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Thots b like

Is this bullshit or actually true? not a biologist so I have no idea.

The genetic long con

Bitches seeking DNA to store. Thinking it's like a fuel coat for their eggs.

I'd store some DNA inside Stacey Dash.

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There are actual articles of it on PubMed. It's called microchimerism. I haven't looked into it and I don't think it's proven that it affects the genome of future children with other men.

So then there must be a genetic test that men can give women to tell how much dick they have taken prior to settling down with one. This might be a game changer.

sex is not a joke. wait for marriage disgusting coomers

If you can't tell by how they behave, look and think kys

And then they never have babies because they were whores for to long

nah that's just wanting the d most of the time.

I guess everyone really is a mutt after all

There is, it's called looking at her snatch

>you can spread your seed without having to take care of the kid

I shall coom even more now

>ma'am why do you have dog DNA stored

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Not needed, it only takes one prior dick and they are unsuitable for marriage.

The same thing happens on a bigger scale during pregnancy where the mother keeps genetic material from their child. storing genetic material from men won't effect their future children, remember women are born with all their egg cells so not possible to change the genetics they pass down. they will have male cells in their body however from sexual partners.

My gf aborted a baby from her previous man. I was worried her womb was contaminated with the spirit of that man

Literally who?

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Good thing my wife only fucked women before she met me

lmao this would be very interesting. Just sneak your girlfriends hair into a plastic bag and send it off to be slut-tested.

For $100 they'll publish anything you submit.

The studies are fake.
If they were true, paternity tests would prove negative 90% of the time.

> filthy Coal Burners come immediately to mind

YUCK!!! women are pathetic. have some self-respect you roasties

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>new study
We've known this for awhile.

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They sorta proved this for fruit flies lmao not humans.

It's more of a hot idea that the chick I creampied years ago has part me stuck with her forever or if you're a cuck that can turn you on thinking about your partner. It's bullshit irl though.

Honestly, what's up younger generation white women and their dogs? I've noticed that some women are abnormally attached to their dogs, treating them like kids. My grandmother also has a dog, but she treats it normal, like a pet, she won't hug or kiss him. Heck, she won't even let him in the house, only if there's a storm or fireworks

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It's true for fruit flies

From what I understand, a bloke's sperm cells contain half of the human genome and a woman's egg cells contain the other half. During reproduction, the sperm cell fertilises the egg cell and, consequently, the fertilised egg contains a complete human genome, one half of which came from the sperm cell and one half of which came from the egg cell.

How exactly does the DNA from the woman's prior sex partners affect this process?

Why does thousands of years of tradition support this if it's "just an ideaaa bro trust me its bullshit dude"?

women nowadays hate the idea of settling down and having a child, so they use pets to fill that void

Sensationalized propaganda.
If it were true, Maury Povich wouldn't have a job.


Yes her womb is for sure contaminated with the spirit of the man or the baby she killed. I wouldn't impregnate her out of fear of the spirit attacking your offspring with mental illness

Yeah this happened to my wife. Our children were born literally looking almost fully black and of course at first I freaked out, almost damn near fainted in the delivery room. then of course there were the weeks where she kept promising and pleading. Telling me she would never cheat she loves me so much, but still I didn't truly believe until she found an article on this and showed it to me.

Now I know the kids are definitely mine and I'm much happier. I can actually look at them and love them like my own, despite them not looking like me.

user. You got cheated on.

No, she just was with a few black guys in the past but it wasn't a relationship and she told me it was basically borderline rape she was really pressured into it and scared. Pretty shitty, she's kind of racist towards black men today due to it.

Haha there’s probably so many women out there with my dna ha “none that I know of!” haha

It's ''microchimerism'' and it's 100% pure bullshit when it comes to humans. Probably true for simple creatures like banana flys whose reproduction is not at all the same thing as humans.

''Micochimerism'' is a psyop to make right-wingers look retarded. Don't believe something fantastic just because it appears to confirm your ideology, retards.

