I like to put on to some long talks or podcasts as background noise while I work out...

I like to put on to some long talks or podcasts as background noise while I work out. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History was my go to but I've used them all up. Can you guys reccomend me something like that, preferrably about politics and history?

Attached: +_0f9a651ee1484a73177767456fb76f5b.jpg (730x672, 60.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


History on fire, revisionist history

Mathew Raphael Johnson, or "orthodox nationalist" does a lot of podcasts on various historal subjects and the churches as well, Radio Albion has him and a bunch of other guys

Myth of the 20th Century, The Poz Button (through film and tv)

Someone upload the deepfake webm pleeaasseee. I never saved it


bump plz

>deepfake webm

Attached: big_1477093623_image.jpg (1280x720, 72.18K)

thanks for the suggestion guys looking into history on fire right now
you goddamn coomers you'd sell the white race for some khazar milkers wouldnt you

I enjoy the 4 hour evil angel productions. I now have the second season of ' tranny dicks, hobo gravy, and dark matter, serious discourse and the inevitability of ones cum stained panties to serve as catalyst to a vengeful, angry god'

>History of Rome
>History of byzantium
>12 Byzantine rulers

quick rundown?

Inb4 deepfake

Attached: images (30).jpg (473x311, 16.07K)

Attached: Abigail-Shapiro-kinky-nude-leaks-10.jpg (640x853, 70.84K)

I'm really fucking sorry for Ben that those photos of his sister are going round on the net, but holy shit, are those jew-tits fappable!


not her you filthy coomer

I don't even give a shit. I need her jew-tits now!

Yea it's just another random Jewish girl that looks exactly like her

I'm giving negroes in negroland a listen it's pretty good so far, and it's about 4 hours

Bump for shower deep fake

Last Podcast on the left

A must listen

The Art of Manliness podcast has a variety of topics.

x22 report and IPOT

Attached: 4Chan Deleted Thread - _pol_ - Child Trafficking General - Politically Incorrect - 4chan_ -.png (1361x9967, 3.59M)

Get into Warhammer 40k. Hundreds of hours of lore. Start with Arch Warhammer.

Do the needful sirs and provide with sauce plox

To coom or not to coom, that is the question

No Agenda

Holy shit look at those khazar funbags

moar of the random kikess then

Search "Loyal Books" for audio books. Find the classics.
And here are a few history podcasts:
• Our Fake History
• The Cold War: What We Saw
• History Unplugged
• American History Tellers

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The daily shoah

why would she do this? also lmao at the schnoz in second pic

Dear God, she's so beautiful

I like to put my peepee into that poopoo.

Shapiro deepnude, bls bosting.

cum town clips on youtube

No Agenda show. You'll love it.

And when they ask later who git you in the mouth, tell them it was some shitposter on a Nepalese cat cooking enthusiast Usenet group.


**hit. Fuck this phone.

Attached: 1585973474616.webm (392x436, 2.94M)

what an age to be alive

try these:
>Distorded view daily
>Biggest Problem in the Universe
>Stuff they don't want you to know
>Ridiculous history (this is the only suggestion slightly like what you are requesting)
>The Killstream

Dude, just do a google search. A shit ton of her nudes were leaked

Attention. She's an attention whore. She has a youtube, a twitter and a bunch of other shit where she regularly posts pics and videos of herself.

you're a fucking retard kraut, that's a girl named Rachel that was posted like 10 years ago


Attached: napoleon-dynamite[1].jpg (1000x625, 70.27K)


I am retarded, is this a deepfake or real ?

I'm here to ruin it for you.

Attached: file.png (491x588, 524.33K)

Get a look at that vulture beak

i read some post that Rachel is her jew name. Even so, the similarity is striking and how many women do have tits like that? Jews are only 2% of the population after all.

The worst part is that she's smeared in makeup.

Are Jew broads into Nazi roleplay in bed?

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My Bagel Fever wont cure.

I am pretty sure its real.
I don't think we have deep fakes that are that realistic yet

I'm pretty sure Ben Shapiro's sister have never done a POV porn with with a dildo

chapo trap house


Probably true.
I'm just in shock at how real it works. If you wanted to you could make a deep fake video of someone committing a crime and put them in jail/kill them for it. Very scary.

Listen to econ talk. start from the first episode in 2006 rather than the recent ones though

if you're interested in politics and history you should be interested in economics too

Currently there are still statistical ways to predict if a neural net cooked up the face, less noise, color variation, etc.
GANs might change this eventually, they could be well suited to coming up with noise/variation to add to faces so you couldn't tell it was originally swapped

It's what your heart desires

Also I'm not the corona virus guy and don't press f6

Part of the problem podcast (Dave Smith).
Yeah he's a comedian, but in this clown world we live he's actually better informed and more well spoken than 99% of political podcasts out there. You'll be glad you listened.