Any 30 year old and beyond boomers here? What are some of the beliefs you held when you were a teenager or in your early 20s that changed over time and why? What was important to you back then that isnt now? Would you say the zoomers on this board are going to change their opinions on certain things drastically soon?
Any 30 year old and beyond boomers here...
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When I was a young lad I thought OP wasn't always a faggot. How wrong I was.
I used to think life held nothing for me. It was only after I took responsibility for myself that I learned different.
No particular belief changed. I have become more conservative with age though.
>What was important to you back then that isnt now?
everything, literally nothing matters
I turned 30 2 months ago. Immediately after blowing out the candles I fell to my knees and praised Israel greatest of allies.
I just turned 30, not an wizard, thank God.
I believed Id find a nice girl to marry, how wrong I was...
Don't chase women. Those bitches are retarded. Learn how to be happy with yourself and set goals.
>life weights and just in general work out
>>the increase in T, the good-feeling pain, and the gains will help focus you and the endorphins will give you a better mood, plus your body will literally feel better
>stop drinking beer and prepackaged foods (estrogenic)
>ain't no bitch worth your time, show her that and she might actually wanna fuck you
I was a lolbert but now i'm a "nazi''. I also wasted a lot of my early twenties drinking because I believed I would probably just die of a treatable illness in my mid thirties.
movies and music you thought were profound are actually corny af. the zoomers are going to be cringing at capeshit and soundcloud rappers in a few years
I grew out of nationalism & atheism by my late 20's; the most stupid ideas I have bought into, regret being duped.
i turned into a liberal in the teens and 20s, groomed by liberal media, thinking borders are pointless, that women are equal to men in all aspects, that all people/races are equally capable just that their circumstances make them better/worse, loved the "idea" of race-mixing, thought homosexuals were real and sincere in their cause, once a stupid coomer myself, but now no more of all those.
After Trump's shock election victory and pepe memes, subsequently endless ME wars, refugees and 2016 Cologne rapes i dug deeper into various ideologies and came across pol, been here since and now although i am not sure of NatSoc in today's society, i appreciate many aspects of their rise to power. I don't hate just any jew but I see their motives now more clearly and they have ironically become the actual supremacists themselves. Nignogs I don't hate either but find them annoying most of the time. I hate rather the shitty ideals of today's society and the top level controlling elites as a group.
>What are some of the beliefs you held when you were a teenager or in your early 20s that changed over time and why?
That people couldn't get any stupider and things couldn't get more dumbed down.
Somehow society regressed more.
>What was important to you back then that isnt now?
Critical thought and research.
Open dialogue and willingness to learn and change your mind.
>Would you say the zoomers on this board are going to change their opinions on certain things drastically soon?
We are about to enter global great depression. About to get worse as people entertain themselves through idleness instead of productive things.
Watching an endless stream of tiktoks has replaced learning new ideas and skills.
they really haven't. i've always thought political media was a ridiculous farce. i've always disliked pop culture and people who obsess over it. i've always thought racial equality was a stupid lie. and i hold the same values dear. the only difference is the knowledge i've accumulated. my proclivities have remained largely the same.
The funny thing about zoomers compared to us late millenial 30 yo boomers is that these idiots actually thought they were going to change the world. Nick Fuentes personifies this perfectly but imagine how ridiculous he and the cathcuck larpers are going to look when they realize their meming didnt mean anything.
I used to think there were some good women out there.
>We are about to enter global great depression. About to get worse as people entertain themselves through idleness instead of productive things.
>Watching an endless stream of tiktoks has replaced learning new ideas and skills.
they've been doing that for decades. firefly canceled? an outrage. disney making star wars? an outrage. diminishing educational opportunities from lack of government support and foreign interests? "well hurr durr i don't know about that"
I see now how my own how my own country is a mixture of races from west, east & north, among the aboriginals. I see how still my country is divided on caste/racial lines after millenia. I don't want to see a world full of mixed races without any unique characteristics rather understand the differences and strive independently to improve each one's own countries and societies in peace and co-operation.
One Race, One Language, One religion Utopia seems like a fantasy.
Saving myself for marriage. If you aren't married before you're 20 there is no point. Sure don't go around being a degenerate, but women can smell the inexperience and will pre-judge you beforehand.
Also once you've had it a few times, you no longer think about it and the confidence that comes with sex being something you're up for but don't feel you need to do is empowering. Women don't care if men are virgins or not and in fact many prefer men who seem to have experience.
Based and selfpilled
Was a classical liberal as a teen, I'm a classical liberal now with some retardation in-between. I guess the main thing that changed from early to late 20's is an appreciation for "uncool" ordinary things & for most people in society who work to make a living.
