@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
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>TrumpTweet: Paycheck Protection Program 4/3/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/3/20
>Pres Trump meets w/Energy Sector CEOs 4/3/20
>Team Trump ONLINE! 4/3/20
>2ndLady Karen on Suicide Prevention 4/3/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on America 1st w/Gorka 4/3/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on Dobbs 4/3/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/3/20
>LabSec Scalia on Bloomberg 4/3/20
>LabSec Scalia on FoxNews 4/3/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/3/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxNews 4/3/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/3/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on Tucker 4/3/20
>JCSChair ArmyGen Milley on FoxNews 4/3/20
>ActNavySec Modly on HughHewittShow 4/3/20
>AFSec Barrett on mission readiness during Corona-chan 4/3/20
>CDCVideo: How to Make Your Own Face Covering 4/3/20
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Why the fuck do I have to pay taxes to get trump bucks
Taxes are complicated as FUCK and cost aIot that I dont have
Dosent that seem really FUCKING UNFAIR
>cost aIot that I dont have
you can probably do a 1040ez on turbotax for free niggy
Should have voted Yang
I don’t think you even have a job
>axes are complicated as FUCK and cost aIot that I dont have
underage detected
I literally just turned 18, and dont have a job.
How the fuck am I supposed to do taxes with NO INCOME
I am tired of Trump's incompetance. We need a strong and decisive leader like Mike Cernovich to lead us through this crisis. No more half baked measures. It's time to go all in, like Hitler did he he crushed the weimar insects. HUZZZZAH!!!!
what the fuck is the OP pic?
This is a lot of cases and deaths
What did Deus Ex say about China?
you dont pay taxes if you dont have any income, and that is also why you are not entitled to trumpbux. we're just getting our own money back. you dont have any money so you dont get anything.
then you're probably still a dependent and your parents will get money
trump bux and a fucking free for all they're supposed to be a sort of compensation for lost wages and shit
>Pay into system which is supposed to benefit you (yeah yeah, "supposed to")
>Shit happens and your income is affected
>System gives you some of your money back
Yeah, totally unfair.
>voting for a literal Manchurian candidate
>worldwide cases: 1 million
Thats like 0.01% of the world what a fucking nothingburger lmao
should have gotten a part time job at 16 to learn about the real world. Get over it and start working. You're like all those idiots on Molymeme show who complain that X is hard or unfair or contemplate solutions without ever acting. Start looking for a solution, right fucking now until you find it!!
One quarter of all cases are in America because Americans have made terrible decisions about being unsanitary and preparedness.
>Europe seething so hard over the US overtaking them in total deaths that they're trying to blow us out in per capita deaths
It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays out
That they are tasked with spreading the virus
reparations for what? saving them from the barbaric arab slave trade and bringing them to a country where they can excel if they'd stop being dirty niggers?
So kids get $500 for free and because I JUST turned 18 and have no job I get NOTHING?
you can convince a faggot to believe anything if you make an anime girl say it
Just got tot he IRS website and file a 1040ez you retarded nigger. It takes five minutes
still a nothingburger, kys
Stfu. I have no car and live in the middle of rural arkansas. I CANT get a job
kids get nothing, their parents get extra for having kids. you should get a job and have kids.
This will cost tens of trillions of dollars from all sources and result in up to a quarter of a million deaths in America, greatly endangering Trump's chances of reelection.
then you should be toiling on the family farm and getting an official income. If you're not declaring it its your own fault.
Refer to Brainlet.
Bill Clinton was born in a log cabin in rural arkansas and did his math homework on the back of a shovel with a piece of charcoal and look where he is now
That’s the gayest OP image in the history of /ptg
OP, you should feel ashamed.
You get nothing because you're basically retarded and useless
No, not talking about you not having a job
You are confusing the chinese with the americans. What did Deus Ex say about China? It's right on the beginning.... I just can't remember it properly...
I'm not a farmer, syrup guzzling faggot
>Doesn't know how jobs work
>Calls others brainlet
This is a fun saturday morning.
Ok keep shilling faggot lmao
I cant get a job because I live in the middle of fucking NOWHERE with no car
You could drive for Uber
Suck a dick
THE LUMINOUS PATH IS CLOSED TO GWIELO also good morning friend.
Desu Ex has a tremendous amount of story about lots of things, I'm not sure which discussion or quote you are looking for.
>Essentially untouched by world events, China has emerged as a world leader. One of the reasons for China's rise was their unrestricted development and use of augmentation which made them a world leader in augmentation technology, while nations like the United States had many opposing the new technology. China in 2027 is very similar to modern-day China.
>However, by 2052 Communist China remained the only world government to keep itself completely autonomous from United Nations control
>Hong Kong, though a part of the Chinese/Majestic 12 empire, remains more chaotic than one might think. Though repression is extreme, the urge for freedom is strong and thriving black markets keep Hong Kong's tradition of free trade and entrepreneurism alive and well.
>By 2027, China appears to have annexed North Korea. On a world map that appears in The Missing Link, China is shown with North Korea as a province.
Bill Clinton only got there because charisma,
This may be the lowest iq post I've seen on Yas Forums this hour
Did someone teach a nigger to type?
Also I remember you saying Desu Ex was kind of whatever discussions about politics and the future but it is even more relevant to the situation today. Do your recant your statements made?
