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Redpill me on the head of the new world order. Who exactly is at the top? For eg: protocols of zion...if we assume it is true (since we can see it playing out in reality), who exactly is the brain behind it? Who are the subordinates/colleagues? We all know that someone pulls strings from shadows, pushing division, ruling us all one at a time, but who is it? If you say jews, who exactly? Because you know as I do, that the ordinary jews are schmucks just like any other person. So I don't care if you shout 'kikes', it is not all of them. The so called NEW WORLD ORDER order....who is the authority? What is it comprised of? Billionaries? Rothschild? Morgan? Some other prominent people I am not aware of?

Don't give me empty answers like presidents/global conglomerates and their heads...I want names, I want a list. Of the real culprits as you believe them to be. The people manipulating governments, media and corporations. And us all in the process.

(I perfectly understand if no one here knows the answer...or knows only part of it. Atleast we can think upon it. Who's the actual culprit? If Yas Forums brainstorms, you all know what weaponized autism is capable of. So get going!!!)

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No...it is not

No one is at the top.

No one knows what they're doing when it comes to the direction and destiny of the human race.

Anglos and Nationalists: These guys range from populists like Trump, Bolsanaro, and Johnson to anglophiles within the PNAC or CFR. They want a Western hegemony like after the USSR fell. The Anglophiles want the same, they are just wrapped up in the whole white identity thing.

Globalists and Chicoms: From Bernie Sanders to Xi Xingping, these guys want a new hegemonic order based on Socialist/Communist principles. The only difference is whether it's a global socialist order or one ruled primarily rules by China. With the virus shit going on now, they aren't too popular and indeed may lose everything because of it, or at least be set back a decade or so. Worst option, since they don't mind crawling over a mountain of corpses to assert their world order.

Neolibs/Neoconservatives: Biden, Clinton, Obama, Bolton, Bush. These guys don't really care if the US remains THE world power, they just want it to maintain enough power to be a force for "democracy". They want Empire, they just aren't smart enough to hold on to it because they are too greedy and too easily bought. The most corrupt bunch, usually bought out by one of the other sides whenever it suits them. These are the types that cry about open borders but won't dare close them because they'd lose cheap labor.

Progressives: AOC and the Squad, TYT, etc. These guys want a socialist hegemonic order like the Globohomos and Chicoms, but they don't want to get their hands dirty. Unlike the the latter who will utilize bureaucracy, soft influence, or total war. Bourgeois Starbucks socialists. Dangerous because they have a large portion of the youth vote. All it takes is a charismatic leader and they could gain control of the world's foremost power. Under no circumstances must these people be allowed into the halls of power, or they will destroy everything.

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You really need to make acouple more bullshit posts before changing proxy and posting your gay opinion.
This place is full of faggots.

>meme flag
>You know as (((I))) do, it can't be the kikes so stop blaming us errrr I mean them

Sage in all fields

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Bill Gates.
All other multi billionaires must bow before him if they want to live.

it is he who lost the most, who is their at their head

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Leonardo DiCaprio.

What would you do if you were the actual King of the Cabal. You have to direct things from the shadows but you also crave the adoration and attention of your subjects.

So you give yourself a comfy acting role and get represented as a hero in tens of films. You get the worlds best pussy throwing itself at you (more satisfying than slaves, at least sometimes), you get to flaunt your money instead of hiding it, you get to be photographed living the high life. The directors, minor actors and crews etc don’t know, the orders of who to cast come from on high in the movie studio (which secretly goes all the way to the top of the Cabal back round to you).

Other peak actors are high ups too. Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Keanu Reeves. They live a life surrounded by the worlds hottest hopeful actresses (all whores for them) and are worshipped by fans and portrayed as heroes.

Actors are the hidden-in-plain-sight brotherhood at the top of the pyramid.

without the vatican the bankers would have never become powerful so the papal bloodline is always on top, they created ashkenazim judaism for the venetian bankers so they could bypass a blanket ban on usury.
next are the venetian black nobility who serve the papal bloodline as their bankers and royalty over other nations, they converted to ashkenazim judiasm for the chance at earning money though usury.
after them are the committee of 300 which are a mix of anything but they act like jews so calling them that is enough
followed by high level freemason faggots, aka lower level jews.
then the rest of the jews.
then us

Think about it anons, it’s the perfect combination of being worshipped, looking rich, partying, being unsuspected, and smugly fooling the public.

You know it to be true.

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I'm not sure about the specifics, but it's some abrahamic redneck group, something related to the religious aspects of this hivemind, like a rabbi, priest or (((nobility))).

You are totally ignoring my point m8 xD

Don't you think he would have given himself an Oscar earlier if that were the case?

Gnomes of zurich, ancient Chinese dragon family gold wizards

His name. Is Jewy McJewerson

Here you go faggot.


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Beautiful answer...I really like how you categorize the types of politicians with appropriate examples. Impeccable really.

