Will Corona eventually cause the thotpocalypse and thots necking themselves in large numbers?

Will Corona eventually cause the thotpocalypse and thots necking themselves in large numbers?

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hopefully all women die, all of them

no, have sex


Send your mom to my bed

White thots sure cant go much longer without black cock

It’s really really weird how tons of people are making fun of people who have a hard time being in isolation since they can’t have social contact which a lot of people need to stay sane while at the same time the exact people here would freak out if their internet was cut out for like 1 week...

Hopefully, it gets both men and women focusing on bettering themselves instead of focusing on sex all the time.
However It’ll probably end up moving to the internet and women will prolly start to earn more money on average because of pathetic SIMPS giving away their money for nudes
Fuck can you imagine being so pathetic as to pay for nudes? Fuck boys something has to change here.

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Seriously shut up...

They'll just shapeshift into tradthots.

lear to use a toilet cuury nigger

No, but Grindr will.
Death to thots.

Who care about thots

Thots aren't the problem, beta enablers are

>thots necking themselves
statistically woman don't commit suicide that way. They take pills user, or cut their wrists.

imagine the roastie seething if this lasts through summer and they can't go on cock carousel vacations while posting thirst traps

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>the exact people here would freak out if their internet was cut out for like 1 week...

cope I wouldn't even be shook if the fucking phone lines went down now power lines that would be annoying because muh food but even that can be rectified with cans, right now is literally the best time to do anything because the normies have been brought to heel and I wish it would stay like this forever fake jobs and fake people have been literally shut down and even the planet is being able to breathe again the goal was to leave the proverbial basement when the time was right you know

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I thought Bhutanese people were all happy

No. These thots are raking it in through Onlyfans, Patreon, Cashapp and Venmo. We need a Thotaudit II: E-Celeb Boogaloo.

They are going crazy!!

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Some will collapse but honestly women can barely go a month without dick.

Pic related my tinder in Atlantic Canada after purging most of the fatties from my likes

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If it was during quarantine it would suck because there's already a limited amount of things available for most of us to do. Under any other circumstance though, no I could care less.

Lmao imagine the roasties that are stuck abroad right now because they can't tell their parents they were sucking Dubai pajeets when Corona lockdown hit

>post ends in 69
I bagged a lawyer of tinder the last two nights.

Its alright. I'm a month out from my ex GF becoming the town bike while I was working 4000km away

Agreed. Whores are gonna whore so long as there are weak-ass johns willing to give them money for a crumb of pussy and fifteen minutes of fake empathy.

at least you can use it
rural, tinder doesn't work

Oh woow you "purged" the fatties huh? Bro youre so cool look at all them hotties
>bragging about literal 3/10s

Every time I go on tinder I understand why girls swipe left 95% of the time, its like an uggo apocalypse

>at my friends uni
>one qtie student girl got a fine ($75) for some shit she did and posted it on their twatter
>none of the 400 beta subscribers raced to pay for her
>she got into angry rant mode about men
>now her account is private
maybe things are changing

I agree with this completely. Only moments ago I was thinking to myself “can this just go on forever”? I mean, so long as there’s power and food, I could give a shit about everything else. How many people does it take to produce electricity and food? Like 3% of the entire population? Call it 10% if you include distribution, maintenance and all. Probably less. I could stay home by myself for the rest of my life and never see another fucking douchebag or shitbird ever.

the need for empathy has been replaced by the free availability of always being able to have a new guy trying to court them. this is the reason why they act so much less properly than they used to. they used to have to maintain a semblance of dignity and class, now they can just always have a new guy coming to treat them like a queen and the thrill is always strong.

Eh St. John's NL is pretty bad. I was working out in a town about 20 minutes from North Battleford Saskatchewan and my buddies had some luck setting their profiles to Regina when they went there to fly back.

Its rough out there man. There are so few women worth marriage. I'm 30 I want to have a family before I'm an old man

Dude, do not hope for thots to kill themselves.
If the supply will go down, the market value of the rest will go up and they will be less miserable.

not bad, will post mine in a sec

>purging most of the fatties
why's Claire still there

lol probably this but also the economy is wrecked so it'll prolly just be a bunch of 1 dollar donations for jpgs

atlantic canada is another world, bro
they're big boned out there

is this what passes for a thot? she looks like Spoony

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stfu fool, i've been without the iwebs for 2 months when I was hiding out in some farm on the countryside
luckily the old man had some playboys from the 80s hiden in his attic, and look at me, I came out just allright. best faps I ever had desu, damn those girls were bushy back then

Soon they will be whoring themselves for a hot meal. This pandemic + economic implosion = worse than war.

99% of people who use the WWW would "freak out if their internet was cut out for like 1 week"

So, not an argument

ide just play vidya and read, it would suck for muh internet to be cut though

Thots create beta enablers just like beta enablers create thots.

