Intellectuals should have more authority

Aside from our brains, humans are unremarkable. Other animals have us beat in every other discipline. A panther can jump two meters from a sitting position, even a giraffe can outrun the fastest of humans, most life is generally more resilient and fit for harsh conditions than we are, and so forth. Intellect is all we have, the only part of our collective being that can improve our lives. So why is there this staunch refusal to listen to intellectuals and put them in charge?

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>Other animals have us beat in every other discipline.
i disagree. we have the best endurance. our prehistoric ancestors didn't catch game by outrunning it. they tired them out.

The food source we actually depend on is agriculture, not hunting. And even the example you mentioned is a feat of intellect, not strength.

He didn't say strength, he said endurance. The only things humans have are endurance, opposable thumbs, and our brains.

Intellect and endurance aren't the same user, believe it or not, our bodies DO have some natural advantages

Endurance and opposable thumbs cannot feed you, cannot cure you when sick, cannot build shelter or engineer tools for you, and so forth. All these things are the fruits of people who spent their lives learning.

Scientists aren't intellectuals. They are autistic monkeys that fixate on specific fields and have average intelligence and cognitive skills outside of that field. T. someone who has debated with academic scientists on areas outside of their field

this photo is edited

Typical ramblings of a self-aggrandizing sloth with no remarkable skills

read a few books on intellectuals by thomas sowell and you'll learn that they are most often just plain wrong on their core foundations and blind to it to a degree that they will lash violently if you try to point it out

intellectuals are the most dangerous group there is in any society

"Climate Science".

If they're so smart then why can't they figure out how to make people do what they say?

There is no reason to doubt any of it. Climate change will be the death of hundreds of millions or even billions.

stfu mangina

Since intellect is the defining trait of human beings, an intelligent man must be considered more manly instead of less.

and vocal chords

(((Intellectuals))) are often extremely selfish and shortsighted and regularly fail to see how their actions will, in fact, destroy society.

intellectuals gave us:
> communism
> the birth control pill
> no human to human transmission of corona
> mass immigration from 3rd world countries
> female voting
> feminism
> ‘gender’ politics
> fiat currency
> globalism

Intellectuals are civilisation destroying retards.

>thomas sowell

Blatant ideologue.

>whose theories you are unable to refute
look at this fucking intellectual

Most intellectuals are insufferable navel-gazing faggots. They also often lack the courage of their convictions, hiding cowardice behind a facade of cerebral intensity. Humans favor leaders that inspire them, for good or ill, and that often has little to do with apparent intelligence. After all, so-called "intellectuals" have done this to themselves, it's literally in their name.

Germans should have no authority

We can propel ourselves into space from the ground. We can travel over 1000 miles per hour on the ground and several times faster in the air. We can survive in the antarctic and in the harshest desert. The only things any animal can do better than we can is withstand the immense pressures of deep water and live in the water in general. Even then, they give up the ability to do anything but that. We are as comfortable on the land as they are in the water, but we can at least go into the water and do things.

No one wants to be bossed around by a cabal of grant chasing autistic savants.

I am range banned from posting on /tv

Feminism and birth control put women in charge of procreation, as nature intended, improving collective quality of life and the gene pool.

That doesn't mean they shouldnt be.

We really don't have any. And yet, you can't contain or harm us. The rewards of honesty and merit.

Comparing people to animals? This was a terrible analogy. There is no super dog reinventing the world of dogs.

They are typically in charge but you'll only to listen to a dummy

Our stamina is unrivalled in the animal kingdom

the first part of ur post with panthers jumping is retarded and irrelevant. the second part who are the intellectuals u want to call on?

Humans are animals by definition.

This post is so untrue it hurts.

No, intellectuals are mostly schizophrenic sheltered retards repeating whatever the hivemind tells them.
They always pushed every retarded idea, treatment, solution... that would obviously fail after being analyzed by any random person with a bare minimum of intellectual capacity.
At most you can try to explain your idea step-by-step in a very clear and concise manner instead of shoving it into people's asses, but then you have the Retard Question: people are too stupid to distinguish between a good and bad idea, preferring to please their hivemind instead (like the intellectuals).


This creates perverse selections that jeopardize survival in any context except abundance.



Engineers, architects, physicists, surgeons and the like. People who need to geek in truly every method of study to be good at their jobs. I found that this intense decade-long pursuit of knowledge they're used to forms character. The more knowledge you have, the better your personality can become. In an ideal humanity, everyone would become a scholar in at least two fields.

Whole lot of projection

Right lol thats why humans can run down quadriped prey species on the regular.

You are a faux intellectual. I can’t stand phony smarts like you. All pontificating, zero ability to execute. Fucking leeches and charlatans

Absolutely this

I'm a guy, but women want the best men to procreate while we are simply selfish about the matter. Sorry to be blunt. I'm happy I have kids, but not so happy for all the Kuss with bad or absent dads. Aren't you?