Wasn't his father a cobbler or something? The real power holds money for thousands of years

Quit samefagging using your memeflag faggot. Nobody is falling for your blame the (((anglo))) shit you shill.

absolutely bluepilled post. gtfo off this board nigger faggot

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Soros and his buddies are up there

An ancient cherubim, desiring the extraction of worship from all people through force, is at the top.
Until you realize this, you are just simply not seeing the whole picture.

>redpill me on X
>directly addressing "pol"

Okay...let us not blame anglos. So tell me, whom should I blame? Whom do you blame? And why? (give me names..not vague nonsense)

all of this is wrong.
This thread is disinfo and written in a gay manner to boot.
SAGE and fuck you all

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except actors are dumb as fuck

I agree. Hubby says Kushner.

The tranny cabal is at the top.

Start with the members of World Jewish Congress.

Show your region flag and I will explain it all to you.

But how will he escape his prison in the center of Saturn? Is that what Elon is for?

Glowniggers, jannies, and kike shills such as yourself making desperate attempts at damage control to cover up your jew flu so the world doesn't turn on you soon.

Obviously everybody bowing to the bog bros in that meme video I posted called "Crab-17" Stage 2.

That video was released last year, and there was nobody knew about Covid-19 at that point in time. You think that's a coincidence?

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Roger Bacon.

Can someone redpill me on where the end of that thing was? How did she get it so deep? Was it sitting in her bile at that point?

This has got to be the gayest most obvious shill/troll I've seen in a long time.

That’s what they want you to think

>give me names
If you asked "who controls the Catholic Church", we could say "the pope" or possibly "the cardinals" but when any of them die they are replaced and the organization doesn't skip a beat and (mostly) proceeds with a continuity of agenda. In fact you could disappear everybody at the Vatican tomorrow and the Catholic Church would continue more or less the same.

The NWO is a religion. It is the ancient mystery religion of Babylon. The Jews picked up this mystery religion in Egypt long ago and codified it in Kabala and Talmud, the mystery schools were brought west by Templars and Hospitalars during the crusates (learned from the Roshiniya and Assassins orders). This religion has many flavors from Scientology, Mormonism, and Freemasonry (and of course organized Jewry). but it is the same, with the same symbols, methods, and goals. At the very top ranks they're all one in the same, visible collections of high officials are CFR, RIIA, Bilderberg Group, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones. If you try to purge them they just change their name and hide out under another banner.

Really this is a story as old as civilization, it is illustrated in the Tower of Babel and Atlantis mythos from the dawn of history. Men will always try to pull this shit but it is against the laws of God and nature and it always ends in ruin.

Anyway, read up on "Mystery Babylon", learn their symbols and playbook and you'll know how to spot members.

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Hey Jude. Don't bring me down....

What a retarded deflecting jew. To put it simply Jews are behind the New World Order. It is a modern form of hypercapitalism (privatizing gains and insulating them) and communism (open borders with animals). Your country becomes an economic zone. Paul Warburg is the father of the modern form of the New World Order but it all goes back to Marx and his bastardized retarded form of Hegels slave master theory. Read through a sampling of these quotes.


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Verbatim assembled for BWC

That’s a weird chick

Expose the nose

Satan > Jews > Freemasons >

As far I understand

Germans, who larp as jews, freemasons, illuminati, british, whites.

You want the real red pill? No person is at the top. People don’t have ideas, ideas have people. The NWO is an egregore with its own will and its own survival instincts, and people are only its pawns. Governments, corporations, NGOs, international systems, etc — these are the gods we built to enslave us. They are their own masters.

Everyone, this is what a shill looks like.

>dUde ItS wHAtEvER yOU wANt iT tO be

There is a mountain of evidence it’s a closed jewish system. Look up KMN on YouTube

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Jews are innocent scapegoat patsy for TPTB. Everytime someone comes close to them they scream muh anti-semitism. Actual Jews died in the holocaust, but they have learnt to use it and manipulate the world. Think about it, the average Israeli is as fucked as the rest of us.

Aliens > then all other " jews "

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People, this is what a brainlet looks like. The people you regard as “at the top” can be likened to high priests of the egregore. They’re slaves to the Beast, like everyone else. They’re cogs in the machine, and the machine has a mind and a will of its own. You want your final boss? You’ve got it, and it’s a thing greater and more terrible than any mortal.

Sauce now.

1.rouge A.i.
2.ayys(negative faction)
3. Plantation managers= Politicans, actors, public figures

Does anyone have the image of all the beings controlling each other on a puppet string and it has jews controlled by the greys controlled by the reptilians controlled by jews at the top?

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i dont have it but from all the picutres i have seen somehow the vatican is at the top in most of them

Yep right here user.

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I never came across a conspiracy theorist who gave a shit about the minutiae of organizing and successfully carrying out a global conspiracy. If they did they most likely wouldnt be conspiracy nuts. What they do care about is reading stuff into the mundane doings of the celebreties they sheepishly follow on tv and on the internet.

I don't care about your schizo ramblings, who is this semen demon?

That can't be healthy :/

Yeah thats basically it. I must have seen a different edit.

That was a cool trick she did.

The last red pill:
Saturn, Jewish god, muslim god, aliens, freemasons, moloch etc. Are all the devil in different forms.