Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Danke Merkel Ausgabe

Sit back and listen to Daddy DAX giving you the rundown of the coming calamity

>Election analysis 2014-2019

>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
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>English language analysis

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>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

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erstmal den schnaps kaufen gehen

Attached: closing door.gif (400x296, 443.48K)

Unironisch basiert

aber ist das nicht eigentlich haram also verboten für unsere neubürger?

Sieh,er integriert sich.
Mit was glück ist das in zehn jahren ne völlig adäquate Asi-Tv konforme Ronny-Schnapsleiche statt nem Musel

Boah Leute? Der is build for blonde German Girl.

No, not black enough.

>+++ 13:42 Wirtschaftsverbände fordern offene Grenzen +++
muh economy

>local electronics store has a nigger as trainee
>almost every social media post includes (((Peter)))
>this one looks like it could be Yas Forums satire but it's real
>german soja manchild wants to know if they have a bus simulator game available
>german boomer milf wants to fuck the nigger
Just nuke us already!

Attached: Clownwelt.png (1598x842, 1.96M)

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I'm so fucking done with this world.

Attached: Peter.png (1500x857, 1.63M)

Lmao Gutbürger are absolutely disgusting.

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It's literally like the fucking stonetoss comic! Which headphones?

Attached: Burgers?.png (1000x1000, 126K)

>Government assures the public that people won't lose their jobs because of the lock-down
>People start to lose their jobs because of the lock-down

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"Hitler ist zurück", muh AfD is bad. Nice lyrics lmao Truth really doesn't matter anymore, just repeat the lie often enough.
>Alle Einnahmen des Songs werden an die Amadeu Antonio Stiftung gespendet, die sich für die Hinterbliebenen und Überlebenden des Anschlags von Hanau einsetzt.

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Who gives a shit? A "Job is something you just discard and get a new one when this is over. Not being able to consoom for month or two isnt going to kill you.

From where is this snapchat/whatever?

Kek, fucking manlet
t. 6'2

>Yes Im right-wing how could you tell
Seriously why do right-winger love to wear these?

Attached: Pullover Reisverschluss.jpg (342x395, 10.95K)

Peter is looking sharp tho, good addition to the gene pool

Unironically kys

Because they're practical and comfy.

Leute, meine Haare werden langsam echt zu lang. Wenn das so weiter geht, bring mich das echt irgendwann runter, so ungepflegt umher zu laufen.

Wie geht ihr mit dem Haar-Problem um?

>no Kapuze

Impractical. Schleich di ...

It's a tiktok and her username is in the picture.

This is a small city ffs, 15 years ago you could only find a handful of turks here.


Unsere Vorfahren hatten doch alle lange Haare und Bärte, schau dir mal ein Gemälde von Hermann dem Cherusker an. Erst die Christcucks haben die Mönchsglatze gebracht.

>"free palestine!"
>"this is our country"
>"we were here first!"
>"jews should leave"

>almans say same in germany
>"y-you nazi, how dare you fight for your homeland"

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War erst im Januar beim Friseur also habe ich noch keine Probleme.

Ich bin noch kurz vor der Ausgangssperre zum Friseur gegangen also geht es noch, kauf dir eine Rasiermaschine und trimm dir die Haare selbst.

believe if only ppl such as him would migrate here, everything would be fine (given that we'd also get 50/50 womyn)

wer schneidet dir die Haare? Du dir selbst? Oder jemand anderes?

Oh ok, bin ein 21 Jahre alter Boomer

1fach Seiten schneiden und Hitlerjugendhaarschnitt

>Herrmann hatte lange haare
We was a roman soldier so he probably had 2/3 of his life short hair and a shaved face.

Attached: Arminus.jpg (470x600, 34.99K)

Kill yourself

TikTok. I took the screenshot yesterday. The platform is interesting because the trends are more organic and democratically driven.
A big trend right now is "white man's whore". Niggers, spics and Asians will post compilations or pics of themselves posing with white man and a caption like "my ancestors looking down on me when I've become the colonizer's little whore".

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck off with your facts 'n sheeiiiiit.

>Unironically not using the perfect time to let your hair grow as wildly and long as possible

Yeah I've seen enough of those screenshots on Yas Forums already.


des wa desaibe wia beim scharzen block

mit dem linken gschwerl hama nix zdoan

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I'm unironically seething when I hear some shitskin say Alman. Intensifies my desire to cleanse the country.

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Eine süße schwarze Petra würde ich schon nehmen als gf.

Take it like the niggers.
Can't hurt you when use it as a racial slur

A Puzn is praktisch, des loss a ma net nehma weng dem linkn Gsindl! Und jo i hob des a scho mit da Lederhosn zsam tragn! :D

Attached: Entlausungsmittel.png (686x560, 182.48K)

Enjoy your retarded kids christcuck.

Think I'm more seething because most people don't mind it or find it funny. You even see Germans use it like the cucked degenerates they are. You're right though.

I simply shaved myself and now I am bald. Just do it, nobody will see it when you are at home.

>I'm unironically seething when I hear some shitskin say Alman

Piefke ... :3

Attached: austrian.jpg (268x301, 20.39K)

>Und jo i hob des a scho mit da Lederhosn zsam tragn! :D
Die arme Lederhose.

Außerdem hast du dich wahrscheinlich dedoxxt. Wie viele Mikrobiologen in Österreich gibt es, die gerne Kapuzenpullis tragen?

Attached: cringe.jpg (1200x1200, 47.36K)

>Die arme Lederhose

Geh die hoit des scho aus!


Warst du jemals in an Labor?

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Based. Been buzzing my head down to 3mm for years now. Started because I grew a small bald spot. Why hang on to it, I just blitzkrieg'd my head. Short hair is extremely comfy. That feel when you step out of the shower and hair is immediately dry.

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Expect empty shelves again
>Warst du jemals in an Labor?
no desu

Attached: Hamster.png (718x566, 640.1K)

>implying you wouldn't

Attached: 88330.jpg (718x718, 89.32K)

That's a german

These neo-Germans don't look like they are Syrians

Meh, maybe pump n dump but even then, you have the problem of STDs.

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Kapuze is practical there if you are working with samples or bacteria that should not be contaminated with hair or dandruff. Better than wearing a stupid hair net or OP-Haube all day. Also nice for those who smoke during winter.


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>You even see Germans use it
that`s so fucked up. just like german kids speaking `kanakish`

really gets my blood boiling

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Hey Tay I found a meme that you won't like.

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I realize she looks okay for a mutt, but she's really unattractive to me. Racemixing is mostly a function of an adaptive reproductive strategy. Your brain will broaden the attractive mating pool if it thinks you won't reproduce otherwise. That's why you see so many wimps with Asians. Same reason why fetishes like c*ckoldry have been booming. Just signs of men growing uncompetitive and weak.

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