I'm really, really, really proud to be White. I used to get cucked by the idpol, but now I've come to accept the discrepancy between other Races—whose rights to celebrate their heritage I cherish and respect—as perhaps the most vicious evil we perpetuate socially.
I can feel the White blood coursing through my veins. I love it.
> as a fellow white person,
I'm 28 now, but everything just seems so much more tiresome and pointless now than 10 years ago. Nothing matters anymore when you're old unless you have a very low IQ and the mindset of a nigger with base instincts.
57 year old cutoff young boomer here.
When I was in my teens & early 20’s I actually believed America was the greatest country on earth. It was closer then far more than it is now but it was a lie then and it’s always been a lie. Unchecked, unregulated pseudo crony rigged capitalism is the single biggest existential threat to life on earth there is. Over time I began to see the greed and selfishness that was at the core of this country. Organized religion became big business & helped dumb down the country by promoting science denying. America can’t do anything anymore unless profit is involved. Breaking News from me: Not every fucking thing we do has to be done for profit. Anyway, as I got older and began to travel, I learned what a big lie America is and always has been on many levels. One example of many possible should be fresh in everyone’s mind. We’ve been told forever that we have the greatest healthcare system in the world yet there are images of nurses wearing garbage bags for gowns and diapers for masks. This is the reality of 21st century America. Doesn’t have to be this way anons. Wake the fuck up or you will most certainly die screaming, hot and hungry.
pic time stamp from earlier post proving I’ve traveled extensively
>Any 30 year old and beyond boomers here?
stop calling this a boomer, fucking krautroach.
i couldnt stand watching the news or listening to politicians ever since i was a pre-teen because they were obviously all fake people telling lies trying to influence me for whatever reason. Then one day i heard a conspiracy theory about current events and it made more sense than the bullshit non arguments talking heads were using at the time so i fell face first into what eventually turned out to be a rabbit hole of horror.
I still can't stop thinking about women and sex. I'm good looking so it comes easy but damn its hard to settle down.
Living in a place full of Japanese cutie sure doesn't help either
>30 year old
What a miserable age to be at this point in this timeline. Holy fuck is your life going to be shit.
based and pooing in the proper place pilled
>I can feel the White blood coursing through my veins. I love it.
that’s great but you might want to pick up a blood pressure cuff just to be on the safe side
Yeah, I'm 31 now.
With age most people get more fond of the past and pessimist about the future. Even if you know this bias, you'll still feel it and it'll change some opinions.
I don't know why western media doesn't talk more about this and focus only on the 15-to-20 coming of age.
Classic literature has more about it.
36 here. Grew up in the Hudson Valley of New York, 30 miles north of NYC. Told my entire life about the Holocaust, had to listen to "survivors" at school every other month and their bullshit stories about things that never happened. Had affirmative action and black-ction shoved down my throat my entire childhood, despite the town I lived in only having one black family out of 55,000 people.
Work and friends were important when I was a teenager. I worked every day after school until 10pm and rode my skateboard home until I saved up for a car. Gas was $0.89 a gallon when I started driving. I had a girlfriend I lost my virginity to, I took her virginity. No smartphones, no social media besides chatrooms and AIM. Simpler time, zoomers are fucked and doomed. All zoomers have to do is live around the types of people featured in the music videos they watch and they'll change their tune real quick. It didn't take me long to understand while I was being taught to tolerate everyone else, everyone else was taught to hate me and blame me for everything because I am white.
>the 30 year old sextouroomer
Found the English teacher
Don't think you have a lot of time to get your life straight, that's a psyop. Work to improve it every single day.
99% of whatever the gov't/media says is to mislead you.
Learn how to think critically. Even if you're smart, until you understand critical thinking, you're just a sheep. The sooner you understand, the better.
you must have turned 16 in 2000 which means you had probably a max of maybe 2 years of reasonable gas prices before it spiked to 5 bucks a gallon right as you were finishing high school.
Must have felt like a punch in the mouth
If you're conservative in your early 20's, you have no heart.
If you're a liberal in your 30's, you have no brain
I’m 48. When I was a teenager, I was naive enough to think that most women were inherently nice. They are not. I have been a millionaire twice and lost it all twice. I’ve owned millions in property, for no good reason other than to be crippled with the tax. Money, cars, and property are worthless. Do nor be defined by them. All you really need is a TV, a desk, and a comfortable chair. Your legacy is left in how you treat others.
I’m 40 now. I’ve always been based and redpilled. I wish I knew when I was younger what a scam college was, unless you’re going for something highly skilled
Gas was never $5 a gallon in my lifetime, once it was about $4 in 2010 during Obama's presidency. Not a lot of money, still a pain in the ass though.
this is pretty on point
39. I used to believe niggers weren't an invasive species that's stunted humanity.
I used to believe Christianity was cancer to society. Now I understand the alternatives (islam, nig-pop culture) are worse.
