Why are americans so retarded that they won't switch to the metric system?
Why are americans so retarded that they won't switch to the metric system?
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It makes yuropoors mad. That's the only reason.
The average American brain is so retarded and underdeveloped from poor diet and hygiene that they can only understand retarded systems of measurements.
Why does almost everyone know english? America.
You idiots only know multiples of 10. How many tablespoons in a quart, you fuck.
Brisket is 100% unadulterated kike garbage. If you like it, youre a kike puppet
who cares what we measure things with. Why are you seething about 6 feet. Your pic is just a joke but your post is just so mad and your meme flag please kill yourself tonight and put me in your suicide note
stfu you fish eating savage, probably hard for you to appreciate anything that isn't a fucking whale
Unironically black people. We wanted to switch in the 70s, but they thought it would confuse older people and young minorities.
Don't blame black people for what fat, disgusting, tattooed, greasy, ugly American whites did.
"Muh counting by 10 system is too complex for the Americans"
you are just retarded
Some countries use the metric system others go to the moon to each their own
>Why are americans so retarded that they won't switch to the metric system?
Because that would cost a lot of money to do so.
t. never had barbecue
Because unlike in your homeland Europoor, meat is plentiful here, so we prefer it as a unit of measure.
My work was putting up posters recommending to keep 2 dog lengths away, as of course, all Canadians are intimately familiar with the size of a proper dog.
How come Euros don't understand the advantage of fractions?
It would be truly American if they measured in BBC
Let me check quick who won the most noble prizes, put the man on the moon, made the atomic bomb, the internet, and countless other scientific contributions, oh wait a second
I have no idea how far this is, can you fags use real measurements like football fields?
Because we still enjoy using a system of measurement that revolves around the human body instead of retarded numbers you just pulled out of your asses
because everything is calibrated by the imperial system and would take years of time and money to convert it over
The fact that we understand and use both seems like an advantage to me.
sorry you brainlets can't figure out how to divide by numbers other than ten. we're just fine, thanks. fuck off.
Inches, feet, pounds, cups are useful in everyday life.
Even the most filthy dumb white is better then a nigger
Fakest shit ever
Nobel price winnings have become a poor mark of success since Swedish fags started to use it as a political tool to help those who drive their ideology
this. I use imperial for alot of things. A foot is about exactly the length from my elbow to wrist bone, it makes it easy for imprecise quick and dirty measurements.
For anything scientific and precise though Ill use metric. Especially for really small stuff
>Texans are solely responsible for taking a cheap cut of beef used primarily in Jewish cold cuts and other dishes, and making it one of the most expensive cuts of the cow and basically 10000x more expensive to kike communities.
We would need to change every single traffic sign in america. We would need to recall alot of american cars still operating under the imperial system that lack km on the speedometer
We use them both dildo.
I'll admit that a base 10 system is psychologically satisfying, but calling something 44.5mm is just as arbitrary as calling something 1 3/4in our superior system.
A mile is basically a kilometer only it’s a lot longer. A yard is essentially a meter only a little bit shorter. Same goes for all weights and measurements. Not sure why I should switch.
Physics researcher here - we tend to use whatever measurement system happens to be most convenient for a given context. I quite happily slip in and out of measuring temperature in F, C, K, or eV, measuring pressure in Atm, PSI, Pa, or Torr, measuring distances in m, ft, yd, mi, km, ly, pc, λde, etc etc etc depending on what's convenient in the moment.
The right tool for the right job - it makes no sense pulling out a meter stick for a woodwork project when an imperial ruler will get the job done and be easier to quickly divide the cuts up with, nor giving a weather report in a scale based on water phase changes when your main concern is "on a scale of 0 to 100 do I need a sweater today?"
You realize we learn both right
Imagine being such a retard that you find it easier to visualise 11 bricks rather than a measly 2 meters.
For what reason? I don't see the point in switching to a different system when we are all used to the one we use now.
I'd point out there is literally nothing but habit preventing people from using "millimiles" or "kilopounds"
Tell me what a foot is.
Tell me what a meter is.
Divide a foot between three people.
Divide a meter between people.
Or better yet, seethe over your assumed superiority.
thems fightin words partner
Stay mad third worlder
That just means more jobs would be created.
Exactly. Whats more, any dipshit can eyeball 2 feet. Eyeballing 60 centimeters is autism
What's wrong? Your brain can't visualize larger numbers?
Eleventy too
Meter :
The length of a pendulum that swings at a 1 second interval.
>We're retarded
>Durr, I can't remember number unless it's divisible by ten
12 inches
4 inches
33.3... cm
was that really too hard for your brain
These are done for fun and also its an object you've seen a lot of times and have a rough estimation as to how big it would be.
Imagine making all the best tools and technology in the word and then having to make a whole other set of them because retards can’t get over the Jewish metric system
>Nobel Peace Prize
The standard system is more appropriate for day to day use. Fahrenheit for example, better captures the variation in a day's temperature.
No, but you show the fractional inferiority of your supposed superior system.
I appreciate that this infrograph is inclusive to Mexicans by including bricks
Are you suggesting America spread the e the English language?
My brain can visualise actual measurements rather than arbitrary bullshit like bricks and sausage links.
Not telling people to stay 54 Chinese inches apart.
You forgot the tough one
>higher levels of precision is a bad thing
don't bother replying
Americans use imperial, metric and novelty object units. Are europoors too stupid to use more than one system of measurement?
ill stab you with bullets bitch
OP you wont watch this, but its why youtube.com
it has to do with math and geometry
the base 10 system is soulless and revisionist
Lol not using bald eagles per donuts. What?are you some sort of faggit.