>this man-made pill designed in a lab was intended by nature
>millions of years of women being subjugated by men of all races was actually unnatural
Ok retard.

Intellectuals live in their heads without the input of physical reality, allowing them to create delusions that don't actually work.

Intellectuals are reviled by fascists because they're passive creatures. They literally horde wisdom like a hoarder from TLC hoards garbage to never use.

The only good intellectual is a fit athletic intellectual. You can deduce that he at least lives in reality and creates complex though with proper expectations and bounds.


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See thats such a limited view with no social context.

Your don’t seriously believe you are smart do you?

Guilty of autocorrect

Brainwashed corporation-owned faggots should not.
People with real intellect like me should.

I have repeatedly experienced what you are referring too first hand. Agreed. Is there literature that supports those observations? I had never considered there must be.

I believe one can become smart, and that I am already a good bit smarter than the likes of you who loathe and resist by default any sort of change in culture and politics.

No I think the opposable thumbs are very important for building shelter and engineering tools.

Everywhere where women have unrestrained sexual freedom has a below replacement-level birth rate. The inverse is true for highly patriarchal societies. Female control over reproduction is neither natural nor sustainable.

Intellectuals also thought that diseases were caused by miasma for over a century.

Im more inclined to think you are exclusively “smart” enough to rationalize your general uselessness.

What do you do? What can you do? What skills or abilities have you developed? Or do you just pipe off at the mouth?

Also, the rate of one-parent households has increased dramatically since the “sexual revolution”.

Great, now ask the opinions of the bankers on how important their banking services are to humans.

You'll get the same result.

These "climate scientist" scum are political whores, they know where their bread is buttered, and "statistics" like this just prove it.

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The incalculable amount of variables which factor into climate are impossible for us to comprehend much less measure, disseminate and discern each influence with every other corresponding variable affected. It is closer to chaos than picking out a handful of environmental flags and stating such a blanket explanation as fact.

Even the simplest of processes become near chaotic when examined in ever increasingly smaller scale much less planetary. Improvements in data collection with disregard to localized environmental and topographic variables (changed or underreported), coupled with the sheer amount of data collected for comparison antiquates previous data in scope and methodology.

Climatology is political party, which explains the wildly unreasonable reaction to qualified dissension in peer review, refusal of data sharing and dismissal of the need for reproduction when errors and falsifications are present. If it had remained in the scientific realm, it would still be called Meteorology. That every climatologist concurs, what they were taught and are now teaching is fact, means nothing. Experimenter bias can be attributed to much more than a salary in the prestige of fronting humanity saving research in our dire final hour, receiving awards and accolades and earning a prominent place in the regulatory behemoth established to counter the contrived results before they show no fruition. It might just focus data gathering at predetermined locations of concentrated production of the conformational data required.

Check out The Golden One on youtube and instagram. He is one of the best manifestations of athletic and intellectual you'll find. He actually practices the right wing philosophy that he preaches at every level.

Otherwise, for literature, read The Way of Men. It's a short book but it explains that men need 2 qualities
1) Being a good man (virtuous, a diligent citizen, duty)
2) Being good at BEING a man (toughness, raw strength, ability to dish out violence)

Both 1 and 2, if not combined, lead to soft beta faggots who think they're "intellectuals" and "beyond" traditional masculinity, while the other leads to literal nigger-tier criminals and barbaric behavior.

To have both is ideal.

The embedded politics are on display when all importance is placed on halting progress and limiting freedoms instead of countering the perceived effects through their own means of collection, disposal, or production of whatever they imagine will balance things out.

If man's influence on climate change was correctly represented as a hypothesis, it would not currently be the basis for the regulatory systems being devised, causing apoplectic opposition to the devastating economic ramifications and repression of civil liberties. Then research with the removal of politics being of foremost prominence in the exclusion of experimental bias would ensure the integrity of the studies and true consensus can be found.

It's the opposite. Intellectualism is people thinking math equations on a paper is real life. Have you ever noticed intellectuals have been wrong about EVERYTHING? a hard fact is never as good as a simple truth. Can't you instinctually FEEL what is correct? No other animal needs (((intellectuals))) to flourish. Just liberal "men"

>opposable thumbs cannot...
> shelter or engineer tools
uhhh buddy?

OP is mainly right, but the human body has some neat tricks. We absorb nutrients from fruit and veg well, hence we are not obligate carnivores like cats. Onions are deadly to cats and dogs, but fundamental to flavour in cooking. If a rat does not eat for 2 days, it will lose 40% body weight. A human would lose 1 or less. We are very energy efficient. I've done 5 day water fasts no problem. Sure we are inferior to animals in a 1v1 fight, but we aren't solitary creatures.