Unless you've been waiting for the collapse since high school
t. 28 yo
Based. But I disagree. Owning income property is one of the best things you can do financially. It gives you a great stream of income while you build equity. Sounds like you were over leveraged. Buy it in cash or make large down payments. Never overextend yourself with real estate. It can crush you. You make good points though. Yes always give and be kind to others. God has the final say in this. Only those who heed His word will enter the Gates.
>, literally nothing matters
true in a gay existential sense, but I'm old and the main differences: I don't give a damn what anyone thinks of me, I care very much about my diet, fitness, and health, I manage my finances like there actually might be a rainy day.
That last point is the hardest one. When I was young I was told that if I saved a little money consistently my whole life then old age would be easy. But when I was young I had to have that new "whatever" and never saved anything that I didn't blow within 5 or 10 years.
>Even if you're smart, until you understand critical thinking, you're just a sheep.
What you’re really trying to say is that you have some sort of conspiracy based dystopian worldview and unless and until we share it with you, we’re lost sheep living life based on lies and deception. Got it.
Gas spiked to $7.00 p/gallon the afternoon of 9/11, and the lines were still 100’ long. It was price gouging, but we didn’t care. We thought the world was ending.
>. I’ve owned millions in property, for no good reason other than to be crippled with the tax.
If you really are smart enough to have amassed millions twice and you can't manage taxes then you are an idiot in some fundamental way, like a retarded NBA star who has 30 million today and is bankrupt 5 years later.
34 years old(its my birthady today give me some (you)'s.Dont have a fucking clue in which oomer category i belong. What Ive learned so far and the biggest difference in my pov of the irl, is that when i was in my 20ies i thought you had to be smart and capable, upstanding etc. to make it. Yeah well it turns out thats not the case. Its the most amoral people who make it( in a sense of achiving some good life, although they are usually quite misreable). You just have too be quiet, look right, and say one thing in front people but you dont actually have to believe in it, as long as you make gains. Basically is all about feeling superior to others, which gives these people meaning for their life. I dunno its all a big charade, and 95% are basically larping a irl character. Truth is not important and imo on the long run this will bring the colapse of the society. And we let it happened because we never resisted.
I'm 30, I'm not as idealistic, have less hope for humanity, and I've actually only gotten edgier with age.
I was/am a classical liberal with a live and let live type mindset, but now I wish we'd just go full on imperialist and stick a flag in everything and subvert/destroy anyone dumb enough to stand in our way.
I've lost most of my racism, but still love the jokes/bants
This sounds valuable.
The liberal/conservative dichotomy is outdated. And no, a teenager is no heartless because he's not a libshit. On the contrary he has the courage and integrity to dissent from peer pressure.
I used to be a materialist (in the metaphysical sense) and felt sure that there was nothing beyond this life. I was hedonistic. Wasted a lot of time doing things that seem meaningless now.
In terms of politics I was pessimistic about the future of the country at that age but pretty oblivious to the likelihood of its imminent demise.
Age will mame you conservative and religious.
Lol this
I was a catholic, atheist, nationalist, libertarian, commie, propertarian you name it.
Always certain I had found the truth in these little frog like man made ideologies.
I will not tell you where to find the truth because you wouldn't listen to me anyway.
Religion (muh science)
Saving money
Buying more silver
Never waste time on a hoe
Your 20s are a test and if you fail your fucked for life basically
Buy land fuck cities, choose a job that doesn’t have a set location. Eat healthy in youth and don’t do real drugs or drank over 2 times a week
And wash your penis
I have owned manufacturing companies for 30+ years.
Sometimes, the best-laid plans go off-track through no fault of your own.
Perhaps someday you will be old and mature enough to think critically and empathize with your fellow human. I wish you well.
Women are the niggers of gender
I'm almost 30 in a couple of months I still feel like a retard
I was a liberal and got my news from the daily show and cnn. All my family were liberals. I listened to an episode of infowars and fact check his insaine rants and found truths. So I listened to more episodes and fact checked until I went full blown infowarrior. Cashed out half my 401k for gold and silver in 2015. I swapped from Yas Forums to Yas Forums and changed globalists to jew. Now I'm 33 feeling nostalgic for hitler. I'm married btw with a house and 2 mastiffs ;] Family thinks I'm batshit insaine and hardly speaks to me anymore lol. I just need to stop drinking. Also I found religion. I denounced it in my early 20s and found it again at 29.
