In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?

In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?

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Completely irrelevant and Warsaw probably smells like shit

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>landlord meymey
Buy a house you fucking poorfag.

I would have to see pictures of Polish tits to make a decision.

Rightful American clay for thousands of years.

Good metin2 players.

I have no idea what these people even look like

Ah americans I know well, human balls of plant fat

they sorta broke the Warsaw Pact didn't they
pretty based

A Pole created a favela in Rio:ão

Good sausages and beers otherwise a bunch of disgusting niggers

bleached gypsies


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Best immigrants

European spics.

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Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.

Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge happy merchantish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.

So fucking useless and incompetent it is a 3rd world country.

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i am a landlord

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>pathetic army

Nope. The armored division would steamroll most of Europe

I don't have an opinion on them.
Besides a polish girl wanting to suck my dick in high school I've never interacted with them

I worked with some cool ass polish guys. Funny as hell and liked our beer too.
Couldn't handle a doobie though.

Also the pope was a pedo

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...never met a unbased pole!

poles are subhumans in the nature, they are like dogs in human shape tbqh

dogs larping as humans.

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Lived in Poland, amazing country but with an uncertain future. Despite what /Pol says it’s full of people who embrace the globalist narrative, they are the minority for now but who knows how the situation might evolve. If not for that I really like it, amazing place. Clean, with order, people are ridiculously generous and hospitable. The country is rich with history and with a very unique identity, I got a job there and should have started in June but unfortunately it’s been canceled, hope they reschedule it after this shitty situation ends.


You're the worst insufferable and toxic assholes i've ever seen, even turks and romanians are better. Every time i get matched with some of you guys i just by the sound of it that my game is ruined. I've never met a reasonable polish human being, all of you are the same. If you can't behave even in a fucking online video game, you really are a piece of shit irl and deserve all the hate you get. Wish PiS will switch off your internet connection one day.

Thanks for Witcher 3, and those potato pancake things

Why did you steal German lands and claim it as your own?

clean my toilet, dmytro


Placki ziemnaczane. They exist in all eastern europe

You're alright with us m8. I know some of our allies get pissed at you for whatever reasons, but you don't have to worry about Pollack-burger relations breaking down for a long time.

im happy it is not as degenerated as the west

Bug people. Polish women do love British cock though.

That's rightfully ours.

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I fucked a polish girl 2 weeks ago, her asshole was disgusting nasty desu, how do you guys live with yourselves??

they're cute and cuddly and I want to squeeze their cheeks
no homo

Had no idea, he just sold the land he bought though, the niggers built the favelas

They really are filthy right? They are okay for a pump and dump if you clean yourself very well after, but good for nothing else.

nice joke

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Polish women never date Ukrainian men. But there are many Ukrainian waifus for Polish men.

Polish people are generally nice once you get to know them, but they're some of the most mopey and depressed acting people in the world. If you want to befriend a Polish person, complain about things with them. The women are smoking hot, but have a very short shelf life between very beautiful and kindly old Slavic grandma. They're also typically very tall so if you like Amazon women, you are in luck.

There's a great music scene in the country, especially in Warsaw, and especially in the little bars and pubs in Praga, across the Vistula River.

Warsaw is pretty nice. It got forceably renovated in the 1940s. Then again when the Commies got BTFO. Took a while, and there's still some poverty stricken areas, but it's pretty nice.

> picture from 2003
Things change a lot in 17 years.

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What are you taking about? From what I've seen polish women put out for anyone apart from the polish.

CD Projekt Red is now officially the largest company on the Polish stock market. We do make good vidya.

>Things change a lot in 17 years.

*gibs change a lot in 17 years

We only let you clean up the mess before we're moving in

Remember, the term slave derives from Slavs

yeah I cleaned my dick with toxic chemicals after her.
Never said I dated her, I just fucked her lol.
Polish girls are desperate for REAL men.

Useless thieves. Shoddy workmanship.
Your pickles are good though.

real men like ukrainian 3rd world nigger?

Poles officially btfo

>Shoddy workmanship
Can confirm, they cant even clean my toilet the right fucking way. Every time I see little bits of shit.

> They're also typically very tall

wut? we're not Lithuania m8.

Lithuanian women are very tall, but super attractive

did you smuggle the cigarettes today in Korczowa, dmytro?

Our men are Chads compared to your half-gay boys.
Our men are better at pretty much evrything, working, loving women, partying, fighitng. Everything here is better (except the salaries).

Well, you did kind of make a deal with the Commies to invade us, which caused us both to be stuck as Communist hellholes for 50 years. I would say the gibs were kind of owed. By the way, are there actually any real Germans left? I went to Berlin last year and saw barely any Germans or German speakers there. A shock to come out in Alexanderplatz and immediately see a group of kebab places.

Not as based as they think they are

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>Good vidya.
>Terrible guest workers/criminals.
>Poles in Poland seen nice though.
>Nice meaty food.
>Civic cucks that like polish speaking niggers more than other europeans.

user, you do realize there are mail order brides from every corner of earth- no? Or did you not bother to search, "german women for marriage."

Tbqh Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Romania are all places where it's easy to buy a white wife. You'd almost definitely get arrested if you tried to buy a polish woman in Poland though.

I like poland and polish people.

I would bet a large amount of money you are talking to a Russian who's just trying to gas light you into fighting another white.

I like Poles, but they seem to think and do things at a slower pace than, say, Germans.

>>Good vidya.
the first witcher game was the only good one and even if your wrong opinion is that tw2 and 3 were good then it's still only one series

>2016 data

Nobody wants to be in EU anymore bro. Those shitheads from EU told us today that media should communicate more about EU support for corona. Someone seems to be desperate on the deathbed

germans are just autistic over complicate everything

Theire ok, a bit rude but ok.

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Mexico of Europe
Stop stealing German cars

People here live a better life than they do in Russia, Ivan Krokodilov.

They have lots of good vidya. Dying Light is my favourite. Check it out.

Good people, a bit too many here though thats only a negative because any country should be predominantly their own ethnicity.

You are our biggest immigrant group and yet only 3% of those that are here need welfare. Opposite of a leech.

Beautiful country when I visited. Norway and Poland are natural friends.

Ever been to silesia? Alwats wanted to go there and see castles.

You're too diplomatic Norwaybro.

We know there are too many Polish people in Norway - many of them are unfortunately of problematic sort (criminals and homeless).