The problem is human nature, the cure is tech (even if it obliterates us)

I would literally cry if the internet went out for a week. I'd have nothing to do except maybe get RedBox rented movies, and I wouldn't be able to find one without a smartphone.

"Homely" looking ones are the biggest covert whores. Observe juggernaut law.

please don't tell me that even in bhutan they are whores, don't hurt my last hopes

All simps must die.

This is the only way. If you give thots money for nothing then you are the enemy of all men everywhere.

I really need to use my Right of Return trip. Newfoundland is a fucking dump.

>tfw technically Jewish through my mom's line

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NS bro here. I think I recognize some of them. Jess has nose piercings? She has a kid that she doesn't like to mention about btw

nah, they will still be living life on tutorial mode.
also, they'll just make an onlyfriends account to make money

or was it called onlyfans?
fuck it who gives a shit

>t. literal faggot

oh my lord they're ugly

Nah no nose piercing I can in her pics at least. She works as a nurse


At least he's man enough to show his flag

>literaly 27 year old used-up wine roastie
such a loss, how can the white race ever recover

fuck off, women who aren't whores are a treasure

no, it will cause the apocalypse.
This idea that we can all just sit at home for 3 months and pick up where we left off at that point is retarded.
Even people who can work from home, someone has to buy whatever shit it is you're making.
And if the entire country is jobless, no one will be paying for luxury goods like netflix, porn, etc.
The only option imho is to open up the economy and start euthanizing covid patients.
That way we can at least keep the death rate down.

Bud its Newfoundland. I'm just here until my contract expires in 2024.

The quality of women here is fucking terrible. The pozz and promiscuity of the big city and the beauty standards of the meth'd out part of rural America.

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Man, imagine being a used up, 27y old expired wine thot that has to go along with cringe lines from some ugly negroid who fetishizes you because that's the only kind of man you can get after you spent your entire youth slutting it up. Pathetic. Truly sad and pathetic.

This is unironically the only correct answer and anybody whining about 'muh wamen' is simply fucking retarded. Whores are fucking abominable, but simps are absolutely fucking subhuman and they're the first ones to be disposed of in the minecraft scenario. No one disgusts me more than fucking simps and they're everywhere these days. Fucking subhuman, dopamine abusing wimps.

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>fuck off, women who aren't whores are a treasure

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Shabat shalom!

The biggest hurdle for economic recovery is having to deal with all the long-term financial agreements.
Without those, yes an entire nation could literally show up for work and perform as well as before the crash.
The landlord needs his rent because he has to pay interest on his own properties and enterprises and he has to pay taxes, the gouvernment needs its taxes to pay its debts to other nations and to central banks, and the central banks need the debt money because that allows them to print the money they need for the loans the gouvernment needs for economic emergency programmes such as bailing out businesses and banks which both need the bailing out because they fired everyone because they needed the money to pay tax, and now everyone's out of work there's less tax income too.
It may be a very long-winded way to point out the problems with an economic crash, but it boils down to this: entrepreneurs, businesses, banks and institutions are too brittle-boned and too spineless to be adaptable enough to a crash.
Their frailty prohibits them from expressing trust in the worker and in the process of enterprise when times get hard, and it's that anxiety which typically causes the crash in the first place. They'd be much more confined if say the misery of the oil business didn't make a cooking hardware shop nervous.

>while at the same time the exact people here would freak out if their internet was cut out for like 1 week...
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
ive been in self isolation for years and sometimes when there is no neetbux i have no internet for months.
i can draw, i can paint, i can write, i can learn and have books. i don't need internet anymore and do just fine without it.

seething virgin

>could care less.


Now they finally understand how every day feels like for us introverts who want to be in isolation but are forced to socialize. One week of doing something they dislike and they are already going insane lmao. Bitch, try 28 years

How insecure do you have to be to come
on here and post your tinder matches...go ahead, let’s comoare stats. I’ve got a multitude of pics to back up all my conquests.

I'm literally crying.

I haven't gone out in like a month. I just went through a long ass fucking dark sad sorry winter.

And now i can't even go drinking or socialize with people. Facetime is alright but its clear everyone is depressed about this.

Sitting inside all day is unhealthy. I haven't been able to get my hair done. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous.

Can any of you nerds here give me some tips as to how you handle being indoors all day?

Sure, go and call your mother a whore then and tell her she should die, she will surely appreciate it.

Post your feminine boyfeet, leaf.

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Halifax isn't bad for tinder as you get thots from all over in the uni's and a lot end up sticking around because it's comfy

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Meh, I'll just buy a musical instrument and grind the shit out of it.

I envy Halifax so fucking much haha. Wheeled a fake redhead in the Lord Nelson back in 2017. The women out there are young and alive, St. John's is fucking sad.

t. On bulletproof contract with government to be in St. Johns NL until 2024