I didn't live in Manhattan and probably already had gas in my tank. I was told to leave school by the authorities and my boss called me panicked about not having enough hands to operate the deli I worked at, and told me if I went to work instead of home he'd pay me $350 cash for the day until midnight. Obviously I went to work. I 2wayed my parents on their Nextels and told them that's what I would be doing, and they said "uhhh okay". Simpler times. My parents psychiatric practice was in the Bronx so it was easy for them to get home and just watch the TV crying about that stupid shit.
Coz of course it’s impossible to hold views of both simultaneously.
Fuq’n hate ‘tards like you
I’m pro-science, anti-religion, pro 2A, anti illegal immigration, hate Republicans and centrist Dimwitz, not affiliated with any political party, not on board with the gay agenda but don’t give a shit what they do. Hate globalization, like the concept of the United Nations, anti right wing Israelis, believed the holocaust happened, don’t particularly like blacks as a group but fully realize America is a racist country. What am I brainlet?
Happy birth(you). I get what you're saying, but I don't think you have to be a hollow piece of shit to make it. I haven't made it, but I gladly accept the consequences of my choices, so maybe I'm not well placed to give advice. But you can have integrity, be at peace with yourself, it doesn't mean you can't make monayz.
>Guzzling beers is manly.
Now guzzling beers is niggrish
Why is that? If anything people in their early 20s are going to be the ones having the most difficulty on account of all the hiring freezes, being unable to start/continue their studies, debt obligations start their lives outside the parental household, etc.
What's your suggestion, wake up and do what? Vote for a party that represents corporate interests and another that regularly partakes in voter disenfranchisement in favor of those same corporate interests?
I thought it hit over $5 during the Iraq war which rekt all the soccer moms in their giant SUVs but on the other hand it was a long time ago.
I wonder if the 911 thing was regional gouging? I don’t remember hearing about it but a lot of shit was going on that day
P.S. Read my post again. I never said I lost anything to a tax debt; I have not. I only said that at times I have been enslaved by it. No ones sole reason for living should ever be to pay taxes.
>Perhaps someday you will be old and mature enough to think critically and empathize with your fellow human.
Could you go into detail how your multi-million dollar properties couldn't cover taxes, and why all the other small, medium, and large businesses manage to pay their taxes? And no bullshit about how they all cheat. Try to give us a clue as to what your major screwup was, and if you don't have any idea as to how YOU caused your failure, then you are indeed stupid and no one should empathize with someone for being stupid. This is not leddit.
>30 year old
do you even generation bro?
or does boomer just mean anyone not still pissing their diaper now?
>I only said that at times I have been enslaved by it. No ones sole reason for living should ever be to pay taxes.
Ok, so you are an idiot. Thanks for playing, and your lies were fascinating. You aren't Wayne Lambright by any chance are you? He claims to have earned millions and then someone took them from him.
Maybe $5gal in yerOpoor countries per gallon.
You are a short little dude, right?
happy birthday you slovenely fellow
>Unless you've been waiting for the collapse since high school
Why? Do you think it’s going to be fun or something? I too want to see it out of a strong hatred for greedy humans in general but I’m closer to the end than the beginning and financially fine with assets I own outright, no kids or real responsibility and my wife and I have professional depression proof jobs.
Your life will be hell, a struggle to survive. You have many years in front of you unless you KYS. By the time you’re my age, after a hellish decades long struggle and doing without, the climate will try to kill you.
So, I ask again...think it’s going to be fun?
Thanks for telling me shit i dont care to know. Calm down, jack. Its just a saying my gandpap used to tell me. No need to get your diaper in a bunch
When I was in my twenties I was broke. Now I make a lot of money but I am still broke. I used to like 19 year olds when I was 19 and I would have sex with them. Now I like 19 year olds buts they dont want to have sex with me.
Thought everyone should get along, thought nigs could be tamed, thought some things were meant to be, thought liberals helped people in the long term...
Realize some people suck, most blacks are feral, you get nothing good without work and luck, liberal
gibmedats just condition future failure and taxation makes middle class poor
i put all my money into my sportbike. its all i have and taking it to the track is more liberating than anything this superficial world with its fake ass shit could ever offer. it almost makes me feel alive
You have no value as a human being. Enjoy your worthless, lonely existence, garden gnome.
When I was younger I thought you could relax around blacks now I know better.
I used to suspect that "legacy" doesn't matter, now at 33 i am certain of that. nobody gives a fuck about you and you will be forgotten in ridiculously short time frame after you croak. unless you become a president of some relevant country and even then ... who was the president of China before Xi Jiping? Exactly.
Oh also I used to think people are making choices, they definitely don't, universe is 100% deterministic.
What does pro science mean?
Just be nice to people. Do things for them. Volunteer. Build them houses. You will be remembered.
>hon hon le no undercomprende al-ironic usaje
arf arf arf epene meimei my expotto Cousine