Nice curve, faggots

Nice curve, faggots.

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Thanks to the euro fags having horrendous healthcare and accounting for 70% of the covid deaths, I’ve developed a new appreciation for our healthcare and leadership.

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Nice flag faget

>he doesn't like soome thicc curves

Maybe you're the faggot.

>rookie numbers


Combining EU numbers, they are WAY WAY high compared to the US. Just Spain and Italy combined surpasses the US. Literally Europe is turning into a third world country.

A flag with proper pandemic management at least

Die more. Nothing will change if you collapse.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is mutt intelligence in action.

Holy shit! We are handling it better than everyone else. Proud of my President!

Amerimutts unaware of the shitstorm that is about to unfold in their burger paved heaven. Let them squeel some more.

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Unironically how many of you are so retarded to not understand cases per 100k? If the USA has about 300k cases and Shitaly has 125k cases but the USA has 350 million people and Shitaly has 60 million they have more cases per 100,000

Or is it just "BIG NUMBER LOL"? Fucking retards.

In any case the death rate was increasing by 31% a day a week ago but is now down to around 21%, indicating a dropoff. We probably won't reach more than 50k and that's being generous.

Great amount of intensity righ now.

The media likes to focus on the US, even in Europe, they ignore what's happening in their own damn countries and news is all about Trump. Like wtf? ICU's aren't even near capacity in the US.

Meanwhile, there's an absolute failure and collapse of the European socialized healthcare system on a massive scale, that the media is seriously not even reporting once on. From shortage of supplies to absolutely lack of ICU's in general, to lack of medical personnel. And now you have EU nations turning against one another, stealing each others supplies. So much for European unity.
Now they're saying all the old people simply just need to die as if they've completely given up on them. So much for socialized healthcare for all. People are going to remember how much the "Universal Health Care" failed them and their family.

its okay - its clearing out our nursing homes
societal dead weight removed

Squeel piggy, it won't save your shitty country.

Now do that with sports. You suck at everything. You're just "big".

100k dead minimum

JewSA has been a third world country for decades so I guess they're just catching up.

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the usa isn't shitty. what kind of seething retard do you need to be to say dumb things like this? the anti american propaganda that comes out of the eu ought to be enough to declare war

Holy shit that graph is steep.


t. turk who will be dragged behind a frieslander's car soon enough

And yet your country is worse and small.

You can plot it mathematically, the death rate is falling.

Seething little mutt, the world is laughing at your third world country.

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Not per capita, fatty.

Don't worry it will be over by Easter blumpf said so so only one more week to go.

The USA is showing that it is honest and incompetent. Europeans hide behind the economic zone when it suits them but go back to national numbers when its convenient and China, lol China.

Would rather be a Turk than part of the degeneracy that is the US.

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Durrr square meters, therefore I'm not retarded

Just admit youd rather be anything than Dutch lol

I'm sure you would, Ismael

Post the per capita data so this can all end

You won't even exist after this virus wipes out your entire country. We'll still be around.


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Fuck Eurotrash, they are pathetic and weak

Alright nigger.

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You forgot to take many parameters in account, like population density or age and many others.

Stop sucking Mutt dick, have a little pride fuckwit.

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Good luck with Amerimutt healthcare lol

>curve looks worse tahn Italy
Nice one.

You are so fucked up that your president said that it will be a success if you get ONLY 100000-200000 deaths

Winning in the usa lol

Turn put having a notmous country with a fuckton of nothing and a low population density help a lot. What a surprise !

Like you have any pride you shack of shit.

Our country is fake and gay and run by malicious kikes of course we would do the worst job

Suspiciously similar curve to Sweden's with their herd immunity meme.

holy shit dude I'm sure you're not actually this retarded and are probably trolling, gonna take the bait anyways.
The American response has been excellent considering its basically just a flu. Health Care may be a bit more expensive here but it's some of the best in the world. The only people who complain are poorfag cityniggers like yourself

you have more millions...
absolute BFTO...

Literally ran by Muhammad's tribe that sold out to the British kek

>are so retarded to not understand cases per 100k?
How is New York going?

>more people
>less deaths and infections
>hUrF dErP bTfO
>you cant fucking read anyway

>measuring by 1,000
>in a country of 327,200,000

7,000 is less than .001% of the US population. More people die everyday here from obesity.

>Limited testing and challenges in the attribution of the cause of death means that the number of confirmed deaths may not be an accurate count of the true number of deaths from COVID-19.
lol. I'm gonna go ahead and cut that number in half.

Sing your national anthem nigger.

Best healthcare pfhahahaha, delusion suits you Burger. The world will gladly watch your nigger and spic cesspool of a country burn.

What’s it like being a colony of a “third world country”?

holy shit why are you being such a little faggot tho

> ITT: eurofags yell at amerifags and amerifags yell au eurofags

Seems FLAT to me!
if you turn it 90 degrees to the right....

Only poor shit heads who can't afford healthcare like nigs and spics get bum fucked by it. If you're middle class and higher US healthcare is prompt and high quality

Many Canadians go south for emergency surgeries because it's infinitely faster than our wait times.