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Of course we did user. This is Yas Forums. But normies need new studies

Stop being a total fucking retard.

This is exactly how it works and microchimerism posters really need to get their introductory biology 101 done again.

By epigenetics.

Show me a study where the DNA of women is modified. It's completely different find a trace of other male (as single cell for example) and say that the DNA is modified.

Microchimerism does exist in humans yes, but we don't know if there is any effects

Our gametes are well protected.

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Those women fuck their dogs at home. especially the big ones. Dogs I mean.

>they will have male cells in their body however from sexual partners.
So it is gay to fuck a woman who has had previous partners?

Biology is literally magic to these people and they'll believe anything.

and then they complain about men and sex dolls/bots.


Cool source nigger.

Fun fact: my dad was the only man my mom slept with. I'm 100% me.

Brutal af

T. Has a mom that fucked niggers

yea guys there is a pool of other dudes jizz just stewing in your gfs snatch and at any moment she can have his kids

>and it's 100% pure bullshit
>''Micochimerism'' is a psyop
>Don't believe

Wow, nice rebuttal. Oh wait it's not.

>The most likely source of male Mc in female brain is acquisition of fetal Mc from pregnancy with a male fetus. In women without sons, male DNA can also be acquired from an abortion or a miscarriage [22], [23], [38]–[40]. The pregnancy history was unknown for all but a few subjects in the current studies, thus male Mc in female brain could not be evaluated according to specific prior pregnancy history. In addition to prior pregnancies, male Mc could be acquired by a female from a recognized or vanished male twin [41]–[43], an older male sibling, or through non-irradiated blood transfusion [44].
In other words, they had to be pregnant with a male fetus for this to be a possibility.

>chad marking his territory even years after he boned stacy

shut it down

Tfw wife was a virgin. Our child looks exactly like me. Feels good man. Must be so weird raising kids that look like a mix of some other dudes.

t. virgin

I'm sure they absorb some after swallowing a huge load.

Only fags fuck roasties.

"After giving birth, about 50–75% of women carry fetal immune cell lines. Maternal immune cells are also found in the offspring yielding in maternalfetal microchimerism, though this phenomenon is about half as frequent as the former.[10]"



Sounds like bullshit to me.

Did you get a paternity test

>didnt read anything posted in this thread
That's what I expect from NPCs.

feminist shills out in full force


What the fuck are you talking about? In thousands of years you will find nothing about michrochimerism. Humanity didn't even have a modern understanding of the biochemical process of human reproduction until relatively recently. Drawing a connection between monogamous marriages being a thing in Christian civilizations (while men having several wives and mistresses was common across the world) and recent hypotheses in biology is nigger-tier, low IQ thinking that you ought to be ashamed of.

another woman who would reject you
that's all you need ot know really

Epigenetics. It is possible for certian traits or genetic expressions from previous partner dna to influence the genetic makup of future offspring. For instance, if a womans previous partner was allergic to something, or were left handed, or had certian personality traits, these could be expressed through stored DNA.

Its absolutely a thing, and there is evidence to support it. You being an ignorant dumbfuck doesn't change that. Maybe there is a reason that sex before marriage and promiscuous women were frowned upon for ages

why risk it if telegony turns out to be real? all our ancient wisdom seems to point in that direction.

"Y. S. Liu has proposed possible molecular mechanisms that may account for telegony; however, his work is predicated on the beliefs of pre-Mendelian breeders to reinforce the idea that traits are passed from earlier matings. The proposed mechanisms include the penetration of spermatozoa into the somatic tissues of the female genital tract, the incorporation of the DNA released by spermatozoa into maternal somatic cells, the presence of fetal DNA in maternal blood, incorporation of exogenous DNA into somatic cells, presence of fetal cells and fetal DNA in maternal blood and sperm RNA-mediated non-Mendelian inheritance of epigenetic changes.[16][17]"

microchimerism already provides evidence to this theory due to the fetal cells in the blood.