Know them both. Love Donovan, read all of his books. I was thinking more historical but appreciate the reply.

>The Way of Men
written by that homosexual, right?


that doesn't magically make what he wrote false.

Yep. Read it anyways. Its good

Literally WHO CARES about the faggy environment?
Disgusting bugs everywhere, grass and dirt getting my shoes dirty. Pave it all. So what if the global temperature rises by 1 degree? You can't feel the difference anyway.

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>Aside from our brains, humans are unremarkable

There are three dimensions to human life user. Body, mind, and spirit. While I applaud your willingness to embrace exceptionalism and stick it to the commies, I'm not looking to get plowed by a 'big brain'.

>people who have spent 4-8 years as an adult being told how to think
Seriously though so called intellectuals are some of the worst people to make a descision for you. True they are subject matter experts in their field of study, but outside of thay they are all but worthless. Cant change a tire, dont understand why a sparking outlet is dangerous, they lack the so called common sense.

yes, our ancestors climbed down the trees and started farming crops of course

sorry but no. i'd rather read actual philosophy and and science rather than "dude bronze age pervert said pepe! buy his book"

Absent dads is one of the causes of feminism
I mean we have as many single mothers as never before all to feminism and laws favoring women
Also while concept of women wanting to go for the best match sound good on paper doesn’t equal to a good result in real life
All we have is women going for the chad but in most cases don’t making a kid due to birth controle and later settle with some beta or making a kid and end up largely as single mums
even if they get the best case scenario which would be the genetics of a chad and stability of a beta provider it often results in the beta hating the cuckkid or the beta ruin the chadkid with his views on things
It simply destroys normal working families which are crucial to creat some sort of normal function human being

Because most intellectuals are utter retards.

>opposable thumbs
>cannot build shelter or engineer tools for you, and so forth

What a well defined term thank you for that information

>Literally WHO CARES about the faggy environment?

A true intellect would know this planet is but a temporary asset destined to be destroyed entirely. We need to extract absolutely whatever is required to get off this rock ASAP if our species is to have a future at all. Use it or lose it.

does anybody know a site that lists the deaths/recoveries in USA per day? I know we have the total but i want to create a retroactive graph to see if theres a trend up down or neutral on deaths in usa

Ironic post

nice to know that you're useless as a man.

Only fish and other sea creatures have more endurance than humans , no land animal can compete

A gender term

Do you honestly think they gene pool has improved in the west in the last 80 years? Lmaoooo

>actual philosophy
Holy shit lmao imagine being this uppity about kosher approved thinkers
Kill yourself my man

No fault to find in reading philosophy and science there guy. Your characterization of Donovans work is misinformed,

I could never completely fault someone for not wanting to read a what a faggot wrote, so there is that, but you are missing out.

Endurance is shit compared to raw strength. The spear has always been required to compensate. And that's an invention of the mind.


nigger you sound like a psycho

It tells volumes about the so called "intellectual capacity" of our scientists if so many are that easily bought to push an agenda on bogus "science".


i'm trying to make a model but i can't fucking find americas RECOVERIES anywhere! They have total cases, active cases, and deaths, but no recovery information. I can't create models without recoveries


Because anyone who calls themselves an intellectual is just code for "I am too weak and/or lazy for real work, I have no real life experiences in things I pretend to know about, but I will still sit here in my armchair and tell others what they are doing wrong in life."

Human beings are the equivalent of Rally Drivers. We are the not the best at any individual thing in racing, but we are the best and most consistent overall. Also, we have no idea where we are going

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Find a different thread you fucking moron.

I agree , tho I’d rather trade 30% of raw strength for 30% extra brain if I was a gorilla for example

Yep. I equate them with communists. Soft handed “thinkers” trying to tell me they advocate for the working man, yet they’ve never worked an honest day in their life.

Communists always purge the intellectuals so you're probably right.

Panthers and giraffes are huge compared to humans.

Humans, as animals, are very, very small. What makes humans seem big is their erect posture and disproportionately long hind legs. The human posture also moved a lot of upper body mass down to the legs, which is why apes of similar size seem stronger, because their musculature is focused on the upper body while ours is on the lower body.

Generally the human body has a lot of unique motion ranges that allowed humans to out-compete all animals back when we were animals. This is why Homo Sapiens Sapiens has evolved traits that are only useful for tool use, because that’s how fucking long humans have been on top.

Science is not democratic.

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Intellectuals have been historically important but in the modern era grow more obsolete and self defeating with each passing day. Their sight righteousness will ultimately, and ironically, be the downfall of our species. Intellect is the most overvalued commodity we have to offer...inflated majorly by those who possess it.