Those are consequences from mistakes you made years ago. Being prepared takes some foresight. I won't bother arguing anymore with you since its clear you don't intend to change. No Trump coursier is coming with trumpbux to save you. Deal with it.
That makes no sense.
America owes the world reparations for it's war crimes, and it's going to be funny watching it pay for them.
The enormous cost and death toll of this virus means that it is, in actuality, a somethingburger.
But its true, taxes cost thousands and I dont have a job, AND I just turned 18
It's not fair.
>I'm a literal worthless retard
Yeah the media causing a panic sire fucked up the economy, still waiting on those deaths and why the fuck am I replying to the trancap fag
The objective of multinational/international organizations is the creation of a world government for the control of the global population and means of production by international elites.
Is it still two weeks
They give you the car
How could you know I have no intent to change? especially with this new information
If the American media was state owned the severity of the situation would still be extremely serious and the public would likely want protections and restrictions. The amount of deaths, which are going to be large, increase by the day.
>which are going to be large
Doubt it
I dont think they would in rural Arkansas LMAO
Thanks for the help fellas, gave me a lesson of how corrupt this country this
Because you're making excuses instead of formulating a plan to get an income and a car to move. Literally anything. Sell shit on eBay for fuck sake. You are fucking stupid.
It’s a lesson on why you should have a job, nigger
The estimated death toll is anywhere from 100k-250k. Perhaps the estimates will be beat but it is almost certain to exceed regular flu deaths.
thieving cunts and a central pillar of the niggerluminati.
Irhe flu has already killed tens of thousands more this year
>but it is almost certain to exceed regular flu deaths.
bros whenever i google @realdonaldtrump on jewgle, i see his twitter posts but they also post his wikipedia stats on the side.
a couple months ago his net worth was 4.1 billion, then it went to 3.1 billion, and today it is 2.1 billion.
How can Trump be losing money when he is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?????
The amount of deaths in America from SARS is almost sure to exceed deaths from flu within a few months, possibly in less than a months time.
Yes SARS in America will almost certainly kill more people than flu if the estimates are at all accurate.
Only liberals are socially distancing, hand sanitizing, or wearing masks.
You should still be going out. Ignore any government orders about the disease. Don’t be a weak liberal.
The only death I care about is yours, Kill yourself tranny faggot
> The objective of multinational/international organizations is the creation of a world government for the control of the global population and means of production by international elites.
Interestingly enough, and most people don't realize, is that
> The globalist system of multinational companies and supranational unelected organizations is effectively the implementation of socialism, except the class that is "united" is "the ruling class" instead of the "working class".
Spencerpedes call it "the jews", Occupy crowd call it "the 1%", feminists call it "the Patriarcy", Groypers call it "the globohomo" and the conservatives call it "communists" but all in all they are all the manifestation of the same group
> Rootless international and supranational elites whose common goal is to monopolize the decision making on a global scale and to advance their own group to the detriment of any other be it family, community, nation or country
Also it's Caturday, post cats.
It's right in the beginning.... The quote from inside the "liberty" tower... It's almost there...
That’s how bad the stock market is doing under trump.
I cant get a job
Remember to go to church tomorrow. It is important that tomorrow, or all days, you go.
You have legs. You can walk. Get a bike.
Just a reminder 10 million Americans were laid off by their jew overlords in 2 weeks because 80+ year olds were dying because they were old and unhealthy.
Making excuses for living in the middle of nowhere and having no car?
The American public cares about the American death toll and so should you if only for the reason that they vote.
You're essentially correct but their marxist attitudes in all of those named devils of each group is very apparent. There's no global force for family values and preservation of nation states.
still 3k+ up from Onigger
>Cuomo is trash for not buying ventis in 2015
>Trump is awesome even though he said we wouldn't need that many ventis three weeks ago
I can't walk 8 miles to the nearest town daily, also with Corona the job market is fucked
Trump did it.
How have you survived up to this point? Parents kick the bucket on your 18th birthday?
Just steal some shit, go to prison and suck off tyrone for ciggies and extra slop
Please contract SARS and die and in the process infect your whole family and dog and kill them all too then your land is sold to jews who build a garbage dump on it
What is this game?
all the churches are broadcasting online with nobody there,
cuomo was crying saying they didn't have any and then later admitted that actually that had thousands in reserve
>laid off
Many of them were simply furloughed. I’m one of those 10 million. I still have a job once the gay county judge lets business reopen
If We're going to spend 2 trillion why not spend 350 trillion?
when you fight, it guarantee's they stay to bug the shit out of you, keep mindful on what you want, and not on what you don't want. If you want to LOVE the enemy think of it as a lesson they just taught you, not to respond to em. (I am not saying I block them, I am showing I can)
I expected that dribble from a leaf
I hope everyone here suffers as I have been all my life
move to stockton ca, i hear its great
>Did someone teach a nigger to type?
If you need money in the mean time it would be wise to seek other forms of earning money in temp/surge employment created by the situation. Many people simply believe they will weather the situation unscathed if they sit around and do nothing but it is not so.
I think America has done enough for black people honestly.
Not all of them. You can still find churches that haven’t fallen for this liberal hoax.
How about trying real advice you fucking yokel