply shoot the mentally ill on site. I my opinion this is what makes you a civilized country. Very much unlike the USA, where the cops wouldn't be able to deal with such a situation peacefully.

they were trying to run him over with the car. if i were him i'd stop after that and sue them claiming mental problems. I don't think the police is allowed to do that. It's more realisitc to shoot him in the leg than run him over.. wtf it's not Africa

F Travis

Attached: Travis Two.jpg (800x600, 79.42K)

someone needs to put an end to some spic week's madness.

> Well in Europe we have a tendency not to simply shoot the mentally ill on sight

YES YOU CHASE HIM WITH THE POLICE TRUCK. remembers me of the guys killing a boar with a sink. that's the same level of mastery as these cops.


Well in the end he is still alive and only some property was damaged. I would call this a success given, that he was dual wielding swords and seems highly motives to use them on cops.

>muh civilized
We are civilized, not weak pussies.
It's unbelievable how many laws exist that don't let cops do their job. Just shoot him in the leg/arm and arrest him.
You don't need 20 men to arrest 1 retard. It's fucking ridiculous.

I see no difference between these people and Mexicans

>Just shoot him in the leg/arm and arrest him.

Have you ever shot a gun user?

And all of this unnecessary bullshit, including the damage to a taxpayer's car, could've been avoided just by the officers initially responding to the call. As soon as he charged those two cops, armed with deadly weapons, they could've settled it with a double tap of 9mm Parabellum

it was an unnecessary and embarassing display of feminity.
If he had a pistol and started shooting at the cops they would run and hide behind cover without reacting one single time, and some would get killed.

Shooting even in the leg can be fatal, when you hit an artery. Also every bullet can kill you from infection. I suppose teasers are a little safer, but the problem there is that cops start to heavily overuse them as you can clearly see in the US. It's a bit like with protective gear in sports. If you don't wear any, you might still be safer, because you are more cautious.

I mean I get your point and to some extent I also don't want to waste too much resources on some stupid retards. But like for example in this situation, this man was clearly sick. And maybe it's just a temporary thing that made him snap and he will be all better in a couple of weeks. Risking to kill him over this, seems out of proportion.

>this is the weeb calling you an amerimutt
loving every laugh

I think if he had a gun they would have reacted differently. They just tried to use the least amount of force possible, what made it harder for them not easier.

>shoot him in the leg
Yeah you don't do that. If you take out a gun you shoot to kill. Aim center mass and kill him.
If you don't want to kill him don't use a gun

Some people learn how to shoot before buying guns. Unlike americans.
You think its too difficult to aim?

user. You know what happened, it's what we feared. It infected yet another brain.

>Shoot him in the leg while he’s duel wielding katanas

But leftist bullshit laws don't let them do their job.

Reminder that someone shot in the leg or arm is more likely to die than someone shot in the torso.

>You think its too difficult to aim?
Aiming is easy actually hitting the target is the hard part. Something tells me you never shot a gun.

Where is this even coming from? There have been many cases of European Police successfully wounding people slightly without killing them. This shoot to kill thing seems to be a complete US meme. I think it makes sense if the other guy has a gun, that you don't give him a chance to react. But in many situations it just looks cowardly if you unload a whole magazine into an unarmed person.

why the fuck did he keep letting himself get pinched, is this some new skit

Thanks for posting that meme mate, I've been looking for it.

It isn't about killing. It's about stopping the motherfucking threat. Center-of-mass hits, in the vital zone, offers the best odds of doing just that

And in 99% of cases, firearms use by LEOs in the States is justified.

shoot him in the leg, put handcuffs and arrest him.
if he harms you in the process put more bullets up his ass until he stops.
Simple as.

too fat to run away, also heavy katanas

he was obviously on drugs or simply out of his mind

>use the least amount of force possible
>with a truck

>Mates!! Don't get close!! He is infected!!

Holy kek. This is a zombie apocalypse script. What a time to be alive.

Never noticed the mushroom cloud in this pic is actually a caved in pizza. Kekd me good.

Not cops killed and dismembered? Fuck your clickbait OP

You can bleed out from a wound to the leg just as easy as anywhere else. Use a beanbag round, taser, or even a pepper spray paintball if you want something non lethal.

Do spainfag police not have tasers? Just taser that fucker and be done with it

>fake spectacle for all the people sitting at home

damn too bad he didnt have a viking sword, because their blades are the most powerful and most deadly, far superior to any japanese sword

And in the meantime, that same wounded perp can still injure or kill the officer or bystander

Stopping the threat is priority. Incapacitation is the goal, killing is just the possible byproduct. Center of mass hits offer the best chance of quick incapacitation

>they just squish him between two cars


>shooting the leg can be fatal
>infection can be fatal
You know what's also fatal? Two katanas slicing your guts.
>he was clearly sick
I can guarantee you that if a maniac that goes out with 2 swords to the street dies the world would be a much safer place and nobody would miss him.

If he doesn't want to risk his life and get killed by the cops reaction,he can... KEEP THE LARP SWORDS ON HIS HOME.

And in the process, the criminals and crazies benefit

Its to immobilize him. If he gives too much trouble sure, kill him.
We don't want cops to be pussies,but we also don't want them to be nigger killer american cop tier.

the only thing I understand is puta

In Europe killing a man is the extrema ratio, in this case he could have been under the influence, or in a psychiatric condition - everyone could. Also you can miss your target and hurt someone else.

The spanish police did a great job, working under pressure while keeping their cold blood intact - american police in comparison is just a bunch of hotheads.

they wanted to make him fall on asphalt, pirate memeflag
> implying a crazy in full dementia crisis is able to think straight
connect your brain whenever you want, pal

Just pepper spray the weeb with those long range spray jets.